Time for some of your comments on the day's events, starting with Shedgate 2...
hirsute: "I found the bins on the driveway more ugly and out of place than the shed."
EddyBerckx: "The bike shed looks great and you can guarantee that front garden looks neater than most in that road... especially if front 'drives' are allowed."
Let me introduce you to the rest of the street...
HoarseMann: "In the bike shed article on the Salisbury Journal link, in the comments someone has noted that there is a planning officer at the council with the same name as one of the complainants. This complainant refers to council policy 'CP57' in their complaint, which seems to infer a bit of knowledge about the process.
"Then another complainant explains they wouldn't have said anything before they were invited to comment! Does have a slight whiff of some insider knowledge of the planning process. All above board I would guess, even if that was the case.
"As someone else suggests, just plonk a battered caravan there instead."
Literally around the corner...
brooksby: "I can't see what's wrong with that bike shed anyway — looks neat and tidy, and it's way smaller than a parked car."
Elsewhere on the live blog, Sniffer points out "I don't think Tao or Geraint are going to be pleased" about Ineos Grenadier 4x4's new partnership with the other north London lot...
While eburtthebike had some thoughts on the ingenious gondola...
"It may be a tribute to human ingenuity that so many otherwise intelligent people keep re-inventing the wheel with increasingly clever alternatives to the private car, but it's also depressing that they can't see the answer when it's been obvious for so many years. Swyft Cities are merely the latest in a very long line of transport systems looking for a problem to solve, when the solution is right in front of their eyes.
"It's rather like electric cars, they won't solve any of the problems of mass car use and will create serious problems of their own, but try getting the media to mention anything else.
"Buses, trams, cycling, walking, all vastly better solutions than e-cars but are pretty much banned from the media. I listen to quite a bit of Radio 4 and yet again, e-cars featured on You and Yours, for the 3,000,001th* time; I still haven't heard them feature bikes.
"*An exaggeration of course; I added the 1."