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"Paint is not infrastructure": What's the point of unsegregated cycle lanes?; Star Trek: Retired US track cyclist becomes a NASA astronaut; Cav contract confirmed (+TDF doc); Mandatory helmet at TTs reaction; How to wrap a bike + more on the live blog

It's Tuesday and Dan Alexander is here for your second live blog of the week...


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07 December 2021, 16:36
"Paint is not infrastructure": What's the point of unsegregated cycle lanes?

Loads of you got in touch with your thoughts/observations/opinions on painted bike lanes after Jo Rigby's video of six drivers cutting across one in 25 seconds...

On Facebook, Matt Reeve said "on the whole, they are inconvenient and unsafe"...

"These lanes are what, 1-1.5m wide? When riding through them, the whole width isn't usable, usually due to drains, poor quality road surface at the edge or general debris. If any more than the outer 50 per cent is usable then it's probably in the top 10 per cent of these lanes in my area. This means that the rider is pushed closer to the passing traffic. There's also the issue of these lanes stopping where it's most inconvenient (e.g. large junctions), and having sections where left turning traffic has priority. On the whole, they are inconvenient and unsafe."

Andy Moos added: "Solid painted white lines mean cars MUST NOT cross, but we don’t actually enforce it so come on over. Broken lines mean there’s some paint on the road. Then there’s the weird, we’ve drawn a picture of a bike every 20metres, it’s probably the outline of the last cyclist to die here but park your car over it anyway."

Gareth Olley commented: "As a regular commuter, I find these commuter lanes more dangerous than none at all. Whilst within a lane, traffic passes regardless as they see the line as a separation/barrier, where as soon as the ‘lane’ finishes most traffic gives you more room as suddenly they’re sharing their lane. It all comes down to attitudes and these are much harder to fix!"

Under here rjfrussell wrote: "It all depends, doesn't it? If they are properly wide, they probably do help to keep most cars further away from the cyclists most of the time. Some are definitely worse than nothing. There are plenty that are so narrow that, in an effort to do the 'right' thing and stay within them, I end up cycling much too close to the gutter. The worst are the thin strips on fast roads, where they encourage close/ unsafe passes because, 'if the bike is in the cycle lane then i can pass, even if I am doing 40 mph, even if there is traffic coming the other way, and even if, at best, i am leaving way less then 1.5m for the pass'."

07 December 2021, 15:49
Deceuninck-Quick-Step tease Tour de France documentary
07 December 2021, 15:37
Bad news for the Tour of Britain? Rumours Tour Down Under could be rescheduled ahead of September World Championships
Daryl Impey wins 2018 Tour Down Under.png

A Belgian news report has suggested the Australian races — Tour Down Under and Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race — could be held in September 2022 ahead of the UCI Road World Championships in Wollongong, New South Wales. Neither race has been held since 2020, and have again been cancelled in January.

However,  Eurométropole Tour race organiser Louis Cousaert told Belgian newspaper La DH Les Sports that he heard whispers the Aussie races might be held in September instead.

The move would make sense from a perspective of allowing riders extra time to acclimatise to the time difference in Australia ahead of the world championships, although races like the Tour of Britain, which benefit from the world's best sharpening their form ahead of the big goal, could see reduced quality fields. All wild speculation at this point, of course...

07 December 2021, 14:50
Police search for cyclist who collided with six-year-old boy on scooter, fracturing his skull
Stamford Road, Blacon (Google Maps)

Police in Chester have appealed for a cyclist involved in a collision with a six-year-old boy on a scooter to come forward. The cyclist did not stop at the scene of the incident in Stamford Road, Blacon just before 5pm on Thursday 2 December, which left the boy in hospital with a fractured skull.

The Chester Standard reports the boy has since been released from hospital. Police Constable Nicholas Watts said: "This collision left a little boy with fractures to his skull and eye socket and he is now recovering at home, however these injuries could have been a lot worse.

"We know that the Stamford Road area would have been busy at this time of the evening and a number of enquiries, including CCTV, are under way. We would urge anyone with dashcam footage or anyone who may have witnessed the collision to get in touch with us. I would also like to take this time to appeal to the cyclist themselves to come forward to assist us with our enquiries."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Cheshire Police on 101 quoting IML 1146694 or report it via

07 December 2021, 14:23
How it started... How it's going... pro cyclist NASA edition

Best joke we've seen so far was about Christina Birch's commitment to altitude training... 

07 December 2021, 13:49
Reaction to compulsory helmets and lights at all Cycling Time Trials' events – including hill climbs

Plenty of reaction knocking about to Cycling Time Trials' announcement that front lights and helmets are to be compulsory at all its events...

Jimmy Ray Will commented on our story: "I kind of got rear lights... a lot of TTs are on dual carriageways, and often very early in the morning. Even though you can counter argue that dual carriageways offer loads of space and unrivalled line of sight, etc. etc. the speed differential is such that forcing the use of a rear light can be seen as a responsible action.

> Helmets and front lights to be compulsory on all Cycling Time Trials events – including hill climbs

"I struggle more with front lights... this to me seems more pandering to paranoia and the notion that cyclists are hard to see. In daylight at least, as someone with average eyesight, I never struggle to see cyclists on the road. 

"Helmets I am on board with, up to the point of hill climbs. I'd love to know how many accidents (total and then numbers leading to head injury) have happened during a hill climb event in the past few years. Or is this about mitigating risks on the way back down the hill (post event) or when cycling to the start?"

FishandChips said: "An excellent decision on both counts.  The front light rule in particular should have been brought in at the same time as rear lights. I have marshalled at numerous TTs and agree riders are quite often very difficult to spot head-on, and that's when I'm looking out for them. As for the helmet rule, I've yet to see anyone not wearing a helmet at our club organised TT events, so making it mandatory is hardly a chore for the riders."

On Facebook, Teak Head Al commented: "I've often been tempted by hill climbs but if they think I can't ride up a hill without landing on my head I'll have nothing to do with it."

In fairness, it didn't seem to slow national champion Tom Bell down too much...

The bright sparks are already wondering how far they can push it in the name of performance gains...

07 December 2021, 12:28
The best bike products | recommends episode 10

Some handy lunch break viewing...

07 December 2021, 12:26
The sassy swerve...
07 December 2021, 12:09
Cav contract confirmation: Manx Missile officially stays with Quick-Step for another season

The news we brought you last week has finally been confirmed. The first whispers of Cav signing a new contract with the team to be known as Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl from next season started almost as soon as the season finished. Now, a couple of months on, it's finally confirmed... 

> Mark Cavendish to stay at Quick Step-Alpha Vinyl for one more year

"I am incredibly proud and happy to have agreed a new deal with Deceuninck – Quick-Step," Cav said "One year ago, when I came to the team, I did not hide my admiration for what this team does and how happy I was to be back here. I knew from my first time here that this squad has a unique family feeling, and it is a culture that remains to this day.

"The last 12 months have been phenomenal and the support that I have had from the team and the staff has made me very emotional at times. I am really looking forward to making some more special memories together over the next 12 months."

07 December 2021, 11:14
Riding a star Trek or Planet X? Retired US track cyclist becomes an astronaut
Christina Birch (Image credit: NASA)

In today's dose of totally normal news, 11-time US national champion Christina Birch has joined NASA as one of ten new astronaut candidates. It's the space agency's first intake for four years, but includes the retired track cyclist who most recently won national titles in the team pursuit and Madison in 2018.

Birch's cycling career followed her time at the University of Arizona and Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she earned two bachelor's degrees in mathematics and biochemistry, as well as a Ph.D in biological engineering.

As per NASA's press release, the ten candidates will report for duty in January to start two years of training, including operating and maintaining the International Space Station's complex systems, training for spacewalks, developing complex robotics skills, safely operating a T-38 training jet, and Russian language skills.

After the training period Birch could be assigned to missions that involve performing research aboard the space station, launching from American soil on spacecraft built by commercial companies, as well as deep space missions to destinations including the Moon on NASA’s Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket.

"Each of you has amazing backgrounds," Pam Melroy, former NASA astronaut and NASA’s deputy administrator, told the candidates. "You bring diversity in so many forms to our astronaut corps and you stepped up to one of the highest and most exciting forms of public service."

Birch's partner, and the first person to ride a sub-four minute individual pursuit, Ashton Lambie shared the news on Instagram...

07 December 2021, 11:01
Your relationship with bikes, through the years...
07 December 2021, 10:22
"Shop early for kids bikes," says UK bike brand... but is it too late for Christmas already?
Isla Bikes 31st Jan delivery.JPG

On the topic of bikes for Christmas, check out our tech feature from yesterday about the bike manufacturers warning against leaving it until the last minute...

07 December 2021, 09:29
How to wrap a bike

Perhaps the more pressing question is 'how to buy a bike in time for Christmas?'... but for argument's sake let's say you've already got that bit under control. How do you wrap it? I'd be keen on keeping it in the box or not bothering at all...but I'm lazy, and you probably don't want to spend Christmas morning setting up said bike once it's out the box...

> Christmas gifts for cyclists under £50: special cycling stocking fillers and affordable presents for cyclists

Thankfully, Decathlon has this video with a creative method for making it look good and a little less obvious that the lucky person is about to unwrap a bicycle...although having given it a watch, you might want to do this before you stumble in from the pub at half eleven...

07 December 2021, 08:41
What's the point of unsegregated cycle lanes? Cllr Jo Rigby shares footage of six drivers cutting the corner over a newly painted bike lane

I'm sure the council is very happy with its new set-up: a shiny resurfaced road and some sharp new lines for giving cyclists a safe space to ride their bikes. No need for a separate lane with a physical barrier when you've got white paint...

But this video from Wandsworth councillor Jo Rigby demonstrates the problem with paint — there's nothing to stop drivers crossing the line, as all six in the this 25-second clip did to varying degrees. Some clipped the paint, others took the Max Verstappen racing line, all would have hit or been dangerously close to hitting a cyclist riding in the lane.

Cllr Rigby said she offered to cycle the route with a Conservative counterpart to show the places where it could be improved "but he is not allowed to do this as I’m not a Conservative cllr."

Independent journalist Jon Stone commented: "Looks like a case where physically segregating it would actually reduce speeding around the corner as well as it would prevent drivers from taking the line."

Others chipped in with pictures of their local painted lanes not doing much good...

Do you feel confident cycling in painted cycle lanes? And are they actually better than nothing? 

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Hirsute replied to maenchi | 2 years ago
Sriracha replied to maenchi | 2 years ago

Trouble is such an arrangement leads to the cycle lane filling up with road detritus, broken glass etc and never being road-swept, gritted or snow-ploughed. At which point cyclists just share the (narrowed) carriageway instead.

I've seen plenty examples in France of kerbed cycle lanes. Unless they are wide enough for a roadsweeper then they are full of broken glass, with daisies pushing through the disused surface. The wider kerbed cycle lanes however are excellent, and well used by cyclists to the total exclusion of them using the regular roadway (to the equal delight of motorists).

rjfrussell | 2 years ago

It all depends, doesn't it? 

If they are properly wide, they probably do help to keep most cars further away from the cyclists most of the time.

Some are definitely worse than nothing- 

-   there are plenty that are so narrow that, in an effort to do the "right" thing and stay within them, I end up cycling much too close to the gutter.

- the worst are the thin strips on fast roads, where they encourage close/ unsafe passes because, "if the bike is in the cycle lane then i can pass, even if I am doing 40 mph, even if there is traffic coming the other way, and even if, at best, i am leaving way less then 1.5m for the pass" 


HarrogateSpa replied to rjfrussell | 2 years ago
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I agree, but none of them round here are properly wide.

Seventyone replied to rjfrussell | 2 years ago

In my experience painted cycle lanes means: 


"this road is wide enugh for me to park my car on it without completely pissing off other motor vehicles"

...and not much else

I hate them.

Sriracha | 2 years ago

The "new" Highway Code advises a 1.5m overtaking clearance. Painted lines that are incompatible with the Highway Code should be illegal, and those in authority who sanction them should be personally liable to damages from injured cyclists.

There are some advantages to painted lines - they are cheap and they allow the cycle lane to benefit from the usual road sweeping, gritting, snow clearance etc. But essentially they should be a proper lane to themselves, with cameras to fine drivers entering them, and enforced no parking. Otherwise they are just a waste of paint.

TonyE-H replied to Sriracha | 2 years ago
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The problem is that it's stated as should leave 1.5m not must leave 1.5m.  Meaning advisory only and giving a get out clause for motorists to simply argue there just wasn't enough space for me to leave 1.5m your honor.

Sriracha replied to TonyE-H | 2 years ago
1 like
TonyE-H wrote:

The problem is that it's stated as should leave 1.5m not must leave 1.5m.  Meaning advisory only and giving a get out clause for motorists to simply argue there just wasn't enough space for me to leave 1.5m your honor.

I take your point about them being only advisory for motorists. I was not pointing the finger at motorists, but at the authorities who have these lines painted.

I believe there is a case against those in authority who misdirect motorists to go against the provisions of the HWC, whether the provision be mandatory or not. Painting lines that invite and encourage an overtaking distance below that advised in the HWC should be culpable.

IanMK replied to TonyE-H | 2 years ago

I know I've shared this before but this cycle lane IS incompatible with the law. Especially, in this downhill direction where it would be harder to be doing less than 10mph.
I genuinely wonder how they imagine some of these cycle lanes are supposed to work. They only lead to more conflict and I believe give drivists an incorrect view of their entitlement.

HoarseMann replied to IanMK | 2 years ago

Know that one well. It's the epitome of broken and incomplete infrastructure. You've got a fairly good segregated cycle track, then it becomes this abysmal mess, before dumping you on a 60mph national limit road with nothing.

Yet the local FB pages are full of people moaning nobody uses the cycle track.

TheBillder replied to IanMK | 2 years ago
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Is the cycle lane the bit in the middle by Google's arrows?

chrisonabike replied to Sriracha | 2 years ago
1 like

Sriracha wrote:

The "new" Highway Code advises a 1.5m overtaking clearance. Painted lines that are incompatible with the Highway Code should be illegal, and those in authority who sanction them should be personally liable to damages from injured cyclists. There are some advantages to painted lines - they are cheap and they allow the cycle lane to benefit from the usual road sweeping, gritting, snow clearance etc. But essentially they should be a proper lane to themselves, with cameras to fine drivers entering them, and enforced no parking. Otherwise they are just a waste of paint.

I think the only advantage is "cheap" / quick. Cheap but not "good value" because you don't actually get much for your paint. The point is to keep the vehicles out, and they don't.

  • As you said elsewhere, we also need cycle parking (we need a connected network...)
  • In the UK they disappear at / wouldn't at help junctions.
  • In theory they'd be easier to clean along with the rest of the carriageway. In practice they're full of snow / debris from the main area (due to camber / rain run off / thrown by motor vehicles and trapped by kerb).
  • Tarmac often trashed there (stopping vehicles especially buses).
  • Other hazards - gratings, raised / dropped access covers, near stuff at roadside (barriers, overhanging foliage), vertical kerb.

Vehicles in them is a major nuisance. Because "cheap" it's not surprising that parking enforcement is generally inadequate. Not sure if you can get enough improvement while still keeping things "cheap"? Cameras would be good but are the speed ones not costly - and wouldn't parking ones need to be somehow even more effective / have greater coverage? (I guess we could bolt cameras to drones or to rich_cb's self-driving taxis - but I think the idea of that was it would replace the private car anyway). Sorry - I keep forgetting - this is a cash cow for the councils of course!

For "cheap and good value" cycle paths Seville is interesting and the early days of Copenhagen. Imperfect but made a change to the numbers cycling.

peted76 | 2 years ago
1 like

Do you feel confident cycling in painted cycle lanes? And are they actually better than nothing? 

Do I feel confident in painted cycle lines, absolutley not, they are crap.

Are they better than nothing.. for me, yes, with no painted lines in the gutter (teaching drivers to close pass with impunity), I think the routes would be probably slower to travel along and potentially more dangerous. It's marginal though and I still hate to travese them with family members. 

OnYerBike | 2 years ago

The thing about cycle lanes is that the best case outcome is that motorists see them and think cyclists are meant to be within the cycle lane, and as long as the motorist doesn't enter the cycle lane then they've done nothing wrong. (Of course, plenty of motorists think cyclists shouldn't be on the roads at all, and don't think twice about driving in a cycle lane).

If a painted cycle lane was 2m wide, then I would think it would be better than nothing - because it would mean cyclists could ride in a sensible position away from the kerb, and if a motorist does not encroach on the cycle lane when overtaking then it would be an acceptable overtake. 

However, I'm not sure I can think of a single painted cycle lane that meets that standard. The vast majority seem to be <1m wide (some significantly less), and at that width the same thinking (that cyclists must stay in the cycle lane, and overtaking is fine providing the motorist does not enter the cycle lane) means they are worse than nothing: encouraging dangerous overtaking and aggression towards cyclists who dare decide not to use the lane.

Hirsute | 2 years ago

Remove cycle lanes and all is ok

(not sure what Ken Livingstone is going to do though !)

sean1 | 2 years ago

Rachel Aldred and Adam Thomas did a detailed study of cycling infrastructure and associated injury risk in London.

"..Mandatory painted lanes did not lead to any risk reduction and advisory lanes (which motor vehicles are legally permitted to enter) increased injury odds by over 30%."

So painted cycling lanes are indeed no better (in fact worse) than nothing.

Report Here

Awavey replied to sean1 | 2 years ago

It did but I remember when the report was published,probably buried in archived, I didnt feel those numbers stacked up because it felt very much like a correlation not a causation effect and it might have been a completely London centric thing anyway, because traffic patterns arent universal and London roads are more complex. So I always felt it was wrong to just state painted bike lanes increase the risk of injury, or even imply they all did in that way.

wycombewheeler | 2 years ago

paint cycle lanes vary greatly, when they are of adequate width and not dual purpose cycle/parking lanes they can be quite good.

Just as segregated infrastructure can be good or not so good (poorly surfaced/disappears when requires/shunts you back onto the roiad with a give way line/narrow and shared with walkers)

you have to assess each lane on its own merits and decide whether it is a benefit or not.

Hirsute | 2 years ago
1 like

Cycle Lanes ?

An increase in cycle lanes during the coronavirus pandemic contributed to London becoming the world's most congested city, new analysis shows.

Drivers in the capital will lose an average of 148 hours stuck in jams across the whole of 2021, according to traffic information supplier Inrix.

Bloody cyclists and they don't pay road tax or canal tax.

sean1 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Bizarrely the study actually stated that congestion levels had fallen in London when the cycling lanes were introduced.

"Congestion fell to an average of 148 hours...... That is just 1% down on pre-coronavirus pandemic levels, a much smaller decline than many other major cities."

Again the discussion is about car traffic and not about the movement of people.

TonyE-H replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Heard this on the news this morning, had a laugh at how pathetic it was at first and then thought great, Daily Mail is going to love this!, Sure enough they've picked it up and the usual hate filled comments are racking up!

sean1 replied to TonyE-H | 2 years ago

The Inrix study also doesn't seem to factor in the huge drop in public transport use during 2020 and 2021.  Even by September 2021 passenger numbers were only 50% of pre-pandemic levels.

Covid impacted travel choices with people avoiding public transport and choosing to drive instead.

What is needed in this study is a breakdown of journeys by mode and number of people travelling.

As far as I can tell Inrix doesn't present any analysis of overall journeys in London during what was an exceptional period due to Covid.  I can't see how they can just arrive at the conclusion that cycle lanes are to blame, there are many other factors.

TonyE-H replied to sean1 | 2 years ago

Yup, they've purposely taken one thing, cycle lanes, and then decided that is the only cause of congestion in London.  Never mind how few segregated cycle lanes there actually are, lets just blame the cyclists, easy traget to pick on!

Awavey replied to sean1 | 2 years ago

Well the cynic in me suspects they started from the conclusion they presented and then did the analysis that backs that up, rather than properly quantitatively assessing all the available data.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to TonyE-H | 2 years ago

Yep, they don't think "Fucking hell, I spend 148 hours a year stuck in a queue in my car, why don't I look at other transport methods that are faster" they just think "I'm stuck in my car, all those cyclist fault". 

sean1 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Thought I would take a look at the Inrix Scorecard

Interestingly cities with very high levels of cycling infrastructure have very low congestion rates.  What a surprise that Inrix (whose business model is selling products for motor traffic) didn't mention this fact.

Amsterdam - Hours lost 7  (versus 148 in London)

Copenhagen - Hours lost 48

Utrecht - Hours lost 19

Jem PT replied to sean1 | 2 years ago

Paris has introduced more cycling infrastructure during the pandemic yet has seen a reduction in its congestion score.

I was in Copenhagen a week ago and it was amazing to see the amount of cycling in the centre, and how much nicer it was to walk around town without the pollution and noise of traffic. (And no hi-viz or helmets in sight...)

IanMK replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago
1 like

I believe that there was a study done many years ago that showed that people that shaved everyday lived longer than those that didn't. By just looking at one variable they appeared to show conclusively that shaving caused longer life expectancy. If the survey opened up slightly to consider the socio-economic reasons behind people shaving every day you of course come to a totally different conclusion. I'm putting this survey in the same rubbish bin.

efail replied to IanMK | 2 years ago
1 like

CBS back in 2011, reported on a study that said "flossing your teeth can add 6.4 years to your life expectancy ". Chocolate, sex and red wine were also mentioned, along with dance and church. Cheers.


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