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Taxi driver's pop-up bike lane conspiracy theory; Anti pavement cycling vigilante SLAMMED; Tour of Britain 'postponed' until 2021; New Armstrong documentary; Pop-up bike lane on Park Lane; Extreme speeding in London now up by 172% + more

Today's live blog with Alex Bowden (daytime) and Simon MacMichael (evening)...


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14 May 2020, 16:22
Transport secretary Grant Shapps announces £1.7bn for local roads

Potholes and that.

Last year the Asphalt Industry Alliance calculated that £9.79bn would need to be spent over the next decade to fully remedy the nation’s pothole problem.

14 May 2020, 15:57
Wiggo's current look
14 May 2020, 15:52
Anybody else find this photo really unnerving?

Okay, they say it's closed to traffic and you can see for miles, but we still can't help feeling anxious about this. It just seems so vulnerable.

Cycling the new highway... not open for cars yet 😊 from r/bicycling

The poster says the road's just outside Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia.

14 May 2020, 15:31
85km within 2km of home
14 May 2020, 15:00
RIP Diny Verhoeven

“No, it was not a triumph - but it was beautiful,” said her husband, Ad, about taking her to the crematorium this week.

14 May 2020, 14:42
Swytch reveal they have 100,000 people on waiting list for their new conversion kit, due to a boom in demand during the pandemic
Swytch eBike Kit Bike

Swytch Technology have revealed that they're battling to keep up with demand for their e-bike conversion kit, with 100,000 people on the waiting list for the latest version. Full story over on eBikeTips

14 May 2020, 14:31
Extreme speeding in London now up by 172%

Last week the Met Police urged drivers to slow down after catching a driver doing 110mph in a 30mph zone.

At that point, Superintendent Andy Cox from Scotland Yard’s traffic teams said that 'extreme speeding' was up by 142%.

The latest figures reveal it's now up by 172%.

14 May 2020, 13:45
Garmin announces Connect Courses API

Garmin has announced a software update that should make it easier to get routes from third-party apps onto your head unit.

The previous system for getting a route from an app like Strava was a bit of a mess. You either had to convert the route into a Garmin route on the Connect software, or export the GPX/TCX file from Strava and then manually drag it into the NewFiles folder via a desktop. How very 2005.

There was the Strava Routes Garmin Connect IQ app, but this was never fantastic.

  1. Head to your Garmin Connect account
  2. Scroll down to Strava and tick courses.
  3. That’s it, job done.

Now, your Strava routes will automatically appear in your Garmin Connect courses section. You can then send the route from your phone to your Garmin.

14 May 2020, 13:52
Trailer: Into the Rift, The Story of the Atlas Mountain Race

Into the Rift is an in-depth look at the first edition of the PEdALED Atlas Mountain Race in Morocco.

It's available on YouTube from May 20.

You can find it here.

14 May 2020, 13:04
Taxi driver's pop-up bike lane conspiracy theory

Did you know the pop-up bike lane conspiracy theory?

We didn't. We look forward to seeing whether it catches on.

14 May 2020, 12:53
When even physical barriers have no impact on motorists
14 May 2020, 11:21
Manchester bike lane's been on a diet

'Ooh my, aren't you looking slim.'

And a bit further down the road...

14 May 2020, 10:58
Bath woman who has been confronting pavement cyclists criticised for (a) being wrong and (b) failing to abide by social distancing guidelines

A Bath woman who has been confronting cyclists riding on pavements has been criticised for her "ill-informed" views and for failing to abide by social distancing guidelines.

Last month Julie Trollope wrote to the Bath Chronicle saying she felt the police should act against the "menace" of cyclists riding on pavements during the coronavirus lockdown.

"Do these people not know the rules for cyclists which state, ‘You MUST NOT cycle on a pavement’?” she asked. “What could be clearer than that?

She was subsequently photographed stopping cyclists and telling them to stop riding on pavements.

Adam Reynolds, chairman of Walk Ride Bath, has written to the newspaper in response pointing out that according to the National Police Chiefs’ Council guidance, "considerate" cyclists can in fact ride on the pavement.

“Chief police officers, who are responsible for enforcement, acknowledge that many cyclists, particularly children and young people, are afraid to cycle on the road, so sensitivity and careful use of police discretion is required'."

He added: "This police discretion is applied across multiple aspects of road use, for example, breaking the speed limit is illegal, but by discretion, a fine with points is not issued until a certain level of speeding has occurred, not when you exceed the speed limit by 1 mile.

"Considerate cycling on pavements is similarly allowed through the discretion of the police.”

He continued: "It is with some concern that Bath Chronicle’s Richard Mills felt the need to follow Julie Trollope’s letter by writing two articles on her behaviour while she was ‘papped’ by a photographer, showing her getting in the face of people cycling on pavements during a strict lockdown where 2m social distancing should be adhered to.”

He finished by pointing out that despite the apparent emptiness of the roads, there were still very obvious dangers.

"A final point that needs to be made, that despite how empty the roads may appear, all this has done is make drivers more reckless with some areas of the country reporting an 8 fold increase in speeding.

"In fact the number of cyclists that have died on our roads involving collisions with drivers is 12 during lockdown, when it was only 6 for the same period last year."

14 May 2020, 10:11
Tour of Britain 'postponed' for a year

The Tour of Britain, which was due to take place from September 6 to 13, has been postponed for a year.

Organisers said that the COVID-19 pandemic makes continuing with the planning and organisation of the 2020 race impractical.

You could argue it's been cancelled, not postponed, but they'll use the same route and venues when they run the race in 2021, so you can see the logic behind calling it a postponement.

A spokesperson said: “We pride ourselves on the Tour of Britain being the biggest and most prestigious cycle race in the UK, attracting over 1.5 million spectators to the roadside and inspiring many thousands of people of all ages to get on their bikes and to cycle more.

“Holding the Tour of Britain behind closed doors or with extensive social distancing rules would not only be immensely impractical, but would rob our venues and spectators of these opportunities and go against everything that cycling, as a free-to-spectate and accessible event, stands for.

“By moving this year’s planned route to September 2021 our venues and partners will be able to enjoy a full 12-month build up to the race and once conditions allow we look forward to engaging communities across all eight stages, from Penzance to Aberdeen, which we are sure will make the 2021 Tour of Britain a wonderful occasion for all and part of our continued pledge to make Britain a great cycling nation.

“In the meantime we will be working with our local authority partners to explore the ways in which the Tour of Britain and its planned venues can still be celebrated this September and look forward to announcing those plans in due course.”

The provisional dates for the 2021 Tour of Britain are September 5 to 12.

14 May 2020, 09:35
The Bristol Bike Project on Women's Hour

In today’s Woman’s Hour Corona Diaries, Krysia Williams talks about the beauty of cycling in lockdown, and how the Bristol Bike Project – the co-operative where she works that repairs and rehomes bikes and also teaches people how to fix them – has been supporting key workers in moving around the city.

You can listen again here. (The segment's right at the end.)


14 May 2020, 09:31
We haven't watched The Last Dance yet

Are we alone? It's just that it's about basketball and therefore fairly low down the list.

14 May 2020, 08:52
“I’m gonna tell you my truth” – there’s a new Lance Armstrong documentary

ESPN 30 for 30 is doing a Lance Armstrong episode.

“I’m gonna tell you… my truth.”

Here’s the trailer.

It’s being broadcast on ESPN on May 24.

14 May 2020, 08:44
Connor Swift's solo Tour de Yorkshire

2018 National Road Race champion Connor Swift is apparently riding - and filming - the Tour de Yorkshire on his tod.

The team support/roadside fans deserve a nod too.

14 May 2020, 08:42
Pop-up bike lane on Park Lane

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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HLaB replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

Yesterday, the road I was usually come back on was shut for resurfacing so I came back by another. It's got a cycle path next to it which of course just now was busy, it also forces me substantially off route. I couldn't believe the shout of 'Get on the Cycle Path', despite me going faster than the driver. The mentality of some folk  7

Hirsute replied to HLaB | 4 years ago

Yes, but you held them up for a precious 10 seconds.

Awavey replied to HLaB | 4 years ago
1 like

Yep my normal commute route is like that,the amount of abuse and drivers trying to intimidate me I get is unreal sometimes, and you look at these new cyclists wobbling along the pavements when the infra inevitably has left them high & dry,as yes mixing it with tipper trucks and buses and the crazy folk in vans & cars is scary and think yep 1st close pass on the road theyll get if they get forced off the pavements and they'll be back in their metal boxes again.

And i dont know how we fix that.

kil0ran replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

I disagree - I've seen a lot of (obviously returning/newbie) adult cyclists riding on pavements, even when they're narrow and difficult to navigate. The only reason to be doing it is because they're scared of riding on the road.

As a driver I think I'd prefer the over-cautious wobbly newbies to be on the pavement as they don't yet have the roadcraft. Riding right on the edge of the road, pulling in to let vehicles past, waving you through into oncoming traffic. A bit more confidence would do them good but of course that takes time to build.

scouser_andy | 4 years ago

"Julie Trollope"



Butty replied to scouser_andy | 4 years ago

She seems to have a direct line to the Chronicle over the years to express her intolerance of others. Ironically she claims to be a "Bath Christian"! 

One reply on this story pretty much sums her up as "Mad homophobic bunny boiler!"


Sriracha replied to Butty | 4 years ago
Butty wrote:

She seems to have a direct line to the Chronicle over the years to express her intolerance of others. Ironically she claims to be a "Bath Christian"! 

One reply on this story pretty much sums her up as "Mad homophobic bunny boiler!"


Sad to see ad hominem get repeated and liked on this site. What about her argument?

Karbon Kev | 4 years ago

I've got about as much interest in watching 'Lance' as I have of watching paint dry. Disgracefully cheating bar steward. No shame whatsoever.

Dao | 4 years ago

Got to love motorists who can't count. Just because a road re-purposes some of its lanes for cycling and pedestrians, it does not magically whisk them off the face of the earth. A 3 lane road is still a 3 lane road. you just cant drive a gas-canister down all of them anymore.

Typical post from a cabbie though, complaining that traffic will get worse because there are fewer lanes. wait, thats not how roads work! fewer lanes means fewer cars and slower traffic, which means most drivers use their brains to find the next best alternative to their destination. A key skill if you ask me for a cabbie, or at the very least he should have basic competence with a satnav to achieve the same.

If a taxi driver cannot find an alternative route once they block off his favourite road, he is in the wrong profession. Should turn in his keys and take up nature photography instead. At least that's not going anywhere, anytime soon...

ktache replied to Dao | 4 years ago

Foolishly I had a bit of a read of the twitter, the people really objecting, totally strangely, were the black cabists (We don't object to all cycle lanes...) who seem to believe that as there is a park nearby then cyclists don't need this route.  It's almost as if there are no other roads in that there London.  The only skill black cabbists have is The Knowledge (it definitely is not driving abilities), do they really mean they cannot navigate around this new cycle route?

Dao replied to ktache | 4 years ago

forget the black cabbie driver. taxigeorge is my new favourite xD


got to love a good conspiracy theory. goes perfect with the sunny british weather outside my window  10

Maquis-Mark replied to ktache | 4 years ago

Another ignorant comment. You do like the sound of your own keyboard mate. Anyone who visits this site as frequently as I do will notice you usually have something to say. Mostly I enjoy your comments but that one was disrespectful and immature.

Hirsute replied to Maquis-Mark | 4 years ago
1 like

Not been on the wrong end of a black can driver then?
Plenty of videos on the site that shows some of their finest work.

Mungecrundle replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

Just as you and I have no responsibility for the actions of other cyclists and no reason to either justify or apologise for the poor behaviour of others, neither does Maquis - Mark have any responsibility for other people who happen to drive taxis.

Hirsute replied to Mungecrundle | 4 years ago
1 like

I didn't suggest they should.
I was pointing them towards why people would complain about taxi drivers.

Chris Hayes replied to Dao | 4 years ago

Don't worrie about the cabbie....he'll be out of a job soon.

Maquis-Mark replied to Chris Hayes | 4 years ago

I am also a taxi driver buddy as well as a cyclist and I have been out of work for 2 months now and find your comment as funny as a kick in the teeth.

Also moronic comments from other people like "typical taxi driver" are offensive and ignorant.

I have cycled up Alpe d'Huez 4 times, Stelvio and Gavia twice, Mortirolo, Marmolada, Sella Ring, Pico Veleta, Izoard, Galibier, Tourmalet.....I could go on.

Stick your comments and your ignorance mate! Typical bloody cyclists!!!

Simon E replied to Maquis-Mark | 4 years ago

Maquis-Mark wrote:

moronic comments from other people like "typical taxi driver" are offensive and ignorant.

Sorry, it doesn't make the grade for being offensive. Taxi drivers, most notably London black cab drivers, have a long history of acting like they own the road.

It doesn't matter where you have cycled, it could have been to the moon and back 4 times, but that doesn't negate the fact that a large number of taxi drivers exhibit a really poor standard of driving.

Instead of being so deeply hurt and offended you could have used your first post on here to say that, unlike the stereotype, you drive considerately and obey the law (and maybe add that it's a shame so many of your colleagues don't do the same). I'd have happily given that an upvote.

Maquis-Mark replied to Simon E | 4 years ago

It's my 1st post sunshine because I can never be bothered engaging in debates online. I can assure you I have bookmarked this site and visited pretty much on a daily basis since it's existence.

As an Edinburgh taxi driver I am pretty sure London or anywhere else in the world has the same collection of 'good, bad and ugly' cabbies.....and the same applies to cyclists or pedestrians, pogo-stick users.....or maybe you go about your life with blinkers on.

I wonder if I will sleep tonight wondering how I should have worded my "first" post better to ensure you would have voted up my comment.....

Sniffer replied to Maquis-Mark | 4 years ago

Welcome to the debate.

You might make friends if you make reasoned arguments.

Unlike this Edinburgh taxi driver who tried to make friends in an unfortunate manner.

Simon E replied to Maquis-Mark | 4 years ago

Maquis-Mark wrote:

It's my 1st post sunshine because I can never be bothered engaging in debates online.

Until now, it seems. Why break the habit?

And anyone pompous and condescending enough to call someone 'sunshine' has probably spent too much time watching Eastenders. I'm afraid you sound like the stereotypical cabbie with a chip on his shoulder.

Compact Corned Beef replied to Maquis-Mark | 4 years ago

To provide a counterpoint, the vast majority of my riding is commutes to my work in London. While on occasion I've had black cabs make fairly spirited passes, I've never felt endangered by a hackney carriage.

Aside from that, tarring everyone with the same brush isn't great regardless.

Sniffer replied to Compact Corned Beef | 4 years ago

A reasonable view.  Coherently expressed.

JPKD | 4 years ago
1 like

The Last Dance is a must-watch for any fan of sport. Regardless of your interest in Basketball. To see what drives someone to be the best in the world. To see someone deal with the relentless nature of being the most well-known sportsman in the world. 

The closing scene of Episode VII is incredible. On the question of whether he sacrificed being a 'nice guy' in order to win Jordan is moved to tears at the price of winning and being a leader. "If you don't want to play that way, don't play that way"

I think a lot of what drove Jordan is similar to what drove Armstrong. Armstrong obviously crossed a line but similarly, Jordan did lots of things we would not consider normal - punching teammates for example. Both were so focused on a single goal of winning that it came at the expense of almost everything else.

Side note basketball is by some distance the best American sport.

EddyBerckx replied to JPKD | 4 years ago

I've not seen it yet but a big criticism of this is that Jordan had major involvement himself on this production via one of his parts of it are a whitewash and designed more to enhance his legacy over his rivals rather than being an independent and critical look at him/his career. It's a shame as it does sound good otherwise.

Also: without Nike, very few people would have heard of him over here 🙂


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