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Is he (Shaun of the) Dead wrong about cyclists? Simon Pegg slammed for ‘me passing cyclists’ skit, blasting people on bikes “riding two abreast” and “in the middle of the road”; Shock and awe as Pogačar pulls off epic Giro TT win + more on the live blog

He may be a little bleary-eyed and delirious after a night on the barrier with Bruce Springsteen, but Ryan Mallon’s back to hit the Friday live blog with all the energy of that indefatigable 74-year-old and Tadej Pogačar combined. Probably…


10 May 2024, 08:08
Simon Pegg 'me passing cyclists' skit (Simon Pegg, Instagram)
Is he (Shaun of the) Dead wrong about cyclists? Simon Pegg slammed for ‘me passing cyclists’ skit, criticising people on bikes “riding two abreast” and “in the middle of the road”

Warning: The following story contains some truly awful, convoluted puns. Alright, deep breath…

After spending all that time with Tyres back in the day, you’d think Simon Pegg of all people would know to give Space(d) to cyclists, wouldn’t you? (I warned you about the puns.)

But the Hot Fuzz star has angered some in the cycling community with his latest (apparent) attempt at comedy – an Instagram skit featuring Pegg in his car “passing cyclists”.

And the reason I say ‘apparent’ is, despite the Ice Age voice actor’s clear comedic credentials, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of a punchline, or even a witty, thoughtful observation throughout the clip’s 30-odd seconds.

Instead, it’s just a series of shots of an increasingly disgruntled-looking Pegg telling cyclists to “f*** off”, “get out of the way”, “just because you can ride two-abreast, doesn’t mean you f***ing have to”, and to “get out of the middle of the f***ing road, dopey”.


A post shared by Simon Pegg (@simonpegg)

I don’t know what he’s so angry about, overtaking a couple of cyclists is hardly Mission Impassable, is it? (Just one more, I promise).

Or maybe he’s still bitter about Tyres, or being moved from his cycling cop role at the Met?

Now, before anyone throws ‘cyclists can’t take a joke’ at us, it would have been useful if Pegg had, you know, actually included a joke in the skit.


Anyway, questionable comedic choices aside, the clip has baffled – and saddened – some cyclists on Instagram.

“Really sad to see this from one of my comedy heroes,” wrote Jay. “Just fuelling the anti-cyclist bullshit. People ride two-a-breast because being single file and tucked in means they’re not noticeable by dangerous fast drivers and more likely to be hit.”

“This f*** cyclists angle Instagram loves so much has made it increasingly dangerous for my husband to ride to work,” added Alexa.

“People see these things and are not smart enough to know it’s a joke and then turn it into road rage, trying to run cyclists off the road due to their own beliefs that they don’t feel like sharing the road.

“There might be some cyclists who don’t follow the laws and make it unsafe for everyone, but the message that comes across here is f*** all cyclists, and that has led to serious injuries to people that I love.”

Although Paul reckons (somewhat hopefully) that Pegg’s skit is a lot more meaningful than we first imagined.

“Are you trying to make fun of entitled drivers? Or maybe you're trying to advocate for separate and protected cycling infrastructure?” Paul asked.

Or maybe he’s just trying to lose friends and alienate people? (Yeah, I forgot he was in that, too).

Alright, enough of the puns, they’re a-Paul-ing…

10 May 2024, 15:18
Tadej Pogačar repeats shock and awe of 2020 Tour-winning ride to beat Filippo Ganna and destroy his GC rivals during potentially race-ending Giro d’Italia time trial, as Geraint Thomas ships two minutes to Slovenian phenom

Filippo Ganna thought he had today’s stage seven time trial of the Giro d’Italia in the bag.

With Tadej Pogačar hitting the slopes of the final 6.6km climb to Perugia 47 seconds down on the Italian TT champion, Ganna even felt confident enough to mug for the cameras, modelling his sunglasses alongside Luke Plapp – whose own time trial effort was enough to put him the white jersey – and soaking in another time trial job well done.

And then it happened.

In an eery echo of the shock and awe Pogačar inflicted upon Primož Roglič on La Planche des Belles Filles at the 2020 Tour de France – but this time with over two weeks of the grand tour remaining – the Slovenian superstar, riding the flat well enough to keep himself within reach, was unleashed on the final climb, a pink and granata sensation of power and poise.

Halfway up Ganna realised, jokingly imploring the UAE Team Emirates man to slow down.

By the time, and it was a quick time, Pogačar reached the top, Ganna was waving his arms in exasperation and resignation, that 47 second lead turned into a 17 second deficit in the space of 6.6km by a racer riding with seemingly no limits on his magical, confounding abilities.

While Ganna’s hotseat experience was an exercise in unintentional public hubris, the rest of Pogačar’s GC rivals will be also be counting their scars, such is the degree the Slovenian laid waste to the battle for the pink jersey.

While Plapp, Ben O’Connor, Antonio Tiberi, and Dani Martinez all strengthened their own top ten positions with encouraging rides, any forlorn hopes of challenging Pogačar for pink have been all but extinguished.

A laboured Geraint Thomas, deemed by many to be the best hope for a proper GC battle come the third week, not only shipped exactly two minutes to Pogačar today, leaving him 2.46 down overall, but also lost his second spot on GC to Martinez, who now sits ten seconds ahead.

“I tried to ride within myself and when it was time to go, I just lacked a bit and couldn’t get on top of it over them kickers. It is what it is, it’s just one of those days,” a frustrated Thomas said at the finish, despite a solid overall showing from Ineos, who placed Ganna, Magnus Sheffield, Thymen Arensmen, and Thomas in second, third, fourth, and tenth, respectively.

The top ten, meanwhile, is separated by 4.44, just seven days into a Giro that will almost certainly now, barring illness or injury, be defined by one man.

“This was my first race on the TT bike since last year’s world championships,” Pogačar said at the finish, as if to strike more fear into his GC rivals ahead another individual effort on stage 14.

“There was a lot of preparation went into this, a lot of ups and downs since last year. I’m super happy that I felt good today. I started with an easier pace, as a I had to get used to the TT bike. So I paced myself to the climb, then did it full gas. I’m super happy with my day on the bike.”

I suspect anyone hoping for an open GC battle will be decidedly less happy after yet another display of Pog shock and awe.

10 May 2024, 16:34
Warning government considering ban on floating bus stops “could stop new protected cycle lanes”
10 May 2024, 15:58
The sunglasses-wearing pride before the fall

Before Pogačar blew the Giro to pieces:

Filippo Ganna and Luke Plapp, 2024 Giro d'Italia (Eurosport)

And after:

Filippo Ganna and Luke Plapp, 2024 Giro d'Italia (Eurosport)2


10 May 2024, 14:51
Cafe owner blames closure on Brexit and cost of living crisis, but mainly bike lane for “nightmare” 50% loss of sales

In the latest instalment of what’s becoming a depressingly common series, a north London cafe and deli owner set to close her business after nine years has blamed a major cycle lane project and says sales halved since it was installed as taxi drivers stopped visiting because they had nowhere to park.

Seven Sisters Road cycle lane (Tufnell Park Cycles/Twitter/Google Maps)

Read more: > Cafe owner blames closure on Brexit and cost of living crisis, but mainly bike lane for “nightmare” 50% loss of sales

10 May 2024, 14:27
And Pog is off (and fully clothed)
10 May 2024, 13:52
“Today I go naked”: Is Tadej Pogačar’s belated response to granata skinsuitgate the next marginal – emphasis on marginal – gain in time trialling? Plus Geraint Thomas opts for massive 66 tooth chainring

The most bizarre – and ultimately unfounded – story of the Giro so far has taken another, ahem, unusual turn this afternoon, after Eurosport confirmed that Tadej Pogačar will NOT face disqualification from the Giro d’Italia for wearing his horrible, slap in the face to the entire Italian nation pink and ciclamino skinsuit during today’s TT.

And Pogi’s response?

“Today I go naked.”

Bringing a whole new meaning to the term marginal gains, eh Tadej?

(Although you never know, in this era of stupidly huge TT helmets, if some wind tunnel expert in Switzerland reckons nude is the new aero, grand tours could soon turn into a three-week long Naked Bike Ride.)

What won’t be at all marginal, however, is Geraint Thomas’ gearing for his TT, with the Welshman set to roll down the ramp on a massive 66-tooth single chainring.

My legs hurt just thinking about that. And other things hurt thinking about Pogačar’s TT kit backup plan.

10 May 2024, 13:31
Filippo Ganna’s flying (as usual)

Death, taxes, and Filippo Ganna blitzing his way around a time trial in Italy.

On his way to setting what must be a record for the greatest number of riders passed in a single time trial, the Ineos Grenadiers machine is now firmly cemented at the top of the provisional standings midway through today’s Giro time trial in Perugia, covering the 40.6km course, and its finishing climb, in 52.01, 1.39 ahead of nearest challenger Mikkel Bjerg.

And, while the riders he passed at almost twice the speed might not think so, it’s clear that Ganna worked hard for that blistering time.

With Pogi, G, and the rest of cycling’s naff nicknames to come, Ganna has at least set a serious benchmark for the later starters to beat. Which means Pogačar will destroy his time by three minutes, of course (though for the sake of the Giro, let’s hope that’s not the case).

10 May 2024, 13:29
Tadej Pogačar set to ride Giro time trial on new Enve prototype time trial bars

With a flying Filippo Ganna (with the help of a laidback Astana driver providing some unintentional slipstream assistance for the Italian) tearing up the course, Tadej Pogačar meanwhile will be attempting to extend his lead in the pink jersey during today’s 40km Giro time trial with the help of some new prototype time trial bar extensions from Enve.

“The goals of the project were to allow greater adjustability and reduce weight compared to the leading brands on the market,” Enve’s Director of Marketing, Neil Shirley, told Cycling Weekly about the new bars, which the Slovenian has been spotted warming down on during this year’s Giro ahead of today’s TT showdown.

“The moulded carbon parts are made in-house and although we're still in the very early stages of collecting feedback from the team, we're excited by the results and believe the initial goals have been achieved.”

Yes, because that’s what Pogi needs right now, more aero gains…

10 May 2024, 12:24
Why do my feet hurt when cycling and how can I solve it?

I must admit, my feet are in bits today, but at least it’s nothing to do with my cycling shoes, cleats, or insoles.

> Why do my feet hurt when cycling and how can I solve it?

Also, this latest video is worth watching just to hear Jamie say “Feet are funny things, aren’t they?” while holding a shoe in one hand and part of a skeleton in the other…

10 May 2024, 11:56
Ravenhill Road cycle lane plans, Belfast
What’s this? Plans for protected cycling infrastructure in Belfast? Well, I never…

Speaking of Northern Irish cyclists…

I don’t fully believe it either, but in Belfast – arguably the most left behind major UK city when it comes to cycling infrastructure, as regular live blog readers will know (I do bang on about it a bit, I confess) – plans for a new protected cycle lane are set to be put to consultation.

Yes, miracles can happen.

Belfast Live reports that the much-maligned Department for Infrastructure will be hosting a public consultation event next week regarding plans for the new infrastructure on the Ravenhill Road, which will see a proper, two-way protected bike lane installed from the Ormeau Embankment to the Rosetta roundabout.

Welcoming the long-awaited proposals, Green Party councillor Brian Smyth said: “This is a great opportunity for the road to become an active travel corridor in South East Belfast, which will complement plans for a new bridge across the River Lagan at the Gasworks.

“I would like to encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation and let their voices be heard, as these plans could be groundbreaking for the area which has suffered from a lack of transport links over the past 20 years.

“I also hope that if these plans proceed, it will lead to the further expansion of the Belfast Bikes network in the area in order to further enhance the active travel corridor.”

However, because it’s Belfast, we shouldn’t get too carried away.

And as the Circle Line Belfast Twitter account noted, the latest proposals put forward by the DfI fail to feature a 600m section originally included in the scheme as part of the 2022 Belfast Cycling Network Delivery Plan – where cyclists will be forced to subside on the fading paint that passes for protection throughout most of the city (if you’re lucky).

I suppose two sections out of three ain’t bad, eh?

10 May 2024, 11:23
Simon Pegg and Cyclists: The OG version

For the day that’s in it… (and it is Friday after all!)

10 May 2024, 10:55
Super team = Bland kit?

It seems the leaked drawings for the now-official (finally) Red Bull-Bora-Hansgrohe Tour de France kit are doing the rounds again this week, and I can’t help but think that, while the team’s finances have certainly been boosted by the energy drinks company’s increased involvement in cycling, the jersey has suffered a serious downgrade:

Red Bull Bora leaked kit

Who knows? Maybe bland, boring kits offer a route to grand tour success? I suppose it’ll be easier for Primož Roglič to sneak up the road in a break clad in dark navy than the team’s current green-yellow look, anyway…

10 May 2024, 10:41
“Not sure driving without due care was appropriate for that incident which could have ended so differently”

A cyclist has recalled how he narrowly avoided a collision with a driver who lost control on a bend, the motorist almost smashing into the rider and another vehicle having rounded the corner on the verge on the wrong side of a Somerset road.

The images of the incident have also prompted questions about how it was dealt with by Avon and Somerset Police, with the driver accepting a fine, penalty points, and costs for driving “without due care”, some arguing that the motorist should have faced the more severe offence of dangerous driving.

Driver fined for "driving without due care" over incident that almost saw cyclist hit (Avon & Somerset Police)

Read more: > Cyclist who swerved to avoid out-of-control driver questions if £500 fine for “driving without due care” an “appropriate” punishment

10 May 2024, 10:17
Closed Road Alert!

And no, it’s not Snake Pass this time.

Instead, it’s the A59 at Kex Gill, which has been closed by North Yorkshire Council while £750,000 worth of repairs are carried out on the landslip-prone road, after a crack appeared in its verge back in February.

And just as the weather is getting warmer, too…

10 May 2024, 09:12
“The CBA energy is strong”: Tadej Pogačar proves he’s human after all – by botching Giro d’Italia bouquet throw

After navigating yesterday’s gravel sectors safely, and with a potentially race-chilling 40km of time trialling (with a great big hill at the end) to come today, it’s fair to say Tadej Pogačar looks firmly on course to win his first Giro d’Italia, the latest stepping stone to possibly one of cycling’s greatest ever seasons.

But, judging by this botched bouquet throw during yesterday’s post-race podium presentation for the climber’s jersey, the Slovenian superstar proved, finally, that he’s human after all:

And, as we all stare at the clock this Friday, it’s nice to know even Pogi – a young man of seemingly unyielding energy and enthusiasm – possesses at time, as Dan Deakins called it on Twitter, the same “CBA energy” we all have when the clock’s winding down towards the weekend (or in Tadej’s case, a TT).

Pogačar’s CBA energy even extended to keeping hold of the pink jersey yesterday, as his UAE Team Emirates squad appeared intent on letting Luke Plapp take hold of the GC lead on the gravel roads to Rapolano Terme.

But, thanks to Ineos’ efforts on the front, Pogačar’s plan to relinquish the pink jersey – and all the media duties it entails, not to mention the opportunity to wear his own skinsuit during today’s TT – was ultimately scuppered.

And judging by the two-time Tour champ’s opening gambit of “No questions? Ok, bye” to the Giro’s written press after yesterday’s stage, he could have done without another day in pink.

“I wouldn’t mind losing the jersey,” Pogačar said after the race. “I mean, all these shenanigans here after the podium and this, it would be fine not to do it.”

Ah, it must be hard being the world’s best cyclist…

10 May 2024, 09:53
When you’ve crashed hard on the gravel stage, but the Giro still makes you do a time trial…

Ryan joined in December 2021 and since then has kept the site’s readers and listeners informed and enthralled (well at least occasionally) on news, the live blog, and the Podcast. After boarding a wrong bus at the world championships and ruining a good pair of jeans at the cyclocross, he now serves as’s senior news writer. Before his foray into cycling journalism, he wallowed in the equally pitiless world of academia, where he wrote a book about Victorian politics and droned on about cycling and bikes to classes of bored students (while taking every chance he could get to talk about cycling in print or on the radio). He can be found riding his bike very slowly around the narrow, scenic country lanes of Co. Down.

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Miller | 3 weeks ago

> Simon Pegg and Cyclists: The OG version

Really pleased to see that Spaced clip. MotD this spring has had Shay Given ex-footballer as a regular guest and his rapid-fire Irish delivery has had me dredging my memory for the comic character he's been reminding me of. It's ..... Tyres from Spaced! 

brooksby replied to Miller | 3 weeks ago

I have an embarrassing confession. It's something about which I do feel quite ashamed, but I know are a tolerant crowd yes I have never watched Spaced.

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 3 weeks ago

brooksby wrote:

I have an embarrassing confession. It's something about which I do feel quite ashamed, but I know are a tolerant crowd yes I have never watched Spaced.

open_roads | 3 weeks ago

As if to save us the trouble of wondering whether he's a complete bellend, Pegg's pathetic little video - in which he's clearly distracted from driving appears to have been filmed in the UK (right hand drive car).

Hopefully some enterprising individual will identify where it was taken so that a report of  dangerous / distracted driving can be submitted to the relevant police force.

Hirsute | 3 weeks ago

Convicted drink driver Nigel Havers was on radio 2 claiming drivers are law abiding and don't run red lights. I assume he was pissed as he was incoherent.

JV: "If car drivers are not breaking the law, how come vehicles kill 1700 people a year?"

NH: "Well... I mean... uh... cyclists"

eburtthebike replied to Hirsute | 3 weeks ago


stonojnr | 3 weeks ago
1 like

Wait a mo, a story about Simon Pegg, Spaced & cyclists and you didnt share this clip !!!

brooksby | 3 weeks ago
1 like


Ministers are considering banning a standard design feature for cycle lanes, the Guardian has learned, in a move campaign groups warn could make building separated bike routes on many main roads effectively impossible, and put riders at risk.

Mark Harper, the transport secretary, is examining whether there should be a halt in the use of what are known as floating bus stops, where a segregated bike lane is routed behind a bus stop and passengers cross the cycle lane to reach it.

brooksby replied to brooksby | 3 weeks ago

And an ever better excerpt:


There is also some doubt about the safety case for a ban. In London, which has the most floating bus stops in the UK, statistics for 2020 to 2022 showed that of 623 pedestrians injured after being struck by a bike, 0.6% of them – four in all – were hit at floating bus stops. None of these incidents appeared to have happened at a designated crossing point.

Over the same period, 11,400 pedestrians and 15,000 cyclists were injured after being hit by motor vehicles.

Patrick9-32 replied to brooksby | 3 weeks ago

Ian and/or Duncan Smith needs to see this, he will know the right thing to do is make sure floating bus stops each have their own permenant police officer to make sure that 4 doesn't grow and none of the other statistics are worth looking at. 

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 3 weeks ago

Painted bicycle symbols are too good for them...

Is it just how these stories are written, or is it me?  They all seem to be the same.  There's some MP or even councillor being concerned about safety / transport convenience / fairness - and then siding with those bringing the danger and congestion.

"One of my constituents informed me they were bitten by a cyclist once; on investigation it is apparent a number of other people have stories concerning bad things and cyclists. ...

... To conclude: so I'm completely in favour of responsible cycling - where it's appropriate.  That is - where it doesn't involve any changes to road layouts, any inconvenience for motorists and pedestrians are not worried by proximity to people on bicycles.  Accordingly we will be unlocking a small amount of public funds for active travel* as soon as we've built a four-lane bypass and all the pot holes have been filled".

* Including funds for bus lanes, traffic lights and a car park.

ubercurmudgeon | 3 weeks ago

I choose to believe that Simon Pegg is doing a sequel to a certain Big Train sketch, showing what 20 years of pent-up frustration has done to the character he played, following a workplace policy change.

brooksby replied to ubercurmudgeon | 3 weeks ago
1 like

I knew that was the sketch you were referring to, even before I clicked the link!  4

redimp | 3 weeks ago

Gutted. I am camping in Kettlewell in a couple of weeks but am single and have two dogs, so no cycling for me

lesterama replied to redimp | 3 weeks ago

I'm sure there's a way

chrisonabike replied to redimp | 3 weeks ago

redimp wrote:

Gutted. I am camping in Kettlewell in a couple of weeks but am single and have two dogs, so no cycling for me

Not enough dogs?

the little onion | 3 weeks ago

Pegg is a clever comedian. I think that really he is satirising angry irrational selfish drivers. Do we have the wrong end of the stick here?

PRSboy replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago

That was my interpretation too... the bit at the end with 'Dave' is poking fun at those unable to combine the idea of cyclist as a friend, and an obstruction.  

john_smith replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago

Looks that way to me too. I don't really see what else he could be doing.

wycombewheeler replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago

the little onion wrote:

Pegg is a clever comedian. I think that really he is satirising angry irrational selfish drivers. Do we have the wrong end of the stick here?

the trouble with this approach is the Alf Garnet situation where it was written as satire mocking the character, but he was held up as a role model by certain types.

Shake replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago

Still waiting for the jokes

the little onion replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago

By the way, his first TV appearance (I think) was in the Brass Eye paedophile special, in whihc he played a paedophile in stocks. So if we view this in the style of Brass Eye, the joke is very much on the drivers.


But like Brass Eye, a lot of people (willingly) missed the point. Maybe they had taken too much Cake, and ended up with Czech Neck.

jaspersdog replied to the little onion | 3 weeks ago
1 like

I'd hoped that might be the case, but it doesn't really seem funny enough or have a payoff to be satire, either way 95% of the comments aren't in on the joke if it is one. They are happily sharing their hatred of cyclists, so this will largely embolden them to be less patient/ more agresssive with vulnerable road users. 

eburtthebike | 3 weeks ago
1 like

Perhaps Simon Pegg's career has taken a downward turn and he's hungry for some publicity, and thus jumps on the bandwagon of attacking cyclists, currently popular with all cycle-haters, petrolheads and tories.

Desperate, disappointing and sad.

The_Ewan replied to eburtthebike | 3 weeks ago

eburtthebike wrote:

Perhaps Simon Pegg's career has taken a downward turn

Spaced was excellent, but I think we'd have to say that going from low-budget Channel 4 comedy to blockbuster action films with Tom Cruise would generally be regarded as an move upwards.

Patrick9-32 replied to The_Ewan | 3 weeks ago
1 like

He was also in a star war. 

brooksby replied to Patrick9-32 | 3 weeks ago

Which one?  I know he was in a Star Trek

Rendel Harris replied to brooksby | 3 weeks ago

brooksby wrote:

Which one?  I know he was in a Star Trek

He played Unkar Plutt, the junk dealer, in The Force Awakens. Not, to be fair, instantly recognisable…

brooksby replied to Rendel Harris | 3 weeks ago
1 like

Rendel Harris wrote:

brooksby wrote:

Which one?  I know he was in a Star Trek

He played Unkar Plutt, the junk dealer, in The Force Awakens. Not, to be fair, instantly recognisable…

Huh!  Never knew that.

ktache replied to Rendel Harris | 3 weeks ago

That Simon Pegg has let himself go...


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