Jack has been writing about cycling and multisport for over a decade, arriving at road.cc via 220 Triathlon Magazine in 2017. He worked across all areas of the website including tech, news and video, and also contributed to eBikeTips before being named Editor of road.cc in 2021 (much to his surprise). Jack has been hooked on cycling since his student days, and currently has a Trek 1.2 for winter riding, a beloved Bickerton folding bike for getting around town and an extra beloved custom Ridley Helium SLX for fantasising about going fast in his stable. Jack has never won a bike race, but does have a master's degree in print journalism and two Guinness World Records for pogo sticking (it's a long story).
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Had to look up how much the better half's peugeot 107 weighed, it's only 800kg, but it is a little car. Suits her fine, good fuel econemy and VED £20. Insurance less than my bikes, grr.
Have managed to fit the bike in the back when I cut the end off my finger and she picked us up from A+E, though dismantleing it with one hand was not easy.
I don't understand the huge vehicle thing, and I probably never will.
The guy holding up the wanker 'doctors' - what an absolute LEGEND
I hope this story rumbles on.. has the internet found out the names of these two very important'ing doctors yet?
Doctors can be a different breed of human sometimes, that video demonstrates the bubbling undercurrent of their ever so common god complexes.
Put two of them together and they can literally do anything! Heal the sick, drive within impunity, work two jobs... basically superhumans.
You're thinking of consultants.
Nailed it there Peted76!
It was posted on this thread that an NIP had been issued. So at least the police know who the car owner is.
There must be some way of complaining to a professional body (BMC?) about their ‘attitude’? It’s just that you need to identify them first.
they can actually heal the sick all on their own...
This incident was on the Outer Circle of Regent’s Park , which shouldn’t be used as a through road. There’s a perfectly suitable road (Albany Street) parallel to it.
One of my jobs (I’m a multi-tasking kind of guy), is as a casual car park assistant. In the interview (yes, such jobs demand an interview) I said about members of the public sometimes having an ‘unrealistic belief in their exaggerated entitlement’.
The female passenger is one such person and people like that really piss me off.
Obvs I got the job
Well, how did you become two doctors? That’s most unusual - I mean, did you take the exams twice, or…?
Ask Colin Baker
Oh - that's from the story with the Sontarans, the cannibals, and the ginger eyebrows, isn't it?
(you could have also gone with (2) Tennant & Smith, (3) Pertwee, Troughton, and Hartnell, or even (4.5) Davison, Pertwee, Troughton, fake Hartnell, and old video of Baker...).
(I'll get my coat
she’s only one doctor really. It’s her patients’ fault:
Doctor, Doctor - I keep singing "Green green grass of home" - I think I have Tom Jones syndrome
It's not unusual...
"You know what time we left? Quarter to eight."
It's a hard life.
This only 'worked' because the occupants of the car were 'nice' (for relatively small values of 'nice').
When the vehicle is a flatbed belonging to a scaffolding company, and the two blokes inside are called Chris and Gary, then the cyclist is going to be seriously assaulted, and his bicycle crushed under the wheels.
And then the police will charge the cyclist with criminal damage, if the underside of the vehicle is scratched.
When has anyone in the building trade ever been worried about arriving late to work??
Yeah, you'd think.
But why is it that when I leave the house early to get into the office, and most of the other vehicles are small white vans, large Transits and scaffolding lorries, everyone is going like a fucking bat out of hell?
They have to get to site quickly to sit drinking coffee and "reading" the third page of a certain tabloid
Brilliant. Well done cycling Mikey!
Aren't doctors supposed to uphold the Hippocratic Oath - "First, do no harm unless you're in a car in which case do what you want and sod everyone else"?
I was also under the impression that most cancer treatments take quite a while and waiting an extra 5 minutes is probably not going to make much difference to someone going through weeks/months of chemotherapy etc.
What we should have is a system whereby professionals on their way to an emergency can indicate their urgency with maybe flashing blue lights and a loud siren to alert other road users.
there are already a few systems in place.
One lets you park on double-red, a bus-stop or cycle lane if you put a handwritten scrap of paper in the windscreen saying something like 'photocopier engineer on call'.
The other lets you break any traffic law simply by turning on the hazard warning lights. Everybody can interpret these correctly, and it's actually illegal to be really pissed off about it, so be careful.
Finally, if you nearly kill a cyclist or pedestrian during the course of your driving, say by racing through the lights, or turning right across them, or not seeing them on the roundabout, you can wave at them if you're a guy, or if you're a woman you can give them a sympathetic look and a little smile, and that makes everything ok, so if you then call them a something rhyming with blunt you're actually the criminal.
".....because we are both Doctors going to private appointments with outpatients at a private practice and couldn't be arsed to leave with enough time as we know we can skip a lot of traffic by committing a motoring offence that doesn't matter to us because if stopped we will just say it is ok because we are both doc...."
The taxi driver who stops to have a go 'what about what you lot do on bikes' then pulls up and parks on double yellows 50m down the road!
Fluffy..., good point, well made.
Does she really say "why don't you do something worthwhile for a living."? What a self righteous, sanctimonious, vile cretin (if that is what she does say (my laptop speakers are awful)). I wouldn't mind betting that she has been spoilt since birth.
"We are both doctors!" You are both wankers!!!!
If only there were a cancer specialist who might know what can happen if you drive on the wrong side of the road. And why it's not a Measure you should resort to.
Go head on into traffic , easily could have injured someone( bet they have done that before)
and then try and blame the cyclist if one of there cancer patients dies because they are not there.
tell you what “ DR” take fu££ing responsibility and make sure you get to your patience’s on good time instead of thinking you have some right to break the law and possibly injure someone.
what would have happened if they had blocked a ambulance or fire truck trying to get to a real emergency ? “I’m now swearing quite a lot “
Go head on into traffic , easily could have injured someone( bet they have done that before)
and then try and blame the cyclist if one of there cancer patients dies because they are not there.
tell you what “ DR” take fu££ing responsibility and make sure you get to your patience’s on good time instead of thinking you have some right to break the law and possibly injure someone.
what would have happened if they had blocked a ambulance or fire truck trying to get to a real emergency ? “I’m now swearing quite a lot “
If only there was a London doctor (professor), who was in to debating road safety and congestion and maybe a Lord to boot. He could address issues like this.
If only there was a London doctor (professor), who was in to debating road safety and congestion and maybe a Lord to boot. He could address issues like this.
If only there was a London doctor (professor), who was in to debating road safety and congestion and maybe a Lord to boot. He could address issues like this.