Canyon has recalled its Speedmax CF time trial bikes fitted with a V21 Aerostem over safety fears the fork steerer tube could crack or break after a severe impact or in a "high-load" situation.
The recall was actually made back in November, the Gov.UK website explaining that the Office for Product Safety and Standards shared notice of the issue on 13 November 2024. However, the recall has attracted attention again after the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) last week published its own notice on the issue.
2023 Canyon Speedmax CF - 1 (credit: Canyon)
Canyon told us the necessary repairs have been undertaken "across all markets" since December and the recall is "going very well", the bike brand explaining that the delay in communication from the CPSC came due to the authority following its routine and unfortunately taking longer than other authorities, such as in the UK and Europe.
The issue concerns the fork steerer tube of Canyon Speedmax CF models fitted with a V21 Aerostem, the brand's website stating that "severe impact or high-load situations, like hitting pothole at speed" could see the fork steerer tube crack or break, potentially causing it to "become detached and caused a loss of control and potential injury to the user".
Canyon recall V21 Aerostem (credit: Canyon)
Riders who own the TT/triathlon bike in question are told to take it to a Canyon service location for an inspection by a professional bike mechanic, a process which will require disassembling and removing the stem.
Canyon says: "If the steerer tube clamping area is not damaged, a reinforcement of the area will solve the issue and you can use your bike again. If damage is found on the fork steerer tube clamping area, the fork will need to be replaced. The new fork will also receive the reinforcement. Canyon will supply a replacement fork at no additional cost if it is required."
The reinforcement can either be achieved, the brand says, by fitting an updated and redesigned expander which has been "developed specifically to solve this issue", or by "bonding a specially designed aluminium sleeve into the fork steerer tube".
"The solution your bike will receive depends on what is fastest and most convenient for your location. Both methods are equally effective and designed for the interaction between the fork and the V21 Aerostem. Neither is preferable to the other. The works will not affect any function of the steering assembly or your riding experience.
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"The repair must use Canyon parts designed specifically for this solution. No other expander or sleeve should be used.
The inspection and subsequent repair need to be carried out at a Canyon service location by a professional bike mechanic."
Canyon is keen to point out only the Speedmax CF fitted with the V21 Aerostem is affected, the Speedmax CF SLX and Speedmax CFR unaffected. Speedmax CF models fitted with a one-piece carbon cockpit, launched in April 2024, are also not affected.
The CPSC website states that 1,400 units, as well as 380 sold in Canada are affected. A number for affected models in the UK and Europe has not been provided.
Full details of the recall are on Canyon's website.
why yes, yes it is
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