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Joe Biden is back cycling... minus the toe straps

"It wasn't me": The President joked after reports of a security guard crashing during the ride...

There was reportedly one faller as Joe Biden returned to life on two wheels following his toe strap crash last month, but it was not the President — who revealed he has now removed the dreaded pedal accessory from his bike.

A following security guard was the one to hit the deck this time, prompting Biden to channel his inner Shaggy: "It wasn't me".

Biden hit the headlines in June for his slow-motion fall while out for a spin with wife Dr Jill Biden near their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, which even prompted former President Donald Trump to mock the current White House occupant with a spoof golf video. All very 2020s...

> Toe strap-gate: Trump mocks Biden bike fall with spoof golf video

Anyway, Biden returned to the scene of the GC-ending fall and told the gaggle of reporters and photographers that watch his every move: "I want you all to know and important thing. I took off the toe clamps." No wonder he fell if they're toe clamps...

Pictures from the Associated Press, published in the Daily Mail, show the President now using a simple flat pedal. 

Last month, Biden fell when he stopped to greet a crowd wishing him "Happy Father's Day".

Unfortunately, the 79-year-old struggled to wrench his foot from the toe strap, causing him to unceremoniously fall to the ground.

> Does Donald Trump really hate bicycles? + video

He was quickly back to his feet before blaming the "toe cages" for the tumble and insisted he was "good" before addressing developments concerning gun legislation and remounting to catch up with his wife.

Biden isn't the first president to fall off their bike while in office. In 2005, George W Bush – a keen mountain biker – crashed while riding in the grounds of a Scottish hotel hosting the G8 summit.

Unlike Biden, Dubya was said to be travelling at "a pretty good speed" at the time of his fall and suffered a minor ankle injury, as well as scrapes on his hands and arms.

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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ktache | 2 years ago
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I would like to see the apparently not so sleepy Joe on his new platform pedals, but I'm not following a link to the mail.

But I did appreciate the warning.

NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

Before the usual left vs right slanging match starts I'd like to remind everyone that all politicians lie, cheat & steal to get into power & none of them care about regular people like us.

Of course if you know that your view on everything is correct & anyone disagreeing even slightly is evil then have at it, it's always fun to read. 😄

chrisonabike replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

NOtotheEU wrote:

Before the usual left vs right slanging match starts I'd like to remind everyone that all politicians lie, cheat & steal to get into power ...

...but once there they merely believe that all the guidelines were followed?

NOtotheEU replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

chrisonatrike wrote:

NOtotheEU wrote:

Before the usual left vs right slanging match starts I'd like to remind everyone that all politicians lie, cheat & steal to get into power ...

...but once there they merely believe that all the guidelines were followed?

I doubt we ever really know what they 'believe', apart from believing they deserve to be in charge obviously.

hawkinspeter replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

NOtotheEU wrote:

Before the usual left vs right slanging match starts I'd like to remind everyone that all politicians lie, cheat & steal to get into power & none of them care about regular people like us.

Of course if you know that your view on everything is correct & anyone disagreeing even slightly is evil then have at it, it's always fun to read. 😄

I wouldn't really classify Biden as being on the left. Any other country and he'd be on the right, but then the Christo-fascist Republicans seem to be aiming for as far right as possible.

NOtotheEU replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:

I wouldn't really classify Biden as being on the left.

I don't either, but that's because I think 'left' and 'right' are made up terms to divide regular people into smaller, more easily influenced groups who think that their politician works on their behalf while the other side works against them. 

Most people think anyone to the left of them is communist and anyone to the right is fascist, everybody can't be correct.

wHaT aRe YOu oN replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago

Oh Joe...

wHaT aRe YOu oN replied to NOtotheEU | 2 years ago
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Left and right are simply different faces of the same fascist coin. Fascism is fascism whether it be left or right. Do people even have a clue where left/ right stems from? When the French Revolution took place there was the need for a new constitution. Within the french parliament the people who were more conservative sat on the right whereas the people having more liberal views sat on the left. There was no left/ right prior to that, but now magically all of a sudden it's supposed to be a dogma? Yeah. No. Do people actually believe this accurately depicts the complexity of the world and the opposing forces that are in conflict with each other?

NOtotheEU replied to wHaT aRe YOu oN | 2 years ago

wHaT aRe YOu oN wrote:

Left and right are simply different faces of the same fascist coin. Fascism is fascism whether it be left or right. Do people even have a clue where left/ right stems from? When the French Revolution took place there was the need for a new constitution. Within the french parliament the people who were more conservative sat on the right whereas the people having more liberal views sat on the left. There was no left/ right prior to that, but now magically all of a sudden it's supposed to be a dogma? Yeah. No.

I did not know that, thank you. I'm going to research it and learn some more.

I always thought that the only difference when you get to the extremes is who controls businesses, private or state.

wHaT aRe YOu oN wrote:

Do people actually believe this accurately depicts the complexity of the world and the opposing forces that are in conflict with each other?

As regular people it is difficult for us to get to grips with, let alone feel empowered enough to do something about it. Especially when media, global corporations and polititians work together to force us into tribes which hate each other while ignoring them.

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