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South London school bans knives, guns, drugs and … bicycles

Councillor seeking urgent meeting with principal says “We cannot have bicycles on the same prohibited list as knives, porn and ketamine”

A Wandsworth councillor has requested an urgent meeting with the principal of a school in the south London borough after it emerged that pupils are banned from cycling there, with bicycles featuring on a list of prohibited items that includes drugs, knives and pornographic material.

Twitter user Aigars Gedroics, the parent of a student at Ashcroft Technology Academy in Wandsworth – whose board of trustees is chaired by the former Conservative Party treasurer Lord Ashcroft – revealed the ban in reply to a tweet yesterday evening.

He subsequently tweeted a screengrab from the Academy Rules in which “Bicycles” appears in a list of prohibited items that are “not allowed in student’s possession while in uniform or whilst under the control of the academy.”

The rules also require that uniform is to be worn at all times, including while travelling to and from the academy, and provide an explanation of why bicycles are banned, stating: “Bicycles are not permitted because the Executive Board considers the traffic to be too heavy and the roads around the Academy too difficult to negotiate for young people and therefore pose an increased risk to health and safety.”

The school, in East Putney, lies close to the junction of the A205 South Circular Road and the A3 West Hill, with its main entrance located just off that road,

But Mr Gedroics highlighted on Twitter that West Hill does have cycle lanes running in both directions, and it is worth noting that the Academy Rules also require students to observe the Highway Code while travelling to and from the site.

Councillor Jo Rigby, active travel and transport speaker for the Labour group on the Conservative-controlled Wandsworth Council, said that she has written to the borough, the academy and London’s cycling and walking commissioner Will Norman to request an urgent meeting about the situation.

She told “We cannot have bicycles on the same prohibited list as knives, porn and ketamine. It is the goal of the London Mayor and Wandsworth Borough Council that our children should be able to walk and cycle to school safely.

“I have requested a meeting between Mr Douglas Mitchell, Ashcroft's principal, Wandsworth Council transport officers, TfL and both London and Wandsworth Cycling Campaign representatives to work together to find solutions to enabling safe cycling.”

She also said that the ban had been verified to her “by a former pupil, now aged 21, who states that he cycled to the school but locked his bike some streets away so as not to be seen by leadership.”

Councillor Rigby added: “It's a tech specialist secondary school. Cars are allowed in to inspire engineers but not bikes,” highlighting a tweet from the academy regarding a visit from McLaren Automotive.

As Twitter user Always Last pointed out, local education authorities in England have a statutory duty to promote sustainable travel to and from schools.

While the latest version of the Academy Rules is dated 2016/17, the effective ban on students cycling goes back more than a decade earlier, with Councillor Rigby tracking down a report regarding redevelopment of the school site, which at the time went by the name ADT College, laid before Wandsworth Council’s Planning Applications Committee in September 2005.

The report made reference to “30 cycle parking spaces (for staff and post-16 students) separated from the existing vehicular entrance to the north on Portinscale Road which will be retained,”

The report goes on to state:

The applicant in support of the application has indicated that the landscape design provides an area for 100 cycle stands, of which 30 will be provided during the proposed works. The school has a “no cycling” policy for pupils for health & safety reasons. Their students travel from a wide area and the transport surveys demonstrated that a significant majority use public transport. There are members of staff who cycle and the school has made a commitment to allowing post-16 students to cycle, but the school is not currently willing to allow the 11-16 year olds to cycle.

But the report also noted that in response to a consultation on the application, Transport for London had said it was

Surprised that no provision is made for students to cycle to college, recommends this be reviewed considering the proximity to London Cycle Network on West Hill including benefits associated with cycling. Additional cycling facilities should be provided to aid safe passage of students.

The position regarding cycle parking of the engineering services department of the London Borough of Wandsworth – which has been under Conservative control since 1978 – was also summarised in the report:

Cycle parking provision is restricted to staff with only 11 spaces proposed. Pupils should be encouraged to cycle to the College, following suitable training which can be arranged through the Council. Secure cycle parking provision should be increased to `146 spaces to allow for this.

Following publication of our article, we were contacted by the council, who pointed out that due to its academy status, the school made decisions independently of the council, and that the main routes to reach the school are on roads controlled by TfL, rather than the borough. In a statement, a council spokesman said:


Wandsworth Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and since then has been working with residents, businesses and institutions such as schools in implementing measures that are beneficial to the environment across the borough.

For example we run cycle training sessions within schools to encourage active travel and our school streets scheme has been a very positive measure, where we have closed roads to traffic at the start and end of the school day to create pedestrian and cycle only zones. We have a large number of our schools now involved in this scheme – you can read more about it here.

In terms of the decision taken by Ashcroft Technology Academy, it is worth pointing out that because of its academy status Ashcroft’s decisions are made independently of Wandsworth Council. But more importantly the two main roads used to get to the school – Upper Richmond Road and West Hill – are owned and run by Tfl and so any changes to the infrastructure of these roads are down to them.

In the meantime Wandsworth Council will speak to the school to see if it can help at all on this matter and continue to implement our policies, where we have jurisdiction and control, to meet our climate change commitments.

Meanwhile, across London in Dagenham …

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Chris Hayes | 3 years ago

What kind of society do we live in where knives, guns, and drugs require an explicit ban from our nation's schools?  

Bob's Bikes | 3 years ago

One wonders what would happen if the parents all claimed their fuel and running costs off the school now that their little darlings can't cycle to school and back

AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

So does that mean we know what school Socrapi was a Governer at or is it just more then one run by authoritarian people who believe roads are too dangerous for kids to cycle on but will ban any kids seen cycling to school on the pavement. 

alan sherman | 3 years ago
1 like

It is in my area.  The school has a reputation as being incredibly authoritarian / strict.  But has achieved good exam results - possibly by 'managing out' those that don't follow the rules!  It is not a school full of tarquins - they are in the private schools in the area.

Traffic in the area, including the 'quiet' side roads is particularly bad at morning school run time.  The school isn't really in a position where it would be 'nice' to ride to, being in the triangle of the south circular, A3 and the underground tracks (with only a pedestrian bridge).  But I'm surprised that they have banned students travelling by bike, thats crazy.

OldRidgeback replied to alan sherman | 3 years ago

There's a cycle lane on the pavement on the other side of the road. I go that way regularly. The cycle lane is away from the road and while it's not the best for cyclists chasing strava times, it's perfect for kids going to and from school.

Allen Key | 3 years ago
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Being as cynical as I am, I see this as a way of the school distancing itself from liabilty, should, heaven forbid, an accident occur. It just reads to me like a 'disclaimer', people would probably try to sue the school if something happened?

Edit: Of course nobody wants an accident, so maybe the priority IS safety.

Hirsute replied to Allen Key | 3 years ago

I refer you to Sriracha's post

(the school would not be liable until on premises or part of an organised activity)


hawkinspeter replied to Allen Key | 3 years ago
Allen Key wrote:

Being as cynical as I am, I see this as a way of the school distancing itself from liabilty, should, heaven forbid, an accident occur. It just reads to me like a 'disclaimer', people would probably try to sue the school if something happened? Edit: Of course nobody wants an accident, so maybe the priority IS safety.

I'm pretty sure that the school wouldn't be liable for a collision that happens going to or from school - their responsibility ends at the school gate.

If their priority is safety then there's lots that they could do to make the road safer - campaigning for speed limits, maybe some CCTV to report problematic drivers, imploring parents to not drive/park outside the school and they most certainly should be doing something about the air pollution from the road that the children will be subjected to throughout the day.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure that the school wouldn't be liable for a collision that happens going to or from school - their responsibility ends at the school gate

Although you always get tossers who believe that isn't the case. Many a moon ago I was almost home from school when a car pulled up alongside me. "oi where is your school tie" shouted the deputy head. "In my pocket as it is really hot and I needed some air" was my reply. "You represent the school until you get home so put it on NOW!". 

I dutifully complied for the last 200yards home. Nowadays I would have just reported him to the Police for harrassing a child from his car. Stranger Danger and all of that schizz. 

hawkinspeter replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

Ties could be a choking hazard too. Where's health and safety when you need them?

Jenova20 | 3 years ago
1 like

"Bicycles are not permitted because the
Executive Board considers the traffic to be too heavy and the roads around the academy too difficult to negotiate for young people."

Bicycles are banned, and yet the school has a policy that kids should obey the highway code...

Hirsute replied to Jenova20 | 3 years ago

Well, the highway code does apply to pedestrians, although in this instance it may be the only rule that is relevant is rule 239.

Captain Badger replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
hirsute wrote:

Well, the highway code does apply to pedestrians, although in this instance it may be the only rule that is relevant is rule 239.

You should also wear light clothing, or carrying something light coloured - and reflectives in those winter months (HWC 3)

I wonder what colour the school uniform is....

wycombewheeler replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago
Captain Badger wrote:
hirsute wrote:

Well, the highway code does apply to pedestrians, although in this instance it may be the only rule that is relevant is rule 239.

You should also wear light clothing, or carrying something light coloured - and reflectives in those winter months (HWC 3)

I wonder what colour the school uniform is....

I responded to my daughters school email about uniform requiring that bags, coats and even scarves should be black or navy with similar concerns. They never responded.

hawkinspeter replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

Maybe some of the kids are riding horses to school - they're not banned.

Captain Badger replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:

Maybe some of the kids are riding horses to school - they're not banned.

Really HP, this isn't Eton...

hawkinspeter replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago
Captain Badger wrote:
hawkinspeter wrote:

Maybe some of the kids are riding horses to school - they're not banned.

Really HP, this isn't Eton...

I bought an Eton-themed advent calendar a few years ago, but it was really unsatisfying. All the doors were opened by my dad's friends

Hirsute replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
1 like

Excellent point.

How about tricycles ? Or side by side tandems ? (I tried out a side by side tandem last week - it was exhausting on the arms. Don't know how those para-olympians do it)

Jenova20 replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
hirsute wrote:

Excellent point.

How about tricycles ? Or side by side tandems ? (I tried out a side by side tandem last week - it was exhausting on the arms. Don't know how those para-olympians do it)

Sounds like a riddle. When is a tandem bike not a bike?

hawkinspeter replied to Jenova20 | 3 years ago
Jenova20 wrote:

Sounds like a riddle. When is a tandem bike not a bike?

When it turns into a side road?

Steve K replied to Jenova20 | 3 years ago
Jenova20 wrote:
hirsute wrote:

Excellent point.

How about tricycles ? Or side by side tandems ? (I tried out a side by side tandem last week - it was exhausting on the arms. Don't know how those para-olympians do it)

Sounds like a riddle. When is a tandem bike not a bike?

Given the bi bit of bicycle refers to the number of wheels, a tandem must be a bicycle.  I think.

Hirsute replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

Ah but a side by side tandem (which I specifically chose) has 4 wheels !

So it must be a car !!

mdavidford replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
hawkinspeter wrote:

Maybe some of the kids are riding horses to school - they're not banned.

They are - a horse can most definitely be used as a weapon.

hawkinspeter replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago
1 like
mdavidford wrote:
hawkinspeter wrote:

Maybe some of the kids are riding horses to school - they're not banned.

They are - a horse can most definitely be used as a weapon.

I suppose you could lead a horse into the school and then when everyone is in lessons, a whole bunch of BMX bandits could leap out (they'd been hiding inside the horse) and terrorise everyone.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I was going to mention I would do that to have a 15 yo Nicole Kidman around, then realised I'm no longer 13 so that comes across as creepy. 

hawkinspeter replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago
AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

I was going to mention I would do that to have a 15 yo Nicole Kidman around, then realised I'm no longer 13 so that comes across as creepy. 

***Chris Hansen enters the chat***

Jenova20 replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
hirsute wrote:

Well, the highway code does apply to pedestrians, although in this instance it may be the only rule that is relevant is rule 239.

Yeah, but my point was more that the policy appears to have been crafted badly, or the ban on bicycles was a knee-jerk reaction to something.

Captain Badger replied to Jenova20 | 3 years ago
1 like
Jenova20 wrote:


Yeah, but my point was more that the policy appears to have been crafted badly, or the ban on bicycles was a knee-jerk reaction to something.

School policy formulated on the fly? I won't believe it...

Allen Key replied to Jenova20 | 3 years ago
Jenova20 wrote:

Bicycles are banned, and yet the school has a policy that kids should obey the highway code...

I took that as meaning, kids should be careful when crossing the road?

Hirsute replied to Allen Key | 3 years ago

No, it means that they only need to be aware of rule 239.


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