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"Complete incompetence": Reaction to police statement defending caution handed to road rage assault driver; Josh Quigley smashes day one of cycling distance record attempt; Tour de France film; Richmond Park crash driver fined + more on the live blog

Dan Alexander is the man behind the Tuesday live blog keeping you up to date with anything and everything in the world of cycling
14 September 2021, 16:04
A reader comment that sums the situation up nicely...

Top marks to nniff for succinctly capturing the mood: "I think that the reason that so many of us are very dissatisfied with this is that I most of us have encountered comparable behaviour; perhaps not the direct physical contact, but certainly the verbal aggression and use of a vehicle to intimidate and threaten."

We've just recorded the next episode of the podcast, so keep an eye (and ear) out for that if you want to hear us rambling about the video (spoiler alert: there's also an interview with Andy Cox, whose comment above we featured yesterday)...

14 September 2021, 14:06
Levenshulme LTN filters to be made permanent
Levenshulme LTN (via Councillor Angeliki Stogia on Twitter)

Manchester City Council has announced 14 LTN filters in Levenshulme are to be made permanent. You might remember back in January when vandals filmed themselves ramming the planters off the road. The community rallied to repair the damage and Chris Boardman said vandals wouldn't intimidate the cause.

The 14 that remain survived the initial consultation, which saw 11 removed last year following feedback from locals. Phase 2 of the trial was successful and the council says it will look for additional locations to support the existing ones, as well as other traffic calming measures across Levenshulme and Burnage.

14 September 2021, 13:42
Cheer yourselves up on a grey Tuesday...Have I Got News For You uses Xander Graham to take a pop at Piers Morgan


14 September 2021, 13:12
Raudax Rapha fakes

Right...I'd wager 90 per cent of riders wouldn't even notice it says Raudax not Rapha...I'm just surprised these weren't in the Aldi Specialbuys we saw yesterday.

14 September 2021, 12:03
James Shaw earns another crack at the WorldTour, according to Dutch media reports

A post shared by James Shaw (@jamesshaw96)

James Shaw may well have finished in the top ten at the Tour of Britain without the stage three team time trial. Regardless, the 26-year-old has earned another shot at the WorldTour and will be riding for EF Education-Nippo next year, according to Wielerflits.

Shaw finished fifth on the brutal Pennines stage to Gateshead and has consistently impressed at Continental level since perhaps unfairly losing his World Tour spot with Lotto-Soudal at the end of 2018.

He was fifth at the Tour of Norway and Tour of Slovenia this year and finished in the top five of stages at both races.

14 September 2021, 11:47
British Cycling announces strong squad for UCI Road World Cycling Championships in Flanders
British Cycling GB Flanders 2021 (British Cycling)

British Cycling has announced the squad of 30 elite, under-23 and junior riders who will travel to Flanders for next week's UCI Road World Championships. Lizzie Deignan is joined by Anna Shackley, Alice Barnes, Anna Henderson, Pfeiffer Georgi and Joss Lowden for the women's road race. Georgi and Lowden will also do the time trial.

Maddie Leech, Millie Couzens, Flora Perkins and Zoe Bäckstedt have been selected for the junior women's road race. Dan Bigham, Alex Dowsett, John Archibald, Joss Lowden, Alice Barnes and Anna Henderson will all take to the start ramp for the strong-looking mixed team time trial squad.

On the men's side of things Tom Pidcock, Ethan Hayter, Ben Swift and Mark Cavendish are just four of the cards GB can play. The hilly course will likely be too tough for Cav, but the Manxman can play a support role alongside Connor Swift, Jake Stewart, Fred Wright and Luke Rowe. What a team.

Hayter is following up his Tour of Britain second place by also taking on the time trial, along with Dan Bigham.

Performance director Stephen Park told the BBC: "The Road World Championships are a key feature for the Great Britain Cycling Team's road squad and it will be great to see the likes of Mark [Cavendish] and Lizzie [Deignan] bring their form and experience into a team keen to do the jersey proud and bring back medals.

"It will be interesting to see how the elite men's road race plays out, too - based on what we know about the course and with so many riders in top form, we've made the decision not to go with one team leader, giving us a number of options as the race plays out."

14 September 2021, 11:35
Surrey traffic cops doing what they do best...schooling ignorant drivers on road safety

In amongst all the criticism for Wiltshire Police's response there's been some good educational policing going on. Surrey Roads Policing Unit, as usual, has lead the way on informing motorists online about safe pass practice.

Operation Dragoon, Northumbria Police's road safety op has also been at it...

This second video attracted plenty of praise...but also the usual anti-cycling sentiment. Thankfully, the Surrey Police admin was on hand to do what they do best...

14 September 2021, 09:59
Driver involved in shocking Richmond Park crash which left cyclist in hospital handed a fine and six penalty points

Back in February we shared the story and subsequent calls to ban motor traffic from Richmond Park after a crash saw a cyclist taken to hospital with facial injuries. At the time questions were asked about how such severe damage could have happened in a 20mph zone?

Royal Parks Police confirmed the driver appeared at Lavender Hill Magistrates' Court and pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention. He was ordered to pay a £150 fine, costs of £100 and a victim surcharge of £34. He also received six penalty points on his licence.

Royal Parks Police said the entire incident was caught on the driver's dash cam and the force's Twitter account gave more details on the incident: "The driver failed to see a cyclist as he pulled out of the junction with Ham Cross, with the cyclist hitting the side of the car. After the collision, the driver has mistakenly hit his accelerator instead of the brake.

"This caused him to pull away at speed down into Ham Dip, where he then collided with solid metal barriers, narrowly missing the trees. The driver was believed to have been doing about 5mph at the time of the collision with the cyclist."

14 September 2021, 09:40
Another epic cycling endurance achievement...'The Amazing Chase'

Following in Lachlan Morton's tyre tracks, Jack Thompson successfully beat the Tour de France to Paris back in July having given those lazy pros a week's head start. In a lovely piece of timing, Thompson is also the current holder of the seven-day distance record Josh Quigley's out to beat this week...

Wahoo Fitness were the official supporters of the Tour challenge and filmed this cracking short documentary following his progress.

14 September 2021, 09:08
Josh Quigley smashes day one of cycling distance record attempt

Josh Quigley's latest record attempt is up and running...the ultra-endurance cyclist is having a second crack at the seven-day cycling distance world record. He unfortunately had to pull out of the first attempt back in April after succumbing to some nasty knee pain. 

Yesterday was day one of the effort, which he'll be riding entirely on the same circuit in Aberdeenshire. Josh racked up 352 miles on the opening day. To 99.9 per cent of us that would be an all-time big day out. Now try six more days back-to-back... 

We'll all be hoping Josh can finally get some good luck out on the road. His 2019 round-the-world attempt ended when he was seriously injured by a driver in Texas. On the same trip his bike was stolen...and he was fined for riding through Bedford town centre. Someone needs to stop smashing mirrors...

14 September 2021, 08:50
The pro cycling story of the weekend...

You can keep your qualifier US Open win without dropping a set. Has Emma Radacanu ever attacked the breakaway at the Tour of Britain? Didn't think so. Only joking of course...what odds on Xander Graham to win the Tour by 18? Finish your exams and get out to France, lad...

14 September 2021, 07:55
"Complete incompetence": Reaction to police statement defending caution handed to road rage assault driver

Some of you might have seen that Wiltshire Police got back to us last night with a statement on the video of a driver punching a Swindon Wheelers member and knocking another to the ground with their car. The driver was handed a caution...which the police force said was in line with national policy.

The reaction has continued to roll in, with many even more bewildered by the case having heard Wiltshire Police's official line. Chris on Twitter questioned the "no injury" claim: "A black eye isn't 'no injury', even ignoring all the other offences committed (as @wiltshirepolice appear to be)."

Dee McCrossan compared placed the driver's actions in a different context and questioned if the outcome would have been the same..."Crazy. If someone throws hands like this outside pubs/clubs they get charged with assault...Not to mention the assault with a vehicle on his partner...beyond words."

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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brooksby | 3 years ago

So was Xander Graham that kid in the skinsuit and aero helmet hammering it along the pavement while the race leaders were going past?  Who got passed a bidon by the leader?

I thought that was brilliant  4

AlsoSomniloquism replied to brooksby | 3 years ago

Yes it was. The reply tweet to HIGNFY was the best though

"He's white and male, I doubt Piers has the remotest interest in suggesting he does things differently."

Dicklexic | 3 years ago

Once again Surrey Roads Policing Unit showing how it should be done. Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit however have some way to go to catch up. Anyone else feel this particular post is a bit 'victim shamey'?

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Dicklexic | 3 years ago

Wow. Compare and contrast the response from Surrey on someone advocating all cyclists should wear Hi-Viz. 

Also the famous "cycling friendly " WMP one has decided old car drivers are vulnerable road users according to their poster.

Awavey | 3 years ago

Is that really a good team GB have picked for the worlds ? Barring the juniors/u23 as they always spring a random result, I cant believe they are really expecting any medals.

Zazz53 replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

Check out the results from the Junior European Track Champs a few weeks ago - if the GB team win anything I don't think it will be random!  Confession - Flora Perkins beasted  me up Tourmalet when she was 13 🥲

Awavey replied to Zazz53 | 3 years ago
1 like

Maybe not random then,just very hard to predict,and then there doesnt seem to be this natural progression through for them in the following years.

bobinski | 3 years ago

CPS guidance on administering a caution:

Views of the Victim

Before a simple caution (or a Conditional Caution is given) it is important to establish where appropriate and possible what the victim's views about the offence are and the proposed method of disposal. It will be important to consider the nature and extent of the harm caused and whether any form of compensation could be paid. If so, a Conditional Caution might be preferable to a simple caution.

Victims' views although important cannot be the deciding factor. That decision must be made by the decision maker in the light of all the circumstances of the case.


Surreyrider | 3 years ago

I've asked Wiltshire's Police and Crime Commissioner for an explanation of why no charges have been brought. I'll post the response on Road CC (if I get one) but I suggest everyone commenting here does the same. 

bobbinogs replied to Surreyrider | 3 years ago

Yepp, me too.  Rather than be the old bloke shouting into the wind I thought I would do something productive and ping a comment over to the PCC...had to check it a few times to make sure I wasn't the one on the end of a prosecution 

eburtthebike | 3 years ago

Would you wonderful people at like to ask Surrey Police what they think about Wiltshire, both the incident and the Wiltshire police?

Carior | 3 years ago

Sorry but a black eye isn't "common assault" its ABH.  So that's problem one.

Problem two - this clearly isn't common assault - there's a strong argument for aggravated assault.  That requires the person to have intended to cause serious harm.  Well, close passing, brake checking, leaning out of a moving vehicle and repeatedly attacking someone and pulling them off their bike would suggest that, at the very least, there's a potential case to answer - even though a jury would no doubt conclude that even if he fully intended to cause harm, those pesky cyclists deserved it so it's fine.

Honestly, they really need to put the spade away.

eburtthebike replied to Carior | 3 years ago

With all those contributing factors, this looks more and more like corruption rather than incompetence; no police force could be that incompetent surely?

Secret_squirrel replied to eburtthebike | 3 years ago

Occams razor applies.  Officer made poor on the spot decision but his management have to be seen to be supporting him.  (if it was a him).

I'm betting there's a senior rozzer wishing for a time machine right now. Or one wishing those pesky woke cyclists will go away.  50/50 either way.

eburtthebike replied to Secret_squirrel | 3 years ago

Secret_squirrel wrote:

Or one wishing those pesky woke cyclists will go away.  50/50 either way.

I'm still trying to work out what "woke" means, and no-one I've asked seems to be able to define it.

TheBillder replied to eburtthebike | 3 years ago

I think it was supposed to mean "not asleep" and hence aware.

But its primary use now seems to be to identify the speaker as someone who thinks that currently society is actually perfectly fair and everyone who says it isn't is either a failure, a class warrior, an activist on the make, or someone out to destroy our basic freedoms to pollute and exploit as we see fit.

Philh68 replied to TheBillder | 3 years ago
1 like

That's always the way, the people too dim to understand its proper meaning have to turn it into a perjorative.

Secret_squirrel replied to Carior | 3 years ago

I was going to quibble and say it was only a bruise - but googled instead  4

Definition - from a Solictors, not the rozzer's - so bear in mind its probably the "textbook" answer.

What is actual bodily harm (ABH)?

Actual bodily harm occurs when harm is caused to a victim’s body. The harm doesn’t have to be serious, but it does need to be more significant than a slap or shove. Bruises or scratches as evidence would qualify as ABH.

ABH contains more intention to use unlawful force. The offender only needs to use unlawful force, even if they do not intend to do harm, for the offence to be classed as ABH. For example, if someone is pushed and they fall and bruise their arm, this is ABH as the offender’s intent was to use unlawful force rather than cause injury.

Carior replied to Secret_squirrel | 3 years ago
1 like

Secret_squirrel wrote:

I was going to quibble and say it was only a bruise - but googled instead  4

Definition - from a Solictors, not the rozzer's - so bear in mind its probably the "textbook" answer.

What is actual bodily harm (ABH)?

Actual bodily harm occurs when harm is caused to a victim’s body. The harm doesn’t have to be serious, but it does need to be more significant than a slap or shove. Bruises or scratches as evidence would qualify as ABH.

ABH contains more intention to use unlawful force. The offender only needs to use unlawful force, even if they do not intend to do harm, for the offence to be classed as ABH. For example, if someone is pushed and they fall and bruise their arm, this is ABH as the offender’s intent was to use unlawful force rather than cause injury.

I remember having the same quibble when I was a law student 11 years ago! Bruising = ABH, once you break the skin (or a bone) its GBH (or for broken skin technically wounding which is GBH's conjoined twin that no-one recognises the difference).

RichT84 replied to Carior | 3 years ago

Problem one: whilst this meets the legal textbook definition of ABH police forces are led by CPS charging standards. These state that minor bruising/reddening is treated as a common assault level offence, a black eye would equate to this.

Problem two: Aggravated assault doesn't exist as an offence. If you are talking about Attempt GBH then he would probably have needed to plough the car in to him with the clear intention of seriously injuring him.

Awavey | 3 years ago

Maybe it's not worth worrying about as it ended in a fine,points,big repair bill, increased insurance premiums and most importantly no one was seriously hurt. But that explanation the parks police have provided, really doesnt make a whole heap of sense to me.

mdavidford replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

Awavey wrote:

...big repair bill...

Er, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that's a bit beyond repair.

To be honest, I'm astounded that the driver was in any state to make any plea or pay any fines.

Captain Badger replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

mdavidford wrote:

Awavey wrote:

...big repair bill...

Er, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that's a bit beyond repair.

Nonsense, lick o' paint and a new rad and will be right as ninepence.

I've got this mate, works in a body shop, but does a bit of freelance. If you pay him up front, he won't charge VAT. Tell him I sent you.......

Joking aside, 5mph to that? I'm coming to the conclusion that the rozzers aren't just corrupt, or lazy. They are facking monumentally, institutionally dim. I'd be ashamed to try and fob anyone off with that kind of statement as it's so patently wrong. 

Hirsute replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago

It was 5mph in colliding with the cyclist.

Captain Badger replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

hirsute wrote:

It was 5mph in colliding with the cyclist.

Yes, but then colided with barriers after jaming their foot on the accelerator "mistaking it for teh brake".....

Hirsute replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

If they can tell us it was 5mph on hitting the cyclist I'm sure they can tell us the impact speed on writing off the car.

Compulsory retest in those circumstances.

brooksby replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

hirsute wrote:

If they can tell us it was 5mph on hitting the cyclist I'm sure they can tell us the impact speed on writing off the car.

Compulsory retest in those circumstances.

Clearly that car had some pretty f-ing amazing acceleration! 

Awavey replied to brooksby | 3 years ago

IIRC, ok I checked the old article,but it was a Nissan Leaf,so electric motor type acceleration.

Doctor Darabuka replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

If I was the driver, or the cyclist, there's a strong possibility that I would have lost confidence in the Nissan Leaf's AEB - Automatic Emergency Braking system.

aegisdesign replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

So it presumably has Nissan's single e-pedal system where the brake pedal and accelerator are combined. I've not driven one but this doesn't seem to square with the explanation that the driver mistakenly hit the wrong pedal.


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