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Live blog: Cyclist stands ground to stop car cutting junction on wrong side of the road (claim they're doctors in rush to see patients); cyclist unable to make Fred Whitton due to bike booking blunder; B'ham's new cycle routes blocked by bins + more

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12 June 2019, 14:30
Re Regent's Park...

Incidents like the one in the clip below could actually become a thing of the past thanks to a consultation that wants to close the Parks' roads to motor traffic, as we reported at the weekend. You can show your support by filling out the form here

12 June 2019, 15:04
Missed our NAMEDSPORT newsletter offer of free HydraFit energy drink sample?
Named Sport HydraFit Hypotonic Drink

...well we're giving you the chance to take advantage of the offer again! All you have to do is sign up here for a free sample of NAMED's Hydrafit energy drink mix, training advice and exclusive offers and deals. There's no obligation to buy, unless you really like it of course...

Here's that link again, just so you definitely don't miss it. 


12 June 2019, 13:54
Confirmed: no Froome at Tour de France due to broken femur
Froome Ineos Oakley 2019


Full story here

12 June 2019, 12:05
"I'm going to take a photo of you to show my patients why I'm late". Doctors drive up wrong side of the road and are blocked by cyclist, and an angry exchange ensues for over five minutes

It's happened before and it will happen again, but the latest attempt by a driver to head down the wrong side of the road to turn right at this junction in Regent's Park has been foiled by a very determined cyclist, who stood in the way for five minutes before the driver and unrepentant passenger eventually back up. What ensued in between is an oscar-worthy few minutes of sarcasm, name-calling and excuses.  

While the driver honks his horn, the passenger claims they are doctors who are late to see patients, which is why they wanted to cut the traffic queue. The passenger admits to the offence, and even takes a photo of the cyclist to "tell cancer patients why they are late."  

The footage was retweeted by Jeremy Vine, who commended the cyclist going by the name Cycling Mikey on Twitter. 

Bizarrely, a taxi driver towards the end of the video berates the cyclist for holding up the traffic - even though for him the blockage would have been exactly the same whether the cyclist was there or not. 

Do we need more Cycling Mikeys, or would a camera snap and a quick call to the authorities been enough in this case? Do let us know your thoughts.  

12 June 2019, 11:58
Breaking news: Froome taken to hospital after crash at the Dauphiné, putting his Tour de France hopes in jeopardy...
Team Ineos Chris Froome Pinarello Dogma F12 (picture credit (17).jpg

Not good news for Froome or Team Ineos. Full story here

12 June 2019, 11:51
Man who missed the Fred Whitton thanks to Virgin Trains bike booking blunder demanding hotel and race entry refund

The disgruntled cyclist received £66 compensation from Virgin Trains for his ticket - but wants the full race entry and hotel cost off them too. Virgin asked for the matter to be handled via private message, to which the man insisted it be handled publicly to show them up. How do you think this will go? We'll be following in earnest with (hopefully) a full story coming later today...

12 June 2019, 11:20
Flying mount perfection?

Cyclocrossers and triathletes take note... Marianne Vos shows us how to nail the flying mount, and manages to roll smoothly back into the peloton like nowt happened. 

12 June 2019, 07:10
Cyclist captures numerous blockages along new Cycle Superhighway in Birmingham

The second city's first dedicated 'Cycling Superhighways' on the A38 and A34 were officially opened by Shanaze Reade and Jason Kenny last week, but some commuters are already complaining of blockages along the route from council bins, joggers and cars parked along it, according to the Birmingham Mail and several cyclists on Twitter.  

Speaking to the Birmingham Mail, PC Mark Hodson of West Midlands Police Road Harm Reduction Team said:  “We will be patrolling the new cycle routes on police bicycles to ensure that the infrastructure is being used in a lawful manner by all road users.

"When we witness any misuse or offences then we will deal with this through our usual combination of education and enforcement.”

12 June 2019, 06:58
Of all the things...

Some bizarre scenes captured here, where a helicopter blew multiple riders off their bikes mid-race. It looks like none were hurt as they battle to re-mount against the huge winds generated by the chopper. 

12 June 2019, 06:52
Bloody cyclists, never stopping at crossings or red lights...
12 June 2019, 06:48
A small consolation

This Irish cyclist managed to get a conviction from submitting evidence of a nasty close pass, with the driver getting three points and a 250 euro fine. Look out for our guide to submitting camera evidence in the coming weeks to make sure you know how to go about reporting dodgy driving like the above. 

Arriving at in 2017 via 220 Triathlon Magazine, Jack dipped his toe in most jobs on the site and over at eBikeTips before being named the new editor of in 2020, much to his surprise. His cycling life began during his students days, when he cobbled together a few hundred quid off the back of a hard winter selling hats (long story) and bought his first road bike - a Trek 1.1 that was quickly relegated to winter steed, before it was sadly pinched a few years later. Creatively replacing it with a Trek 1.2, Jack mostly rides this bike around local cycle paths nowadays, but when he wants to get the racer out and be competitive his preferred events are time trials, sportives, triathlons and pogo sticking - the latter being another long story.  

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zero_trooper | 5 years ago
1 like

The Duncan Milne Twitter video: IIRC overtaking within the zig-zags of a pedestrian crossing is illegal and a three-pointer.

Hirsute replied to zero_trooper | 5 years ago
zero_trooper wrote:

The Duncan Milne Twitter video: IIRC overtaking within the zig-zags of a pedestrian crossing is illegal and a three-pointer.

Only in respect of another motor vehicle.

zero_trooper replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:
zero_trooper wrote:

The Duncan Milne Twitter video: IIRC overtaking within the zig-zags of a pedestrian crossing is illegal and a three-pointer.

Only in respect of another motor vehicle.


Thank you for the correction.

zero_trooper | 5 years ago

Apologies - double post.

zero_trooper | 5 years ago

In support of MikeyCycling (and cycling in the parks in general) I have completed the Royal Parks Survey.

And I don’t even live in London.

Mungecrundle | 5 years ago

Proof, if any be needed, that if you go looking for trouble then you can find it.

Hirsute | 5 years ago

The driver tells the other cyclist who stops to squeeze past and mind his own business.

Clearly impeding traffic by driving on the wrong side of the road is not the concern of those road users who are impended or endangered by such actions.


Sriracha | 5 years ago

Doctors? Travelling around in a pair to an appointment? There's never a pair of doctors in the appointment room whenever I go. Dunno, maybe it's a thing with peripatetics?

brooksby replied to Sriracha | 5 years ago

Sriracha wrote:

Doctors? Travelling around in a pair to an appointment? There's never a pair of doctors in the appointment room whenever I go. Dunno, maybe it's a thing with peripatetics?

Or Harley Street?

MonkeyPuzzle | 5 years ago

People in a real hurry usually find the time to stand and argue for quite a while, don't they?

lukei1 | 5 years ago

One rule for......those who have the capaicity to, and in fact do so with horryfing frequency, kill on the roads of this country and another for those not worth pursueing

Master Bean | 5 years ago

I didn't see CM stop the cyclist who want the wrong side if the island. One rule for drivers and one rule for the holier than thou cyclists.

MonkeyPuzzle replied to Master Bean | 5 years ago

Master Bean wrote:

I didn't see CM stop the cyclist who want the wrong side if the island. One rule for drivers and one rule for the holier than thou cyclists.

He's a man, not a gate, so assuming he can pick either the two tons of metal at 30mph or the <100kg of squishy human at 15mph, which one do you think best deserves his attention?

BaselGooner | 5 years ago

Presumably one can ride over a car parked on a bike lane like this one - perhaps Danny Macaskill can give us regular riders some tips on doing it safely. Of course, unclipping on roof and slamming foot down would also be needed!

burtthebike | 5 years ago

Chapeau to Cycling Mikey.  It is a demonstration of how much vitriol there is towards cyclists when the taxi driver berates him and not the driver.

I'm assuming that this is close to CM's heart because he's had a close call or two at this junction, and I can imagine that turning left and being faced by a ton of metal coming towards you at 30mph might make you determined enough to do something about it.

Daveyraveygravey replied to burtthebike | 5 years ago
1 like

burtthebike wrote:

Chapeau to Cycling Mikey.  It is a demonstration of how much vitriol there is towards cyclists when the taxi driver berates him and not the driver.

I'm assuming that this is close to CM's heart because he's had a close call or two at this junction, and I can imagine that turning left and being faced by a ton of metal coming towards you at 30mph might make you determined enough to do something about it.


It's a minor point, but the car manufacturers would give their eye teeth to make a modern car weigh around a tonne.  I'd like to know what the average weight of a car is, but I bet it is nearer 2 tonnes than 1 these days, with all these over-engineered tractors masquerading as limos that people seem unable to live without...

Hirsute replied to Daveyraveygravey | 5 years ago

Daveyraveygravey wrote:

It's a minor point, but the car manufacturers would give their eye teeth to make a modern car weigh around a tonne.  I'd like to know what the average weight of a car is, but I bet it is nearer 2 tonnes than 1 these days, with all these over-engineered tractors masquerading as limos that people seem unable to live without...

Fiat 500 weighs in at just under a tonne.

Bungle73 | 5 years ago

Are we not entitled to hear the full story re the so-calleed VT "bike  booking blunder"? I don't think anyone should be forming opinons on stuff they only know half the facts of.

ktache | 5 years ago

CyclingMikey has said that an NIP was sent.

jh27 replied to ktache | 5 years ago

ktache wrote:

CyclingMikey has said that an NIP was sent.


I wonder if he has also contacted the GMC? I think they might have something to say to doctors who believe their job title excuses their law breaking.


Although, I admit, might be difficult if he doesn't know the doctor's name.

Hirsute replied to jh27 | 5 years ago
jh27 wrote:

ktache wrote:

CyclingMikey has said that an NIP was sent.


I wonder if he has also contacted the GMC? I think they might have something to say to doctors who believe their job title excuses their law breaking.


Although, I admit, might be difficult if he doesn't know the doctor's name.

I'm on my way to do my job, but I'm a bit late, so that entitled me to drive on the wrong side of the road.

If that woman had shown me a picture of the cyclist I would have said it's lucky you didn't kill him driving on the wrong side of the road.

burtthebike replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:

I'm on my way to do my job, but I'm a bit late, so that entitled me to drive on the wrong side of the road.

Reminds me of the story in the local rag a few years ago, complete with picture, of a gran done for speeding, using the excuse that her grand-daughter had been taken ill, so it was ok to speed and put other people's grand-children at risk.  She was outraged and considered that her prosecution was utterly unreasonable.

brooksby | 5 years ago

I was under the impression that medical personnel get to (pretty much) ignore the rules of the road on their way to an emergency if (and only if) they have a big blue flashing light on their vehicle.

I can't see their blue flashing light, so...  

Jetmans Dad replied to brooksby | 5 years ago

brooksby wrote:

I was under the impression that medical personnel get to (pretty much) ignore the rules of the road on their way to an emergency if (and only if) they have a big blue flashing light on their vehicle.

I can't see their blue flashing light, so...  

Certainly in days gone by, doctors used to get a green light to put on the top of their cars (Starsky & Hutch style) to warn other users they were on their way to an emergency call, but it was purely advisory. They were not permitted to run red light, or break the limit and their was no obligation placed on other vehicles to get out of the way ... but clearly many did so as a gesture of goodwill. 

Haven't seen one for a long time.

AlsoSomniloquism | 5 years ago

According to the Twitter replies it is also untaxed. And in another set of pictures it has been moved onto the pavement fully to leave the cycleway clear so it is clearly still being driven. Still WMPHRT or the OpSafeParking team will be on the case I'm sure. 

handlebarcam | 5 years ago

An Audi? Being driven/parked selfishly? Surely not.

antigee | 5 years ago

is it just  the way the picture is taken but looking at that Audi parked on the cycle superhighway it looks like there is a tree in the middle of the blue painted section? (and further trees) surely not...not that I want trees removed from urban streets - there is a perfectly good road that could give up space ...and if you read the tweet and look at later pics the (untaxed) Audi is moved to block the ped' area and only partly obstruct the cycle lane dangerously so as it means cyclists riding towards oncoming  traffic could be forced closer to it by cyclists passing the car 

zanf replied to antigee | 5 years ago



zanf replied to antigee | 5 years ago

antigee wrote:

is it just  the way the picture is taken but looking at that Audi parked on the cycle superhighway it looks like there is a tree in the middle of the blue painted section? (and further trees) surely not...not that I want trees removed from urban streets - there is a perfectly good road that could give up space ...and if you read the tweet and look at later pics the (untaxed) Audi is moved to block the ped' area and only partly obstruct the cycle lane dangerously so as it means cyclists riding towards oncoming  traffic could be forced closer to it by cyclists passing the car 

Its not a cycle highway. Its the lefthand lane the Outer Circle with an island divider: [GMaps streetview]

They had driven on to the wrong side of the road and subsequently, the road furniture, so they could cut the corner and continue driving along the Outer Circle wheras all the other traffic was backed up waiting at the lights to get onto Marylebone Road/Euston Road.


AlsoSomniloquism replied to zanf | 5 years ago

zanf wrote:

antigee wrote:

is it just  the way the picture is taken but looking at that Audi parked on the cycle superhighway it looks like there is a tree in the middle of the blue painted section? (and further trees) surely not...not that I want trees removed from urban streets - there is a perfectly good road that could give up space ...and if you read the tweet and look at later pics the (untaxed) Audi is moved to block the ped' area and only partly obstruct the cycle lane dangerously so as it means cyclists riding towards oncoming  traffic could be forced closer to it by cyclists passing the car 

Its not a cycle highway. Its the lefthand lane the Outer Circle with an island divider: [GMaps streetview]

They had driven on to the wrong side of the road and subsequently, the road furniture, so they could cut the corner and continue driving along the Outer Circle wheras all the other traffic was backed up waiting at the lights to get onto Marylebone Road/Euston Road.


Antigee is commenting on the Birmingham Cycleway blocking, not the two "We are Doctors so better the God" drivers in the latter video that most of the comments are about. 


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