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"I gave a warning toot": Confused driver can't understand why cyclist "hurled abuse"; Giro stage or BMX race? (+ Ewan exits); Prosecco-popping alternative; The cycle lane impossible dream; Bikes meet bouldering; Positive policing + more on the live blog

It's Thursday and Dan Alexander is here for the penultimate live blog of the week...
19 May 2022, 14:37
Two in two for the Italians: Stefano Oldani wins from the breakaway on stage 12

If I were tell you one of the three Alpecin-Fenix riders in the breakaway would win today's stage, you'd be forgiven for going all in on a certain Dutchman by the name of Mathieu. Van der Poel was one of the three, as well, but it was teammate Stefano Oldani who got the victory after escaping with Lorenzo Rota and Gijs Leemreize on one of the earlier climbs.

In the end, in the sprint in Genoa, Oldani came out on top. In the second group on the road, Wilco Kelderman (whose disc brakes appeared to be behaving today) and Lucas Hamilton re-entered the GC picture, stealing eight minutes on the peloton. Both are back between three and four minutes behind Juan Pedro López who remains in pink.

One big name who wasn't at the finish however was Simon...

Another day, another Giro-watching train journey... 

> Carlsberg don't do train journeys, but if they did ... When you look out of the window, and the Giro d'Italia is going past ...

19 May 2022, 13:18
Emotional scenes at the Giro as peloton passes Wouter Weylandt monument

It's been 11 years since Wouter Weylandt tragically lost his life aged just 26 on stage 3 of the 2011 Giro d'Italia, following a devastating crash during his descent of the Passo del Bocco. 

Race director Mauro Vegni went ahead of the peloton to lay flowers at the monument erected in tribute to Weylandt earlier today. 

19 May 2022, 12:58
"I think a lot of drivers are unaware of just how insanely loud cars are": Your thoughts on the 'toot' it ever welcome?

Plenty of comments rolling in so let's have a pootle through the toot(le) issue...

Patrick9-32 reckons, "a lot of drivers are unaware of just how insanely loud cars are. Anyone who doesn't suffer from significant hearing loss and who is without noise-cancelling earphones knows you are coming from behind them, how far you are and when you start to overtake and how aggressively you are doing so by the sound alone, we don't need to look round, we don't need you to toot. In the words of Not Just Bikes on YouTube, cities aren't loud, cars are loud."

hawkinspeter commented: "The problem with car horns is that they have to be very loud to be heard above traffic noise by people inside metal boxes and this makes them quite startling if used behind you when you're cycling. Also, the main (only) purpose of a horn is to warn another road user that you are there (e.g. if a vehicle is reversing towards your vehicle having not seen you), so there is no point using a horn if you are following a cyclist unless they are about to turn across your path."

BalladOfStruth agreed: "You're not adding anything valuable by sounding the horn when passing a cyclist, you're just asking for aggro and risking a crash."

"I think part of the issue here is we are all used to drivers being aggressive to us,"  tigersnapper said. "I have had a few that seem to be aware we are vulnerable recently and being, if anything, overly courteous. I think we might need to accept there are some drivers out there who mean well, even if they are a bit misguided."

Sriracha made an interesting comparison between the horn scenario and ringing a bell at a pedestrian when cycling on a shared-use path...

"I appreciate the difference in scale, but I'd imagine a similar scenario plays out between cyclists and pedestrians when the cyclist uses their bell right behind the pedestrian, or yells out "on your right!'"

Fishpastesarnie replied: "Exactly my thoughts. I have certainly had more abuse using a bell than just shouting 'excuse me'."

Although GMBasix reckons, "It's the difference in scale that makes the difference. This isn't about cyclists racing past pedestrians on a shared path — that would be like a close pass from a driver, which isn't described here. A bell is not like being honked at.

"The cyclist knew the car was there, but the aggression of the horn appears to be his trigger. A bell is just not aggressive. Calling out is not aggressive. The equivalence you're describing is associated with passing the pedestrians.

"There is also another factor. While it is inconceivable that the cyclist was unaware of the car behind, it is not uncommon to encounter single, or groups of, pedestrians oblivious to their surroundings. Regardless of their place in the hierarchy, they retain a responsibility (as all road users do) to be aware of their surroundings and others using the road. In most instances, even a cyclist racing past should not come as a surprise. So a call out or a bell should not make them jump in the same way an unnecessary honk might."

19 May 2022, 13:13
Luckily it’s cracking footage and we will be making contact with the driver...
19 May 2022, 12:43
Cycling meets bouldering
19 May 2022, 10:45
The 'friendly toot': the divisive issue that keeps rearing its head

The lead subject of the blog this morning has reminded us that we've been here before; although the source was Ashley Neal, an advanced driving instructor who knows a thing or two about how to pass a cyclist as you'll see from browsing his YouTube channel

In the video above, Neal uses his horn to as a way to tell the cyclists that he's there, saying to give cyclists “as much space and care as you would do overtaking a car…  A little beep of the horn is key, no problems, do it safely.”

Perhaps the difference here is that the driver in the thread at the bottom of this page was talking about a 'warning toot' while Neal considers it a way of simply alerting the cyclists to his presence. 

Still, our article around the debate on that video is at 170 comments and counting... what do you think, is a toot ever ok? 

19 May 2022, 10:40
An alternative solution to avoid another unfortunate prosecco incident?

Sorry Biniam, we couldn't help but chuckle at this... although in all seriousness, he'd still be riding the Giro if they did this on the podium instead! 

> Biniam Girmay out of Giro d’Italia with eye injury after bizarre podium prosecco incident

19 May 2022, 09:44
The cycle lane impossible dream...(especially the bit at the end with the guy delivering beer kegs on a bike)
19 May 2022, 08:40
Caleb Ewan heads home from Giro d'Italia without a stage win

With just one, or two, or maybe even three (but most likely one) sprint stages left, Caleb Ewan is heading home to prepare for the Tour de France. The Australian fast man failed to win a stage, crashing out of maglia rosa contention on stage one, before finishing 2nd, 5th and 8th in the other sprints he contested.

Ewan described his race as the "Giro from hell" in an Instagram post on Tuesday...


A post shared by Caleb Ewan (@calebewan)

19 May 2022, 08:35
Giro stage or BMX race?

Rob Whittle's take on the day's Giro d'Italia stage is fast becoming a live blog favourite...

At least it should be a bit more entertaining than yesterday's surprisingly action-packed pancake sprint stage. Thomas De Gendt? Breakaway? Thomas De Gendt? Reduced sprint? Thomas De Gendt? Surprise GC action?


19 May 2022, 07:44
"I gave a warning toot": Confused driver can't understand why cyclist "hurled abuse"

And to think Elon Musk nearly paid $44 billion for this blue bird app...

You can always rely on Twitter to make you laugh (or cry) at fellow human beings...

Thankfully some seemed keen to engage in some well-mannered education...

Others didn't get a fairness, by this point there was probably not enough time in the day to reply to everyone pointing out the error of his ways... 

There are simply too many replies that need including...

So how about we begin by taking this scenario off the road and into another walk of life? That might leave the bare realities of the situation on the table...

And one more for luck... 

The original poster went on to say he just "really felt like poking a hornet's nest today" (strange hobby, but whatever floats your boat) but graciously admitted "I continue to support cyclists on the road, and still think the Highway Code is somewhat lacking" nice of him...

Just another normal day on Twitter...

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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ktache | 2 years ago

Perhaps the user of the horn misinterpreted the friendly thank you and the cheery wave.

morgoth985 | 2 years ago

Is it only me that finds something distasteful in the idea of starting a grand tour with the intent of pulling out halfway through?

Clem Fandango replied to morgoth985 | 2 years ago
1 like


Rendel Harris replied to morgoth985 | 2 years ago
1 like

It absolutely isn't just you, it's a despicable practice in my opinion which insults the race and the efforts of those sprinters like Cavendish who do everything they can to finish the race. If I had my way anyone not finishing a race would forfeit all the world ranking points gained for stage wins (if they get them? Not sure) and all prize money unless they could offer a genuine reason for withdrawal certified by an independent physician. In fact I'd go further and say anyone who doesn't finish (without the aforementioned genuine excuse) loses any stage wins and instead they would be awarded to the highest-placed finisher on each stage who actually finished the race.

Awavey replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

didnt Cav pull out of his first TdF ?

Rendel Harris replied to Awavey | 2 years ago
1 like

Awavey wrote:

didnt Cav pull out of his first TdF ?

He did, but he abandoned because he was beat up after crashing on stages one and two and found he just couldn't cope with the physical demands, he didn't go in with the plan to abandon from the start - very different. His own description at the time is here, if you're interested:

Awavey replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

2007...ok then I meant didnt Cav pull out of his 2nd TdF ?  1

edit: it was his first stage win year, that probably got me mixed up

Rendel Harris replied to Awavey | 2 years ago

Awavey wrote:

2007...ok then I meant didnt Cav pull out of his 2nd TdF ?  1

edit: it was his first stage win year, that probably got me mixed up

Fair point yes, to concentrate on the Olympics (which backfired rather as he got nothing at the Olympics and he was on fire at the Tour with four stages, if he'd stayed and taken one of the two flat stages left he'd now have beaten Merckx's record!), though as far as I can recall that's the only time he's done it unlike serial one-week-only pothunters like McEwen and Cipollini.

ktache replied to morgoth985 | 2 years ago

At this point I would normally post a picture of a naked and oiled Mario Cipollini, rider of the magnificent saeco train, who would ride the first week of the Tour, when it was flat and leave before a slight hill.

But I'm on a tablet and it is much more difficult to post said picture of the maned shiny Adonis...

chrisonabike replied to ktache | 2 years ago

The BikeSnob has him covered (along with being pals with Lance...) so you don't have to.

brooksby | 2 years ago

BMW driver caught at 119mph who said he’s too poor to afford taxis is told ‘get a bike’


A camera had picked him up more than 50mph over the speed limit on the M58 near Skelmersdale in Lancashire.

(He) made a plea of ‘exceptional hardship’ to keep his luxury wheels.

The company boss said he was on benefits, and claimed he would not be able to afford taxis to the gym or to visit his family.

Prosecutor Matt Routly suggested selling his £37,000 car could be a simple solution.

Mr Routly said: ‘You still have that BMW. You could sell that and that would raise quite a lot of funds?

‘It could pay for quite a lot of taxis and buy you a bicycle.

‘That’s very often the price people have to pay when they speed all the time.’

When asked why he could not simply sell his car he replied: ‘A driving ban would run out after six months and then I would not have a car.’

His gym is located ‘in the middle of nowhere on an industrial estate’ he added.

A combination of trains and taxis would be needed both to get to the gym and to visit his nine-year-old daughter, Crawford claimed.

But magistrates nevertheless refused the application, and banned Crawford from driving for six months, fined him £120 and made him pay £136 in costs and victim surcharge.

andystow replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

More of this please.

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

If he sells his car and buys a bike, he might be able to cancel his gym membership as well - quids in!

TriTaxMan replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Obviously the person has never heard of a second hand car.  He could easily sell his £37k motor, by a nice mid to high end bike for £3-4K, pay for all of his taxi's and rail fares for 6 months, and still have enough to buy himself a £15k second hand car.

Glad the judge told him to do one

EK Spinner replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

"The company boss said he was on benefits" & 37k Car & member of a gym

something not right inall of that !

chrisonabike replied to EK Spinner | 2 years ago

#squeezedmiddle (after sit-ups) #hardworkingfamilies #waronthemotorist

It's the cost of living high on the hog crisis.

Also don't forget the guy with the house in central London a month or so back who also somehow couldn't get around without the expensive motor or afford any other form of transport.  Oystercards must be pretty extortionate now.  Maybe that's why I saw the Queen using one the other day?

Hirsute replied to EK Spinner | 2 years ago
1 like

He gets some diability benefit due to a serious injury, so I guess it is not means tested.

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

He should hit up for some budget cycling recommendations:

PRSboy | 2 years ago

Whenever I think about horns, I remember this absolute gem, a cyclist with an air-horn...  For what its worth, an air-horn is a similar volume to a car horn.

For the record, the last bloke next to the bus is how cyclists feel when they are on a road minding their own business and a driver gives a warning horn for no apparent reason.


chrisonabike | 2 years ago

Richard Livings wrote:

Obviously the sensible option is to yell BOOOOOOOOOOOOO in their ear from behind and then complain they look annoyed and didn’t even have the manners to say thanks for you taking the time to give them the warning.

Someone's been watching Weebl's Stuff again:

KDee | 2 years ago

Re The bike lane impossible dream...bicycle beer delivery!! Don' think I've even seen bakfiets bier bezorgen here in the Netherlands. I'll have to visit of lot of cafes to find out, in the name of research of course.

Patrick9-32 | 2 years ago

On the warning toot, I think a lot of drivers are unaware of just how insanely loud cars are. Anyone who doesn't suffer from significant hearing loss and who is without noise cancelling earphones knows you are coming from behind them, how far you are and when you start to overtake and how agressively you are doing so by the sound alone, we don't need to look round, we don't need you to toot. In the words of "Not Just Bikes" on youtube, Cities aren't loud, cars are loud. 

mdavidford | 2 years ago

Dan wrote:

our article around the debate on that video is at 170 comments and counting

Erm - might need some remedial counting lessons.

Hirsute replied to mdavidford | 2 years ago

John Stevenson has been deleting posts again !

Mungecrundle | 2 years ago
1 like

Like the apocryphal tree falling in an uninhabited forest. If a car driver sounds their horn on an empty stretch of road does it make a noise?

Surely it's all in the perception. If we only acknowledge use of the horn as the intended HC guidance as a warning of presence, then it's easier not to react at the time. If it also co-incides with aggressive driving, and you are video equipped, reacting with abuse is just another reason for those supposedly responsible for policing road users to ignore your complaint.

mallardz replied to Mungecrundle | 2 years ago
1 like

Mungecrundle wrote:

Surely it's all in the perception. If we only acknowledge use of the horn as the intended HC guidance as a warning of presence, then it's easier not to react at the time.

The problem is horns are very loud and intrinsically unpleasant and agressive. Imagine walking up behind a person from a car free culture and who had never heard a car horn before in their life and sounding it just behind their back. My guess is that they'd react with surprise, fear and then aggression.

*On the other hand I do remember when I spent some time in countries (Indonesia or Sri Lanka for example) where all vehicles used their horns constantly to indicate their presence and to try and push their way through traffic, I quickly became desensitized to their use and the tooting started sounding much less personal and more just a reflection of the busy energy of local life. However that kind of cultural shift is huge and I doubt it's something we would welcome in the UK as it makes for a really raucous urban environment. I also seem to remember that might is right was very much the dominant attitude on the roads in those countries so I doubt the general road culture there would suit cyclists much.

chrisonabike replied to mallardz | 2 years ago
1 like

mallardz wrote:

*On the other hand I do remember when I spent some time in countries (Indonesia or Sri Lanka for example) where all vehicles used their horns constantly to indicate their presence and to try and push their way through traffic, I quickly became desensitized to their use and the tooting started sounding much less personal and more just a reflection of the busy energy of local life. However that kind of cultural shift is huge and I doubt it's something we would welcome in the UK as it makes for a really raucous urban environment. I also seem to remember that might is right was very much the dominant attitude on the roads in those countries so I doubt the general road culture there would suit cyclists much.

Good cultural notes.  And it's always worth widening our perspective beyond our western (european) focus.  I recall similar "negotiation" on urban roads in Thailand.  It really is chaos but it "works" because speeds are very low in the most crowded areas.  Plus even locals are a bit wary of elephants!

However although we might get some useful observations from such environments (very low speed / negotiation / self-organised flow) I think we should be extremely careful about trying to generalise - much less import from such countries.  They are very different in lots of ways.  I think most have horrific road casualty statistics - where they're even measured.  As you say differences in size / vulnerability / maneouvering characteristics mean that these - like western "shared space" environments - quickly degenerate into "might is right" and the rule of the large (motor) vehicle.

hawkinspeter replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

chrisonatrike wrote:

Good cultural notes.  And it's always worth widening our perspective beyond our western (european) focus.  I recall similar "negotiation" on urban roads in Thailand.  It really is chaos but it "works" because speeds are very low in the most crowded areas.  Plus even locals are a bit wary of elephants!

However although we might get some useful observations from such environments (very low speed / negotiation / self-organised flow) I think we should be extremely careful about trying to generalise - much less import from such countries.  They are very different in lots of ways.  I think most have horrific road casualty statistics - where they're even measured.  As you say differences in size / vulnerability / maneouvering characteristics mean that these - like western "shared space" environments - quickly degenerate into "might is right" and the rule of the large (motor) vehicle.

I don't think we should be looking to copy any road safety tips from Thailand - they're the worst country for road deaths per population, outside of Africa.

HoarseMann replied to Mungecrundle | 2 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

If we only acknowledge use of the horn as the intended HC guidance as a warning of presence, then it's easier not to react at the time.

But a 'warning' implies that you need to react, by doing (or not doing) something.

There's no reason to warn someone who is behaving in a predictable manner.

henryb replied to Mungecrundle | 2 years ago

Cars need an alternative 'horn' for this kind of warning that just makes the sound of a polite cough


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