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Car crashes into building - please post your Local news stories

Running this one up the flagpole to see who salutes... 

I just don't remember this being a thing until recently, now it seems a daily occurrence.
Could it be that there are drivers not up to the job, too many cars; should houses be made to ride in single file, shops put on high viz, why are we putting newer buildings in danger like this, it's irresponsible.

'A Dorset Police spokesperson said: "Dorset Police was called at 12.48pm on Thursday, August 13, to a report of a collision involving a car and a wall outside Iceland on Poole Road in Bournemouth.

"It is reported that the vehicle was also in collision with a pedestrian, but they did not require medical treatment." ' 


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David9694 replied to Mungecrundle | 1 year ago

update : pictures

Here's the Reach version - I think of some poor nightshift reporter in some regional newsroom trying to find some happening in the south-west to write about, he even starts a live blog which rapidly peters-out. 

Updates - Car crashes into Co-op shop in Nailsea

Hannah More Road is closed in the North Somerset town


hawkinspeter replied to David9694 | 1 year ago

David9694 wrote:

car hits lollipop

It's about time that lollipop people were made to wear bright colours to avoid this kind of thing

andystow replied to David9694 | 1 year ago

David9694 wrote:

Pictures from East Grinstead car crash into high street shop

Obviously needs more bollards.

OnYerBike replied to PRSboy | 1 year ago

PRSboy wrote:

This one in Hungerford before Christmas could have been horrific... video from 12 secs for the terminally impatient.

"he warned expectations had to be tempered by the reality that the High Street was a trunk road and traffic must be kept flowing."


wtjs replied to SaveTheWail | 1 year ago

I see they have pavement seating outside- you'd have to be pretty mental to sit out there while there are BMW and Audi drivers about!

IanMSpencer replied to David9694 | 1 year ago

The irony is that they are seeking to find the owner/driver of the vehicle, but the tweet referenced in the article blanks out the number plate.

If only there were a system for the public to recognise the car, then they could help.

IanMSpencer replied to David9694 | 1 year ago
1 like

David9694 wrote:

Audi driver Instagrammer now at the piss-taking stage.

this isn't going to last, is it? Does his mother know he is out?

Slightly more worrying is the Instagram picture of him apparently demonstrating how he solved his problem of a full bladder. Nearly as bad as his haircut, which probably cost a fortune, but went out of fashion about the same time as home cooking and the demise of the mixing bowl (as I know to my cost).

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 1 year ago

brooksby wrote:

Another untamed car:

Car flips over and crashes into parked vehicles in quiet Bedminster street

"A cordon was put in place and crews worked towards making the vehicles safe using ratchet straps and a winch."

That's right, tie the buggers down so they can't just go flipping around.

OnYerBike replied to David9694 | 1 year ago
1 like

David9694 wrote:

Sopley home owner Penny Coleman lives in fear of fatal crash after cars hit her cottage

She told the A&T: “I literally spend every day worrying about when the next crash will be. It is such a horrible feeling.

“When the last one happened I was actually looking out of my kitchen window when I saw this car coming straight at the house.

"She has written to Hampshire County Council that the road is “dangerous” but says she was told that unless these is a fatality nothing would be done."

I don't wish to absolve the drivers, but I'm still astounded that the official policy is "do nothing until someone dies".

David9694 replied to chrisonabike | 1 year ago

Here's Before.  After looks like it could go to Tate Modern. 

wtjs replied to hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

She came out of nowhere, shot across the road and I didn't see her!

David9694 replied to OnYerBike | 1 year ago

you know those builders, I haven't seen them in ages the 'phone just rings and rings gosh is it two years doesn't time fly yes I'll try them again tomorrow

"Traffic lights are currently in place between Park Street and Atherton Crescent and will remain until it is safe to open both carriageways.

"It will take some time for a building's owner to complete the repairs to make it safe, so the traffic lights are expected to be in place for between six and nine months.

SaveTheWail replied to wtjs | 1 year ago
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My impression from the Manchester Evening News is that Salford is best avoided in general.

David9694 replied to IanMSpencer | 1 year ago

I suppose I shouldn't die of fright when I read that some of the BTL commenters are siding with the driver and blaiming the lollipop person.  

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 1 year ago
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I have to admit, I looked at that picture and my first thought was, "Well, that wasn't being driven under 20mph...".

hawkinspeter replied to OnYerBike | 1 year ago

OnYerBike wrote:

"She has written to Hampshire County Council that the road is “dangerous” but says she was told that unless these is a fatality nothing would be done."

I don't wish to absolve the drivers, but I'm still astounded that the official policy is "do nothing until someone dies".

What's the point of worshipping the all-devouring motor car unless you sacrifice some blood to it too?

David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

Up until the late '60s, the route through Sopley was the main A338; it's now a B road.

Not sure why drivers are finding this so difficult - it's a 30 mph road through the village - perhaps 20 mph would be easier for them? 

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

Was about to say "should not be in the road when cars are there" but hirsute found exactly that comment from someone  2

Entrenched motoring culture indeed.

Awavey replied to OnYerBike | 1 year ago
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that car was speeding though right ? because that looked very fast (with headlights on too it seems) for that kind of road.

I wonder how the insurance worked it out, or what the police did with the driver.

David9694 replied to OnYerBike | 1 year ago
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Follow up

Hampsire County Council may help Sopley resident Polly Coleman over vehicles hitting her house

We will be asking the police for details and, together with a study of the injury accident record for this area, we will consider if any interventions could be put in place that would improve road safety, taking into consideration the road environment, traffic volumes and other relevant factors.

“Any decisions to implement further measures will be based on evidence demonstrating that installing such measures will result in improvements.”

David9694 replied to Awavey | 1 year ago

the driver has come southwards along the High Street and looks to have been doing quite a speed, huh? No doubt rushing a fridge to a dying grandmother, or bringing back 2 tonnes of groceries for the local orphanage.

OnYerBike replied to Awavey | 1 year ago

Awavey wrote:

that car was speeding though right ? because that looked very fast (with headlights on too it seems) for that kind of road.

I wonder how the insurance worked it out, or what the police did with the driver.

Yes - it's a bit tricky with the camera angle but I certainly get the impression that the car was going far too fast, and had it been travelling within the speed limit (30mph as far as I can tell) I think the collision would have been avoided or at least far less serious.

The comments made by local residents/politicians would also appear to suggest they see the main problem as speeding along that road.

Don't know how the police/insurance would have worked it out - I think the speed was a major contributory factor, but even so, the other driver pulled out when it was not safe to do so, and they should have judged the speed of the oncoming vehicle and waited, rather than assuming the car was travelling at a sensible/lawful speed.

Hirsute replied to David9694 | 1 year ago

Some of the comments

"As a pedestrian your not soposed to enter the zebra crosing until both sides have stopped and can see you crossing the lollipop lady is causing criminal damage. The role is obsolete, its the councils job to put a crossing with lights their"

Doesn't even understand the basic HC.

"you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing"

mattw replied to PRSboy | 1 year ago
1 like

I make that 45-50mph down Hungerford High Street. 30 limit.

Response of Highways Authority:

Town councillor Jerry Keates said lorries used the High Street as a "rat run" between other towns and said residents were "eternally frustrated" by a lack of action by the highways authority, West Berkshire Council.

The meeting was attended by the district council's service director for the environment Jon Winstanley, who thanked Mrs Armstrong for the footage.

But he warned expectations had to be tempered by the reality that the High Street was a trunk road and traffic must be kept flowing.

IanMSpencer replied to SaveTheWail | 1 year ago

SaveTheWail wrote:

'A city centre junction has been slammed for having crashes 'every week'' - it's all the junction's fault, of course:

Manchester is one of the few places in the country that uses green right turn filters as the first phase after red, then followed by full green, so there is no indication to the right turning traffic when oncoming traffic is going to start. (Combine blindly following car in front turning right with enthusiastic getaway on green). Presumably here they've changed the sequencing to the normal UK style of full green followed by a period of filter with oncoming traffic held by a red. 

It was like that in the 70s, and I was amazed it was like that still when I returned about 30 years later.

brooksby replied to David9694 | 1 year ago

What do you reckon the insurance premium is for a newly qualified seventeen year old driving a brand new Audi...?

hawkinspeter replied to Hirsute | 1 year ago

hirsute wrote:

Some of the comments

"As a pedestrian your not soposed to enter the zebra crosing until both sides have stopped and can see you crossing the lollipop lady is causing criminal damage. The role is obsolete, its the councils job to put a crossing with lights their"

Doesn't even understand the basic HC.

"you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing"

So, if you don't step onto the crossing until both sides are clear and drivers won't stop unless there's someone starting to cross, does that mean that pedestrians are just stuck there forever?

chrisonabike replied to mattw | 1 year ago
1 like

This seems to be my theme ATM but I think almost every infra / legal story here could be ended with the following and have the majority of the population nodding (possibly sadly):


expectations have to be tempered by the reality that ... traffic must be kept flowing.

David9694 replied to brooksby | 1 year ago

Think of a number, the list price, and double it? 

wtjs replied to Hirsute | 1 year ago

"As a pedestrian your not soposed to enter the zebra crosing until both sides have stopped and can see you crossing the lollipop lady is causing criminal damage. The role is obsolete, its the councils job to put a crossing with lights their"

Is this a parody of a dimwit completing the bad-spelling bingo, or a real dimwit...?


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