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No cycling sign's lack of grammar sends it viral; 10,000 FREE GCN+ passes for Tour de France Femmes; Ashley Neal goes cycling (+ chats on; But cyclists; 10 years since Wiggo won yellow; Return of the cycle lane; Stage 19 + more on the live blog

Happy Friday! Dan Alexander is here for one last dose of live blog action before the weekend
22 July 2022, 07:45
No cycling sign's lack of grammar sends it viral

So let me get this straight...

No cycling sign (No Context Brits / Twitter)

I can't ride my bike, but it's perfectly fine to go around injuring children and pensioners? Not sure that's a policy you want to be shouting about, York Museums Trust...

 Cue the memes and comments...

No such granny-bashing advice repeated on their website, just absolutely no mention you could maybe ride your bike to the gardens? Drive? Sure. Parking? We've got it. Bus options? Of course. Riding a bike? Don't even think about it...won't somebody please think of the children.

Another corker here...

22 July 2022, 15:21
Jumbo-Visma win (again) — Christophe Laporte takes final road stage before Paris

What a finish...

So close for Fred Wright (and those who had him at 50/1)...another late heartbreak for the south Londoner as Christophe Laporte took the Dutch outfit's fifth win of the race. Even when Wout van Aert's not at the front they've got someone to win...

Jasper Philipsen was, once again, the fastest of the sprinters, and adds another Tour de France second place to his palmares, while Alberto Dainese was third.

Tadej Pogačar sprinted to fifth...I mean, at this point, why not? He takes five seconds on Jonas Vingegaard who was the other side of a tiny split. Is the comeback on? Pogstanbul... 

22 July 2022, 14:42
Grasper Stuyven

You can almost imagine the reaction in the team car: "See that's why there's a second soigneur.......oh."

22 July 2022, 14:33

Yep, it just about sums this bonkers Tour de France up...Tadej Pogačar, 3:26 down on yellow jersey Jonas Vingegaard just attacked on the flat with more than 30km to race on what's looking almost certain to be a sprint...

I say almost certain...Jasper Stuyven, Fred Wright and Alexis Gougeard went over the top once Wout van Aert had pulled Pog back...

30 seconds advantage with 28.5km to go... 

22 July 2022, 14:15
If only...
22 July 2022, 13:51
"I’m glad to have a president who can ride a bicycle": United States Secretary of Transport Pete Buttigieg fires back at Donald Trump
Pete Buttigieg National Bike Summit

Remember when Joe Biden fell off his bike? Of course you do. Well one of the more amusing things to come out of it was Donald Trump promising "I will never, ever ride a bicycle". Yeah, and I promise never to win the Tour de France. You're safe, Jonas...

Transport secretary Pete Buttigieg had something to say about Trump's comment...

"First of all, I'm glad to have a president who can ride a bicycle," he said...

Oh that's it. I was kind of expecting more, but I guess that's the beauty of the live blog. We can feed you morsels under the excuse of short-form content...the Independent wrote a whole story on that...

Right, what's next?

22 July 2022, 13:19
BMX bike lane

Fair play to Stockport Council for building such an accessible BMX racing facility...oh,'s not a BMX track...oh, okay...oh, it's a cycle lane(?!)...are you sure?

22 July 2022, 10:51
Biniam's new lid is a corker...
22 July 2022, 10:48
Give this man some kudos
22 July 2022, 10:32
10,000 FREE passes to watch the Tour de France Femmes

Thank the cycling lords...the Tour de France may be coming to an end BUT the Tour de France Femmes is just about to get underway. Hopefully in the future we'll see a full three-week women's race, but still, we can't wait for the week-long race.

Le Col Wahoo (press release)

To celebrate, and get as many eyeballs on women's cycling as possible, Le Col Wahoo — who will be competing in the race — have purchased 10,000 GCN+ passes to hand out to fans across the UK, so that they can watch the inaugural Tour de France Femmes.

Applied for on the team's website, the first 10,000 fans will be sent a code to activate on GCN+. The codes are only for those based in the UK and can be redeemed at any point between 23rd-31st July — meaning fans can watch every stage live, or on catch-up.

Get involved...


22 July 2022, 10:17
Ashley Neal goes cycling (+ chats on

Ashley Neal, the driving instructor who has spoken out criticising CyclingMikey and divided opinion with use of the horn during an overtaking video, uploaded his first cycling video to YouTube last week, titled: 'First Ride Left Hooked', which, as you've probably guessed, shows some far from ideal driving...

Anyway, it got shared on our forum and the footballer-turned-driving instructor got involved in the discussion. Worth a look if you haven't already...

22 July 2022, 09:27
Upper Shoreham Road cycle lane "not ruled out"

The saga continues... 

Shoreham popup

Upper Shoreham Road's pop-up cycle lane, the star infra in a government cycling promo film back in 2020, was scrapped in November of that year despite council backing, prompting Cycling UK to head to the Court of Appeal and a dramatic increase in speeding...

The Argus is now reporting a permanent cycle lane on the route has "not been ruled out". The council had previously said there was "no prospect of the temporary Upper Shoreham Road cycleway being restored", but Cllr Neil Parkin has now said it has "not been ruled out".

22 July 2022, 08:50
Poor Simon Geschke

Sport can be cruel...

One of the unfortunate (for Simon Geschke) implications of Jonas Vingegaard winning yesterday's stage was he took the maximum KOM points atop Hautacam, condemning Geschke, the leader in the climbers' comp since after stage nine to lose his jersey on the final mountain day.

With an eight-point lead and just three more points to be contested it doesn't take a mathematical genius to work out what that means...(although with Jonas in yellow he will still be wearing the jersey on the road)...

"Thanks for the overwhelming support from Germany and everywhere my friends," Geschke wrote on social media afterwards. "Bit of a heartbreak to lose the jersey on the very last mountain stage but that’s sport. Thanks everyone at Cofidis for the support as well. At least we died trying!" 

22 July 2022, 08:48
Tour de France or night on the town?
22 July 2022, 08:17
10 years since Wiggo won yellow

Here's a throwback to how we reported it back in the day...I say we...I'm sure Simon won't thank me for mentioning that day came in the week of my 14th birthday...feel free to tell me I'm a silly Gen Zer in the comments...

> Bradley Wiggins wins the Tour and leads out Mark Cavendish to fourth Champs-Elysees win

It's not all about the rider (sometimes it is, sometimes it's not)'s the bike Brad rode to victory...

> Bradley Wiggins' Tour de France winning bike

I guess it was one of those 'where were you?' days in, where were you 22 July 2012? Dipping out of the family barbecue to watch the finish? On holiday? Glued to the telly from start to finish? 

22 July 2022, 08:16
But cyclists

Another classic of the genre... 

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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ktache | 2 years ago

Few things,

lezyne bottle cage with built in tracker.

Tyre mushrooms for permanent tubeless repairs, apparently cars and motorbikes have had them for years.

And Hope giving away 3d printer files for useful stuff.

Hirsute | 2 years ago
1 like

But cyclists run red

How is this officer on a bike if he failed to spot what happened?

Car Delenda Est | 2 years ago

On Old Shoreham Road: it's been a local Tory tactic to try and get people confused between the defeated temporary cycle lane and the planned permanent cycle lane (which has received public support in every consultation it's been in).
I'm not happy that seem to be unwittingly regurgitating this false narrative.

eburtthebike | 2 years ago

"The council had previously said there was "no prospect of the temporary Upper Shoreham Road cycleway being restored", but Cllr Neil Parkin has now said it has "not been ruled out"."

The difference, if any, being what?

quiff | 2 years ago
1 like

Note to eds - you have previously (in the comments here) promised Ashley Neal you won't call him an ex-footballer. Calling him a "footballer-turned-driving instructor" might be following the letter, but certainly not the spirit. 

Jack Sexty wrote:

"You're right that the fact you played pro football isn't relevant to the debate about the use of the horn, but I think that your background carries weight as to why we would decide to run the story. Perhaps your name and the subject matter alone was enough to get the story into the search engine feeds of people outside of our usual audience and I was wrong, so I promise that if you make the news again we'll drop ex-footballer."

brooksby | 2 years ago

That Stockport cycle lane looks like fun...  2

morgoth985 | 2 years ago

"...but grey ones are nutters!".

Regrettably necessary disclaimer:  I didn't make this one up.

hawkinspeter replied to morgoth985 | 2 years ago

Morgoth985 wrote:

"...but grey ones are nutters!".

Regrettably necessary disclaimer:  I didn't make this one up.

The problem is similar to fish in a tank - how do they reach the pedals?

mdavidford replied to morgoth985 | 2 years ago

Gives me an opportunity to re-use this.

brooksby | 2 years ago

Driver in collision 'may not have seen' OAP being pushed in wheelchair across the road


A jury has been told [Stuart Lefevre], driving his Honda Civic, collided with a wife pushing her elderly husband in a wheelchair as they crossed Cleeve Hill on March 6. Tragically, a month after the impact 91-year-old Raymond Powell died due to injuries sustained.


The jury has been shown dashcam footage from Lefevre's Honda company car in which the Powells can be seen crossing the road from right to left. The dashcam shows the collision, which occurred after Lefevre turned right into the road and accelerated to an estimated 23mph.


[Stephen Burgess, an expert in collision reconstruction] told the jury Lefevre had just negotiated a busy road junction from Cleeve Hill Extension into Cleeve Hill. He told the court Lefevre's attention would largely be to his left and rear.

Mr Burgess said: "He had tasks such as steering and mirror use. He may have missed them (the Powells) coming into the road. He may not have seen them."

So now, the very act of driving can distract you from everything you should be doing while driving?  Alrighty then...

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

It does bug me about the language used with RTCs.

"May not have seen" seems to be used as a mitigation, but it's not - it implies at best that the driver was carelessly not paying attention to the road. Alternatively, the driver did see them and deliberately drove into them which seems unlikely although he did accelerate to ~23mph.

I hope the collision reconstruction expert went into more detail than just guessing about why the driving was so sub-standard - he should at the very least state that driving into people crossing a road would most definitely fail a driving test and is woefully below the standard of just about every driver.

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

I get it - on the other hand this sounds like someone who might have been at or beyond the limit for driving safetly because of age.  Of course this does beg the question... (yes and I know young people are generally more of a risk than old people).

brooksby replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

The driver is 47.  Where do you draw the line for driving safely because of age? 

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

My bad, I misread that story!  But yeah, 47 is older than me so probably time for him to retire...

It is interesting that sometimes we acknowledge - as the collision expert here - that actually humans are easily overtaxed by having more than one thing to focus on / do at once.  And that such situations occur regularly in driving.  To me this doesn't say "so 'accidents happen' " but that we shouldn't treat driving as casually as we do and also we should be working much harder with design and regulation to prevent collisions especially where we mix modes.  Because they happen predictably.

brooksby replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago
1 like


brooksby replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

I think the odd thing is how this expert is just writing off the fact that by his own argument, this bloke turned right into a junction and accelerated to 23 mph without looking where he was going.  And that's a terrible thing but nothing to be done about it...  I don't know about you, but I wouldn't turn into a junction before actually checking it was all clear to do so.

makadu replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

There was a link in the article to the police expert view (an earlier article) - my guess is the so called expert in this one is someone called by the defence to sow doubt in the minds of the jury.

brooksby replied to makadu | 2 years ago

Oh you old cynic, you!  4

andystow replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

[Stephen Burgess, an expert in collision reconstruction] told the jury Lefevre had just negotiated a busy road junction from Cleeve Hill Extension into Cleeve Hill. He told the court Lefevre's attention would largely be to his left and rear.

Why would your attention be to the left and rear AFTER you've cleared a junction? Just seeing how much you made it by, so you can cut it closer next time?

Secret_squirrel replied to andystow | 2 years ago

andystow wrote:

[Stephen Burgess, an expert in collision reconstruction] 

Stephen Burgess, an expert in collision reconstruction gettting careless drivers off the hook.


Hirsute replied to andystow | 2 years ago
1 like

Best to save discussion till after the trial concludes although I doubt you will get extradited !

IanMSpencer replied to andystow | 2 years ago
1 like

The answer is easy, because it is what we do, and I do include myself.

At a junction, if you pull out into heavy traffic, especially if you feel it is a risk, you check left and right. Turning left, you are wondering if another car is going to surprise you so you tend to be thinking about what's to the right as you've seen your gap. So if circumstances change, your brain has extrapolated that the road is clear and you don't check, as you start pulling out. It's the cause of lots of accidents.

Similarly turning right, a gap appears in the traffic travelling to your left, but you've convinced yourself the road to the right is clear, but you remain concerned another car might appear from your left, so you are more interested in keeping checking that someone isn't bearing down on you. Your brain has noted that there was no traffic previously, so you accelerate. Again, if circumstances change, you are driving to the brain's imaginary image of what is ahead rather than what you have seen.

That last point is important. We spend our lives in a world where the brain makes up 99% of what we see. Our eyes focus on a tiny proportion of the world and all our peripheral vision is low quality. It is sensitive to movement but not interpretation. When you are driving, everything is moving, and you are moving your eyes, so there as not much to trigger your attention. So in driving, and cycling, if you don't consciously and carefully scan your surroundings, your brain doesn't gather enough information. However, rather than presenting you with black spots where it doesn't have enough information, your brain presents a plausible image or simply does not admit nothing it there.

People with macular degeneration can have massive holes in their vision, yet they do not perceive there are areas that they cannot see. When you have an eye test, they check for this.

Long and short, get your attention distracted from where you are going, you don't know where you are going, but you don't realise it.

As a cyclist, it is a classic reason for why the claim of "I didn't see you" or "You came out of nowhere" is likely to be true. The brain is a con merchant. It creates an illusion of the world and is like a schoolboy who hasn't done their homework when mum asks how it is going.

hawkinspeter replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago
1 like

But, that doesn't explain why you'd be checking left and rear after turning right into an empty road with no traffic (which is presumably why they thought it would be safe to cross the road).

IanMSpencer replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Ah, that part I'd put down to being a crap driver. 

NOtotheEU replied to IanMSpencer | 2 years ago

IanMSpencer wrote:

So in driving, and cycling, if you don't consciously and carefully scan your surroundings, . . . . . 

. . . . then you are a dangerous driver/cyclist and you may kill/die.

darnac | 2 years ago

The sign should probably read:"you should injure" etc

mdavidford | 2 years ago

It doesn't say what you have to use the toilets for - perhaps you could demolish them on top of a child?

brooksby replied to mdavidford | 2 years ago
1 like

"Use them" - is that a 'MUST' or a 'should'?

mdavidford replied to brooksby | 2 years ago
1 like

brooksby wrote:

"Use them" - is that a 'MUST' or a 'should'?

Depends - is it a number one or a number two...?

eburtthebike | 2 years ago

Rather like this story

"An electric bike was seized by police officers after colliding with a London taxi without the correct insurance."

Why was the bike seized if it was the taxi that didn't have insurance?


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