Results of a survey published last week show that across London, supporters of low-traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), which block residential streets to rat-running motorists, outnumber opponents by around three to one.
The poll, conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies which has published the results here, found that 47 per cent of respondents supported LTNs, against 16 per cent who were opposed to them. 28 per cent said they neither supported nor opposed them, and 9 per cent replied, “don’t know.”
Some 14 per cent of respondents said they were strongly in favour of LTNs, compared to just 9 per cent who said that they were strongly opposed to them.
LTNs, which typically use bollards, planters or a mixture of both of those to block streets to through traffic while retaining access for residents, have been around for several decades.
In recent months, however, they have attracted vocal opposition, albeit from a minority of people as the results of Redfield & Wilton’s research shows, as councils increasingly roll them out as part of their response to the coronavirus pandemic.
> “Shameful”: BBC “perpetuated falsehoods” in divisive low traffic neighbourhood report
It is the third time that the firm has surveyed the views of Londoners on LTNs, with previous polls conducted in October and January.
While the percentage of people in favour of LTNs is lower than the 52 per cent in October’s survey, it marks a rebound from the 44 per cent in January.
Meanwhile, opposition to LTNs peaked at 21 per cent in January, up from 19 per cent in October, but stands at its lowest level in the latest survey,
Support for LTNs was slightly more pronounced among people who own cars, at 49 per cent, than those who do not, at 46 per cent – although motorists were twice as likely as non-drivers to be opposed to them, at 21 per cent versus 10 per cent.
At 24 per cent, one in four respondents to the survey said that they live in an LTN, while 49 per cent said they did not, with the remaining 27 per cent not knowing the answer, suggesting lack of awareness on what LTNs are and where they are situated.
The polling firm added that people without a car were more likely to be unaware of whether or not they live in an LTN compared to people who drive, at 34 per cent versus 22 per cent.
The survey was conducted between 6-8 March among 1,500 eligible voters in London.
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Some of this criticism strikes of NIMBYism. These people want quiet streets near them, but won't give up their cars or change their own lives. They just expect everyone else to make sacrificies...and stop driving past their houses.
It's almost as if folk want their streets to be traffic free and not used as narrow motorways.
Don't get it myself, must be new propaganda from the cycle lobby....
There are a lot of elections on May 6th.
Contact your candidates directly and ask them if they support LTNs and other measures to encourage active travel.
Vote accordingly.
Opinion polls are good for persuading politicians to change their policies.
Elections are even better.
there are,but sadly the literature Ive received so far from my local candidates in no way covers such stuff, favouring the usual carpet spread of national topics instead, which generally means they havent got anything useful to say locally and just want you to vote along party lines.
Unfortunately the elections in London in May won't elect people who can directly introduce LTNs. We have to wait until next year for that.
London Greenpeace groups, among other environmental and active travel charities & campaigns, have arranged an environmental debate for Mayoral candidates - online attendance here: A chance to check out candidates' positions on such matters.
I'm sure the msm and particularly the BBC, will be all over this, with endless articles, features and even whole programmes devoted to the democratic support of LTNs.
...but the opponents make three times as much noise and have better contacts (or go to the right Club, if they're opposing anything in Kensington & Chelsea...).
If you ask any local councillor if they support the goverments green initiatives and work on tackling climate change they will unanimously say they all wholeheartedly support everything. But then when they are asked to implement changes that will support the very things they said they do, they will pull out any old excuse and contradiciting report to prevent anything that looks even remotely green to keep their voters sweet. As you say yourself, he who shouts loudest shouts longest. The Silent majority get dismissed because Angry from Islington can't get to work in his 4x4 5 minutes quicker because of them pesky cyclists etc.
or just write comment pieces for the Telegraph (read it whilst the paywall is down today)
Thanks for the heads up. The article had some
moments, but those comments - just toxic
Oh, it would be bl00dy Rupa Huq again...