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Caravan-towing motorist knocks cyclist off after close pass dispute; "It's incredible to see": Wiggo hails Pidcock's brilliance (+ "return of Froome"); Tour leaves the Alps; Alpe d'Huez reaction; Fancy dress bike bus + more on the live blog

Happy Friday! Four live blogs down, one to go... it's a possible breakaway day at the Tour, but Dan Alexander will be chilling at the back of the peloton...
15 July 2022, 16:23
Sailing into the weekend like...

Have a good one... 

15 July 2022, 16:18
"You would hope this results in a driving ban. That could have been so much worse": Reaction to our main live blog story of the day

Here are some of your comments to end the week...

Pretty uncontroversial this one...

OldRidgeback reckons the driver "needs to attract a serious fine for that. I hope the footage has been sent to the cops and that they take it seriously".

AlsoSomniloquism added: "Points and ban.
1: Close pass whilst blowing horn for no reason = Careless Driving. 
2: Running into cyclist and then continuing driving forward. Dangerous Driving. Especially as they didn't know if they were actually running over the bike or the cyclist. 
3: Leaving the scene of an accident.

All should be totted up and added to the sentence, and I expect as a merc driver they probably already have points anyway."

eburtthebike was left wondering where "cycle like you drive" fits into all of this...

15 July 2022, 16:08
How to make your bike faster
steve k how to make your bike faster comment

Superb advice from Steve K here, never fails. For other (probably less useful) tips, check out this article

15 July 2022, 13:44
Caravan-towing motorist knocks cyclist off after close pass dispute

This video was doing the rounds on, of all places, LinkedIn yesterday...but has since been deleted and resurfaced on Facebook via Car Anything (and its delightful comments section)...

In it, a cyclist's rear-facing camera at the back of a group ride captures the moment a driver towing a caravan races past at an alarmingly close distance while the group is travelling at close to 40km/h (as per the Garmin data at the bottom, which also suggests this incident happened last Saturday) near Bournemouth airport.

The driver stops at the traffic lights shortly after prompting the group to filter past, one rider is heard saying "I got him on video", while another says something slightly less suitable for publication.

As the lights turn green and the group rolls away the driver continues forward, closely behind the penultimate rider, hitting their back wheel and causing them to fall. The motorist continues, driving over the rider's bike in the process...

Unbelievably, or perhaps not considering this is Facebook we're talking about, the most popular comment on the post accused the group, not the driver, of failing to obey the Highway Code, while another accused them of "really antagonising the motorist" and were "completely asking for it". Perhaps we should take our own advice for a certain news national news outlet (you'll know the one)...NEVER read the comments.

15 July 2022, 15:49
Hereford food waste could soon be collected by bike

The BBC reports Hereford's food waste could soon be collected by bike. A similar scheme is underway in Paris, but the local authority believes it would be the first English city to do so.

The move would see weekly collections from houses done by bike within the central Hereford area, with kitchen scraps then transported away to be turned into compost.

Importantly for the local paper outrage...residents will keep their bins and the council will be paying for additional bins to further seperate food waste from general waste and recycling.

There's a positive story for your Friday...

15 July 2022, 15:37
Denmark's dream Tour de France continues — Mads Pedersen wins stage 13

All we want is for poor Fred Wright to get his stage victory... second today after another breakaway effort, his third break of the race. Mads Pedersen always looked likeliest from the trio at the head of proceedings, and so it proved, the Dane comfortably beating south London's Wright and Hugo Houle.

Matteo Jorgenson, Filippo Ganna and Stefan Küng (as well as safely back in the peloton Quinn Simmons) were part of the effort to keep the break ahead of the peloton but couldn't follow when Pedersen jumped on the final climb. They finished fourth to sixth respectively.

A brave ride from Pedersen who was one of the favourites for the sprint, let alone attacking a rolling 193km stage head-on from the break...

No change on GC as we head into the second weekend.

15 July 2022, 15:07

The break has 2:16 with 18km left. Normally that would be touch and go but the peloton don't seem to be making much headway. We'll see in about half an hour's time, but this looks like one for the break. Top Ganna? Fred Wright? King Mads?  

15 July 2022, 14:42
Fair point
15 July 2022, 12:40
What happens when a rider punctures in the Tour de France?

15 July 2022, 12:31
I want to break free

Your stage 13 breakaway: Filippo Ganna, Stefan Küng, Mads Pedersen, Fred Wright, Quinn Simmons, Hugo Houle, Matteo Jorgenson...

There are some proper engines in there. Good luck Quick Step, Lotto and'll have to work hard for your sprint. 

15 July 2022, 11:36
Pro rider's team bike lost at Dublin Airport

Air travel has seen better days: staff shortages, cancelled flights, delays etc. etc. but we've also reported a spike in riders losing their bikes, or should I say airlines losing riders' kit...

>  EasyJet sends cyclist’s £14,000 bike and luggage to Naples… instead of London

Novo Nordisk rider Stephen Clancy was on his way to Copenhagen after the Irish National Championships on June 29 and last saw his €12,000 Argon team bike at the oversized baggage drop-off.

The rider on the team raising awareness for diabetes, and consisting entirely of diabetic riders, also lost medication he needs in the misplaced luggage. Clancy told the Irish Daily Mail he'd been on hold for three hours with Scandinavian Airlines on Tuesday.

"Usually you get your bags back in three or four days. That timeframe has gone out of the window. The most stressful thing is the lack of information. I know it is not the baggage handlers' fault but it has been three weeks with no progress.

"One thing that is giving me hope is hearing about other people in similar situations. It makes me feel less alone and I've heard of some good outcomes."

15 July 2022, 11:25
Today's questionable road safety advice...comes from Down Under

Safe Roads Australia..."Our aim is to promote and advocate for Road Safety for all road-users. Through education, advancing a safe mindset on the road, improved road infrastructure."


15 July 2022, 10:12
"It's incredible to see": Wiggo hails Tom Pidcock's brilliance (+ "return of Chris Froome")

Former teammate and fellow member of the exclusive 'British Tour de France winners' club Sir Bradley Wiggins was pleased to see Chris Froome back at the front of the race in the high mountains.

Chris Froome Tour de France 2022 (ASO / Pauline Ballet)

Speaking to Eurosport about yesterday's stage, Wiggo said it was the "return of Chris Froome". 

"That's testament to all the hard work and sacrifice him and his family have gone through these last few years since that big crash, great ride."

Wiggins also quite rightly had plenty of positives to mention about the stage winner, and man of the moment, Tom Pidcock: "I think we all are a bit [lost for words]. I still think of him as a young kid racing in the UK and he's won on Alpe d'Huez at his first Tour de France. The extent of his talent, I don't know where he goes from here. We say that every time he does something, but it's amazing. It truly is amazing.

"To go on the descent of the Galibier, to bridge across to the group and then be one of the instigators driving it forward all day. His descending today was off the scale. He's got such a mature head on him. It's incredible to see."

15 July 2022, 10:48
Drum & Bass On The Bike from the sky

15 July 2022, 09:13
Tour de France leaves the Alps — stage 13 from Bourg d'Oisans to Saint Etienne
TdF 2022 Stage 13 profile

One for the sprinters? A breakaway day?

As Simon wrote in his pre-race preview: It's the 27th time that Saint-Etienne, the city that was once the centre of France’s bicycle industry, will have hosted a stage of the race. Last time it hosted a finish three years ago Thomas De Gendt won the stage, but organisers have opted for a less taxing profile today with the last of three categorised climbs crested with 44km still to ride.

On the prediction front: Simon – Matej Mohorič (Bahrain Victorious)
Suvi – Fabio Jakobsen (Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl)
Ryan – Wout van Aert (Jumbo-Visma)

Those were made pre-race, so with the benefit of two weeks of eagle-eyed viewing, I'm on Jasper Philipsen for today...

15 July 2022, 09:02
Fancy dress bike bus
15 July 2022, 07:44
Packed hairpins, beer, songs (+ a couple idiots with flares) — madness of Alpe d'Huez stage
Breakaway: Froome Pidcock Powless Ciccone Tour de France Alpe d'Huez 2022 stage 12 (ASO / Pauline Ballet)

[ASO / Pauline Ballet]

We're still not over yesterday. WHAT. A. STAGE...

Tom Pidcock is the king of Alpe d'Huez, writing himself into cycling folklore with that perfection of a debut Tour de France stage win. All the way up Pidcock, and the rest of the peloton — from the Yorkshire sensation back to Victor Lafay 40 minutes later — were cheered on by monster crowds packed onto each of the famous climb's 21 bends.

Here are some of the best scenes from Bastille Day on the mountain...

 The good people at Velon captured the action, while a rejuvenated Tadej Pogačar called it "a day he'll never forget" and an atmosphere that is "really something different"...

Of course it's time for the obligatory post-Alpe d'Huez stage moan about 'fans' setting off flares/smokebombs (whatever you want to call them) as the riders pass. No climate protest yesterday, just a few too many beverages...nothing like the taste of pyrotechnic in the lungs at 400w...

We'll leave the final word to the man of the moment...

Tom Pidcock Alpe d'Huez Tour de France 2022 stage 12 (ASO / Pauline Ballet)


Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Jenova20 | 2 years ago

The video of motorists driving on that cycle lane needs sending to the police. It's an offence, and it's on video.

Hirsute | 2 years ago

What The Actual

Queuing up on a shared pathway to drive into a school.
What the hell is wrong with these people?

IanMSpencer replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

What are the chances that the justification for the lane is the school they are queuing for?

That's a lot of driving on pavement - a good few points and money for plod to collect - monthly stats met in one tweet.

Hirsute replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

Right at the end are 2 cyclists heading towards the carnage.
What happened next ?

AlsoSomniloquism replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago
1 like

Nah, the cycle lane pre-empt the school and has featured many a time on here as it is a main route down to Richmond Park. Multiple near misses even though it is a 20 zone, and I think one time when a van driver had pulled into a road and was dragging cyclists onto the bike lane which is not fit for it. And definitely not now all the drivers need to approach the school.

It is a special education school so I expect people could be going there from quite a distance and alot look like Taxis.


froze | 2 years ago

That road was too narrow and too busy for bikes trying to ride on the far-left side of the lane.  I'm not sure what the speed limit was there, but if the speed limit was on the lower side then cyclists should just take the lane, if the speed is high then cyclists should consider a different route.  

Having said that I am not on the motorist's side, the motorist should not have tried to pass the cyclists with cars that close to his right side forcing him to move more to the left, which put him in conflict with the cyclists; he should have waited to pass the cyclists for traffic to clear on his right then moved over into part of the right lane till he cleared the cyclists.  Since the driver left the scene then he needs to be arrested and put in jail for fleeing the scene of an accident; not to mention pay for any damage done to the bike and injuries to the rider.

Mungecrundle replied to froze | 2 years ago

Doesn't matter what the speed limit is, sometimes you have to make allowances for slower road users. Beeping your horn, close intimidatory pass and then deliberately driving into someone before driving off is not the correct response.

It's not as if someone towing a caravan has ever held up other traffic.🙄

AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago
1 like

Of course, as before, this happening to a Police Officer doesn't mean that is the reason a driving course, then court case found in favour of the cyclists. Maybe Inspector Kev can grace us with the experience used to get these covered with other forces (Obvs, not talking about the their neighbours in Lancaster as nothing short of a massive clearout seems to be needed there).

wtjs replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 2 years ago

Obvs, not talking about the their neighbours in Lancaster as nothing short of a massive clearout seems to be needed there

True, but Lancashire Constabulary HQ is at Hutton in Preston

AlsoSomniloquism replied to wtjs | 2 years ago

Mistakenly put the Town instead of the county Police but you know what i meant.

OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

The nutter towing the caravan needs to attract a serious fine for that. I hope the footage has been sent to the cops and that they take it seriously.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

Points and ban.
1: Close pass whilst blowing horn for no reason = Careless Driving. 
2: Running into cyclist and then continuing driving forward. Dangerous Driving. Especially as they didn't know if they were actually running over the bike or the cyclist. 
3: Leaving the scene of an accident.

All should be totted up and added to the sentence, and I expect as a merc driver they probably already have points anyway. 

TriTaxMan replied to OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

OldRidgeback wrote:

The nutter towing the caravan needs to attract a serious fine for that. I hope the footage has been sent to the cops and that they take it seriously.

The nutter towing the caravan needs an immediate ban and possibly jail sentence

eburtthebike replied to OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

OldRidgeback wrote:

The nutter towing the caravan needs to attract a serious fine for that. I hope the footage has been sent to the cops and that they take it seriously.

As long as it wasn't Merseyside Police with their "cycle like you drive" idiocy.

ChrisB200SX replied to OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

I'd say the nutter towing the caravan needs to be jailed for eveyone's safety. The abusive use of the horn during the punishment pass shows intent. The continuing after potentially running over a person shows no care for their life after deliberately ramming them.

Pyro Tim replied to OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

I hope so, this is at the lights to the airport. The pavement next to them is a shared use path. I experience a lot of hassle for not using it, but it's always covered in glass, and occasionally fly tipped detritus. 40 limit at this point, but has been 60 until a few hundred meters from the lights, but most drivers seem to think it's 40 all the way round. I ride or drive it every day as I work very close to this location. It's not the worst road I rider on, but always the occasional numpty, don't ride it in the dark though, it's scary

mark1a replied to Pyro Tim | 2 years ago
1 like

I've had grief on Parley Lane before, for not using the inadequate shared path, although thankfully just verbal, nothing like this.

It's a popular road with road cyclists of course because over the next roundabout is the edge of the New Forest.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to mark1a | 2 years ago
1 like

Someone in the comments decided to mention that the cyclists should have been on the path. But of course most of them cheered this as it was the cyclist fault for "turning into the car". 

Hirsute | 2 years ago


"The illustrations in this video should not be construed as an endorsement of driving like this on the public highway" *

* probably stored in a single pixel in the video

andystow replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Don't know where they're based, and not clicking on the link, but the steering wheel is on the left and in the USA it's perfectly legal to eat and drink while driving. I've seen far worse.

Not sure how this makes driving any more "fun" though.

STiG911 | 2 years ago

Jesus Christ - That Australia 'Safety' message is bad enough, but has anyone seen their replies? Batshit. Utterly Batshit.

brooksby replied to STiG911 | 2 years ago

I couldn't bring myself to read them.  I do note that they "forgot" to say that motorists also ought to be trying to avoid conflict with pedestrians...

HarrogateSpa | 2 years ago

As the TDF peloton rides through extreme heat brought on by global heating, should riders be asked if they are comfortable promoting oil and SUVs?

Any thoughtful replies appreciated, others not so much.

Secret_squirrel replied to HarrogateSpa | 2 years ago
1 like

How come promoting it is worse than actually consuming it in vast quantities as all the Teams are doing?  Promotion is the lesser of two evils to me.  Both of course dwafted by the consumption of even a minor town at rush hour. 
On balance I can live with it, if a little uncomfortably. 

HarrogateSpa replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago
1 like

I disagree. I don't believe Tom Pidcock, Geraint Thomas and the others are bad people, but they are in effect paid to promote climate breakdown.

I would like journalists to ask them to justify it.

Hoping that consumers will change their habits is what you seem to be relying on, and it's almost certainly not going to work. We need governments and big fossil fuel businesses to change the structures in which the rest of us live our lives.

Rich_cb replied to HarrogateSpa | 2 years ago

All unnecessary consumption is damaging to the climate.

Therefore 90%+ of advertising and sponsorship is climate damaging.

I doubt anyone will consume more of Ineos' chemicals or UAE's gas or Kazakhstan's oil because of the TdF.

You could ban those sponsors if you wanted but it would have no effect on the climate whatsoever.

Hirsute | 2 years ago

A cyclist who killed a widow after crashing his bike into her as she walking home following a visit to the cinema has been jailed.

McGinn was jailed for 12 months and banned from driving for two years and six months.

TriTaxMan replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

And unfortunately social media is awash with all of the anti-cycling mob out for blood in the same way that they were for Charlie Alliston & Emir Loka.  Surprisingly the Daily Heil has the news in their papers too.

I doubt anyone will argue that the sentence was unjustified based on the facts that were reported.  But I feel no amount of cyclists saying the sentence was correct in the circumstances will change the minds of those in the anti-cycling mob.

Trying to add balance by highlighting the fact that motorists who kill pedestrians on pavements in similar circumstances frequently avoid jail, and the fact that motorists kill pedestrians on pavements so often that it in most cases doesn't make the national news and in some cases doesn't even make the local news won't do any good.

hawkinspeter replied to TriTaxMan | 2 years ago

And, that's another incident where a pedestrian helmet would have had a decent chance of saving her life.

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Good opportunity - how about we pool our talents and set up a kickstarter. Needs a name - "bike blocker"?  "T.d.F.Off"?

(With apologies to the LA Rams)


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