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"Problem is there's no consistency": Reaction to near miss shocker; Even professional cyclists forget to unclip sometimes; US cyclist to receive $300,000 settlement after riding into wire strung across trail; But cyclists... + more on the live blog

Four-day weeks are alright, aren't they? Dan Alexander is on duty for your final live blog of the week...
22 April 2022, 15:56
Happy Friday!

We'll see you back on the live blog on Monday...

Enjoy those well-earned weekend miles! 

22 April 2022, 15:50
"Hard to believe they passed a test or still have a valid licence": More reaction to THAT near miss video

Let's wrap up for the week with some more of your thoughts...

Rendel Harris said: "It's not the car's right of way to drive in the oncoming carriageway, as this one did, with traffic coming the other way, and there's more than enough room for the cyclist to pass in her own lane without being doored, as can be seen from the still below, if we assume the parked car is average width of round 160cms there's virtually enough room for a whole extra car alongside it, even fully open the door from that car would only take up half the available space between the car and the dividing line. Other than that, spot on."

Secret_squirrel added: "I don't disagree that this was actionable.  I am depressed however about the inconsistency from the different Rozzer forces.  I've had worse that just had the 'talking to' letter."

IanMK speculated: "I suspect that the driver came out of his lane as he wasn't confident driving at that speed close to the verge. That would be the very definition of dangerous driving." 

22 April 2022, 15:44
Anyone climbed the Peak District Koppenberg?

As with many climbs, this one looks far easier in photos/videos...but just look at those cobbles.

The Corkscrew Strava


22 April 2022, 14:54
"What's the problem, mate? What do you mean you can't bunny hop the kerb and car?"
22 April 2022, 14:40
Katie Archibald says IOC unfair to female cyclists and trans women
Laura Kenny and Katie Archibald win Madison gold in Tokyo (Copyright Alex Broadway,

Team GB track star Katie Archibald has criticised the International Olympic Committee's transgender policies, and believes they let down both female cyclists and trans athletes.

Archibald won gold in Tokyo and said the policy lets female athletes down by underplaying biology, but also leaves trans athletes, such as Emily Bridges, facing the full scrutiny of the media, fans and fellow competitors.

In a statement later shared by Laura Kenny too, Archibald said: "It is my opinion that the international governing bodies of several sports have let down transgender athletes, in particular transgender women, with their inclusion policies.

"These policies have put the athletes, their involvement in sport, and their personal lives under intense scrutiny when all the athletes have done is follow the rules and enter a category they were encouraged to enter.

"I feel let down by the International Olympic Committee who tell me there should be no assumed advantage for an athlete with a gender identity different to their sex. I read this and hear that my world titles, my Olympic medals, and the champions jerseys I have at home, were all won in a category of people who simply don’t try as hard as the men. That losing to male androgenisation is not about biology, but mindset. They are wrong.

"The retained advantage of people who have gone through male puberty in strength, stamina and physique, with or without testosterone suppression, has been well-documented.

"Cycling’s global governing body, by its president’s own admission, knows this. But they chose to delay action until it became sadly personal for one rider. That wasn’t fair."

22 April 2022, 14:26
Check out the latest episode of the Podcast
22 April 2022, 14:20
David de la Cruz joins the masses congratulating Thibaut Pinot

Second on the stage David de la Cruz had some nice words for Thibaut Pinot. Can we get the Astana man a win too, please?

22 April 2022, 13:28
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...Thibaut Pinot ends three-year drought

He's done it! Just 24 hours after yesterday's heartbreak Thibaut Pinot has finally added another win to his palmares. A reminder, his last came on that famous Tourmalet stage of the 2019 Tour de France. Alaphilippe was in yellow, Emmanuel Macron at the finish too, Pinot powered away to victory, giving France two realistic hopes of winning the Tour (Julian and Thibaut, just to be crystal clear)...

Well, today the FDJ climber got his win. In tears after yesterday, in the winner's circle today...

Sometimes, just sometimes, everything pans out exactly how we all want it to...

Oh, and before I forget, Romain Bardet overhauled Pello Bilbao on the savage slopes of the final climb to take the overall race lead. The French renaissance is on...

Can't be long before...


22 April 2022, 13:06
Where's the consistency?
22 April 2022, 12:41
Come for the politics, stay for the number of cyclists in the back of the shot

Get your guesses of how many in the comments? (Mainly because I can't be bothered to try and count them myself) 

22 April 2022, 08:48
"Problem is that there is no consistency": Reaction to near miss shocker
NMotD 752

"If anyone thinks this is an acceptable manner of driving, let this be your warning," was how the police responded to the video which made our Near Miss of the Day 752. The driver received a fine of £417 and had their licence endorsed with five penalty points.

> Near Miss of the Day 752: “If anyone thinks this is an acceptable manner of driving, let this be your warning,” say police

But what about your comments?

carlosdsanchez said: "Problem is that there is no consistency to the action taken by police for dangerous driving around cyclists. Over the past four years of sending in video footage, the action taken has swung wildly from everything I sent being given a NIP, then to no further action, then back to NIP and now only warning letters. Apparently it's down to the discretion of the officer viewing the footage as to what action to take, so even if the footage falls within the standard the CPS would prosecute, you won't necessarily get a worthwhile result."

peted76 added: "Wow, for once a decent result!"

hirsute hoped this will "be a standard for the rest of the country", to which stonojnr replied: "It needs to be, because there will be other police forces who will think that was acceptable driving, and would not pursue it as South Yorkshire have."

As with any of our stories that attract a lot of eyeballs, there were plenty of Facebook comments from presumably regulars saying they didn't see anything wrong. However, Jules Walker commented: "No need to be that far over their lane whilst the cyclists pass the parked car. Nice to see the correct action being taken."

Having said the disagreeing comments are mainly not from our regular readers, one came from our Facebook 'top fan' (now there's something to aspire to...) who said: "I'm going to be controversial here, it's the cars right of way and the cyclist can't pass the parked car safely (allowing space to avoid being doored) without going into the opposite carriageway. The cyclists should have stopped/slowed down/anticipated. The only issue with the car is the speed (and maybe that they're not keeping as far left as they could)."

What do you reckon?

22 April 2022, 11:25
Me and you both
22 April 2022, 08:26
US cyclist to receive $300,000 settlement after riding into wire strung across trail

Oregon Live reports the city of Portland and the Metro regional government will pay a combined $300,000 to a cyclist who fell from his bike after striking an unmarked cable gate installed on a blind bend. The ownership of the trail has reportedly been disputed for years, and it remains unclear who installed the gate, which consisted of a padlocked metal wire strung between two poles.

James Thorne, an "experienced and avid cyclist" rode into the wire at 20mph, inflicting injuries to his back, neck, shoulder. A wrist ligament was torn in the incident too, which required surgery, as well as a partial shoulder replacement.

Thorne initially sought $1.2 million, but ultimately accepted $100,000 from Metro and $200,000 from the city.

"There was this obvious, dangerous condition, and nobody from the city or Metro would take responsibility for it," Thorne's attorney said. "He was a big outdoorsy person. He used to kayak a lot. And now he has permanent limitations. This wasn’t a pothole on a soccer field. This was a danger that they created."

22 April 2022, 08:19
Tadej Pogačar's fiancé confirms terrible news of loss of her mother

Yesterday on the blog we shared the Belgian media report that Tadej Pogačar had returned home to Slovenia with his fiancé, and Team BikeExchange pro, Urška Žigart due to a family emergency.

Last night, Žigart shared the sad news on her Instagram: "Life is not fair sometimes. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I share with you this news today. My mom was my best friend and the most important person in my life. This is a very hard time for me and my family as we experience this loss and I kindly ask you for some privacy. Thank you for all the messages and support."

22 April 2022, 08:18
But cyclists...

But cyclists is back and better than ever... 

22 April 2022, 07:49
Even professional cyclists forget to unclip sometimes

We've all been there...

Luckily for me, my unclipping fail only came at a busy zebra crossing as I slowed to let people across while frantically trying (and failing) to yank a slightly too worn cleat from the pedal. Serves me right for being cheap and trying to stretch every last clip-clop out of those SPD SLs...they were a slog to clip in, and eventually stopped coming out...

But at least it wasn't on caught on TV, in a velodrome, moments before I was about to represent my country at the Track Nations Cup.

The teammate's casual glance across, look down, before continuing to roll his wrists gives the clip a real comedy value, but you wouldn't want to be the Great Britain Cycling Team staff member presumably responsible for making sure exactly what did happen didn't...but then again maybe it's fair to chill out a bit and expect a pro cyclist to be alright?

Either way it made us all feel a bit better about our historic clip-in calamities. It really is a rite of passage, get your tales in the comments...

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Slartibartfast | 2 years ago

I agree with Archibald about it being unfair on Bridges to have been singled out when it's the system that isn't fit for purpose. I still don't think the argument about 'retained physical advantage' is necessarily a good one, however, unless we apply the same scrutiny to the differences in testosterone levels, biological advantage such as VO2max capacity or height/bone structure, or even socioeconomic status or place of birth. There are so many variables at play that really it's the notion of a binary male/female distinction in professional sport which is flawed. The Paralympics have different categories based on specific abilities, what's to stop the same sort of practices being applied in able bodied sport? It's a bit of a strawman, yes, but the level of ire and handwringing around trans athletes is disproportionate to the actual issue, and it's particularly galling to see it from people who prior to this debate had no interest in women's sport and the lack of coverage, wage inequality etc etc.

hawkinspeter replied to Slartibartfast | 2 years ago

Dogless wrote:

I agree with Archibald about it being unfair on Bridges to have been singled out when it's the system that isn't fit for purpose. I still don't think the argument about 'retained physical advantage' is necessarily a good one, however, unless we apply the same scrutiny to the differences in testosterone levels, biological advantage such as VO2max capacity or height/bone structure, or even socioeconomic status or place of birth. There are so many variables at play that really it's the notion of a binary male/female distinction in professional sport which is flawed. The Paralympics have different categories based on specific abilities, what's to stop the same sort of practices being applied in able bodied sport? It's a bit of a strawman, yes, but the level of ire and handwringing around trans athletes is disproportionate to the actual issue, and it's particularly galling to see it from people who prior to this debate had no interest in women's sport and the lack of coverage, wage inequality etc etc.

Totally agree.

Awavey | 2 years ago

that was not the Dame Laura Kenny social media post I expected to see on todays live blog

Secret_squirrel replied to Awavey | 2 years ago

I thought Kate Archibald's statement was brilliant and tbf to even the grauniad Laura article about the miscarriage and ectopic has the reference to Kate right in the middle of it. 

Awavey replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

Katies statement came out on Wednesday, for those paying enough attention, and Lauras whole point about releasing the information about her miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy yesterday, which every major news site and other cycling site covered and has received an enormous amount of support from the public and also fellow athletes, was to share the information to help support others by talking about it, so families going through the same things dont feel they are alone, and try and break the taboo of silence about talking about it.

I dont think Katies statement needs references from other athletes in support, its strong enough to stand on its own merits., but if are going to include them, maybe also at least acknowledge the other news story that broke yesterday along with it.

IanMK | 2 years ago

You know you've succumbed to the hive mind when you see Amir Khan coming out of a restaurant and being mugged for a £70K watch and the thing that comes into your head is "you can't park there next to a zebra crossing". Needless to say GMB did not mention his faux pas presumably because he'd engaged his bolas cheeky

John Stevenson | 2 years ago

"I'm going to be controversial here, it's the cars right of way"

What do you reckon?

I reckon our Facebook page is infested with mouth-breathing morons, some of whom happen to ride bike, and nobody who thinks there's such a thing as 'right of way' on the roads has anything valid or useful to say about road user behaviour.

TriTaxMan replied to John Stevenson | 2 years ago

John Stevenson wrote:

"I'm going to be controversial here, it's the cars right of way"

What do you reckon?

I reckon our Facebook page is infested with mouth-breathing morons, some of whom happen to ride bike, and nobody who thinks there's such a thing as 'right of way' on the roads has anything valid or useful to say about road user behaviour.

I concur.  This is an absolute gem.....

"From what I can see is the reason the car may have strayed a bit wide is because the hedgerow on his side overhangs into the road past the white edging line. If the cyclist had been aware they may have held back on pulling out for the overtake of the parked car. Not only that. How many of the cyclists used a left hand signal turning at the junction? I'm sure if the driver could afford a defence lawyer and took it further, he may have had the decision reversed."

Somehow in their little mind the fact that the cyclists never signalled they were turning left is reason that conviction could be reversed .....

Hirsute replied to TriTaxMan | 2 years ago

I read a similar twitter comment about the hedge. Nice to know that you can drive partly on the wrong side of the road, despite oncoming traffic, if you find something on your side a bit of an inconvenience.

Hard to believe these commentators passed a test or still have a valid licence.


Surreyrider replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago
1 like

They should be traced by a new online police division and have their licence suspended for a set period (2 weeks?) and be forced to retake a driving test. A second incident within a year should result  in licence being withdrawn for a much longer period and a large fine. Ooops, I forgot - courts don't do that because of the 'hardship' it causes. 

Surreyrider replied to Surreyrider | 2 years ago
1 like

There are also a number of drivers - not insubstantial - who actually believe they have priority over cyclists at all times regardless of what the law says

Richard D replied to TriTaxMan | 2 years ago


"Not only that. How many of the cyclists used a left hand signal turning at the junction? I'm sure if the driver could afford a defence lawyer and took it further, he may have had the decision reversed."

I used to be a defence lawyer.  Did a great many motoring matters, because it was easy money (there's always someone well-off prepared to throw more at a speeding trial to save their precious licence than the state is prepared to spend on something less important, like a rape trial).

And I'd tell the client not to waste their money.  "But the cyclists didn't signal!" is exactly the sort of whataboutery that would cause many District Judges (and plenty of lay Benches) to up the sentence.

Rendel Harris | 2 years ago


"I'm going to be controversial here, it's the cars right of way and the cyclist can't pass the parked car safely (allowing space to avoid being doored) without going into the opposite carriageway."

It's not the car's right of way to drive in the oncoming carriageway, as this one did, with traffic coming the other way, and there's more than enough room for the cyclist to pass in her own lane without being doored, as can be seen from the still below, if we assume the parked car is average width of round 160cms there's virtually enough room for a whole extra car alongside it, even fully open the door from that car would only take up half the available space between the car and the dividing line. Other than that, spot on.


 The only issue with the car is the speed (and maybe that they're not keeping as far left as they could).

The driver literally has his/her offside wheels in the oncoming traffic lane, there's nothing equivocal ("maybe") about that.


Secret_squirrel replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

I must admit the car is travelling too fast to notice that - the freeze frame makes it really obvious they are too far over.

I dont disagree that this was actionable.  I am depressed however about the inconsistency from the different Rozzer forces.  I've had worse that just had the "talking to" letter.

Awavey replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

Exactly that, it's the consistency not just across forces but also within them too, I genuinely dont know for instance if I submitted that footage to my local Op Snapshot process what the outcome would be, or whether it would actually be a different outcome week to week.

Which is crazy, how am I then supposed to judge what to submit as I dont have the energy to constantly review all of my video I captured on rides for bad driving and submit stuff constantly & waste time to get beaten back with NFAs or just advice to drivers.

IanMK replied to Rendel Harris | 2 years ago

I suspect that the driver came out of his lane as he wasn't confident driving at that speed close to the verge.  That would be the very definition of dangerous driving.


peted76 | 2 years ago
Hirsute replied to peted76 | 2 years ago

Interesting how drivers are not allowed to touch phones but cyclists can control their drones while cycling, as usual with everything it's one rule for them and another for the rest of us.

bikeman01 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

hirsute or should I call you douglas @udprdjm? You're giving away your naivity - it's not a drone.

mdavidford replied to bikeman01 | 2 years ago

bikeman01 wrote:

should I call you douglas @udprdjm?

I'm going to go with "No".

Excellent meta-trolling though. 

Hirsute replied to bikeman01 | 2 years ago

With 5000+ posts, I really didn't think that other posters would consider me putting " it's one rule for them and another for the rest of us."  as anything other than a quote.

peted76 replied to bikeman01 | 2 years ago

bikeman01 wrote:

hirsute or should I call you douglas @udprdjm? You're giving away your naivity - it's not a drone.

When I gave away my naivity, it wasn't as exiciting and didn't last for as long as I expected... 

chrisonabike replied to peted76 | 2 years ago

I misread that the first time, I clearly haven't mentally got to Easter yet.

brooksby replied to bikeman01 | 2 years ago

When 6000 posts you approach, then you get to accuse someone of trolling  3

(None of our resident trolls have ever reached those sort of post numbers.  They usually get called out, banned and/or flounce off well before that).

peted76 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago
1 like

hirsute wrote:

Interesting how drivers are not allowed to touch phones but cyclists can control their drones while cycling, as usual with everything it's one rule for them and another for the rest of us.

Its not a drone, its a360 degree camera, he's trolling twitter for reactions like yours  1

Hirsute replied to peted76 | 2 years ago

Funnily enough, that was a quote from twitter.

I didn't think it necessary to explain this, especially with the phrase " it's one rule for them and another for the rest of us."

peted76 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago
1 like

hirsute wrote:

Funnily enough, that was a quote from twitter.

I didn't think it necessary to explain this, especially with the phrase " it's one rule for them and another for the rest of us."

I did wonder what/how you'd write that.. apologies, sometimes the nuances of sarcasm can be lost in the ether.

Flintshire Boy replied to peted76 | 2 years ago
1 like


Sorry. Ignorant low-tech me. Don't understand.


How is this funny? How is JV trolling twitter? (What does 'trolling twitter' mean?)


brooksby replied to Flintshire Boy | 2 years ago

Flintshire Boy wrote:


Sorry. Ignorant low-tech me. Don't understand.


How is this funny? How is JV trolling twitter? (What does 'trolling twitter' mean?)





the sound that



very happy




makes in the 




AlsoSomniloquism replied to Flintshire Boy | 2 years ago

Every time he uses his fancy 360degree camera attached to his helmet, he gets accused of using a drone by WhatAbouterists.

So he attached it to his handlebars for this ride as a trial and decided to call it "his drone". Of course, all the WhatAbouterists bit as expected. 

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