A free bicycle repair workshop opened in Portishead in the South West this week to ensure the local community are safe on the roads. The workshop, at Portishead Youth Club, will teach young cyclists how to repair and maintain their bikes and refresh their knowledge of road safety and the Highway Code at the same time.
The whole community pulled together to get the workshop off the ground after the local neighbourhood policing team applied for funding and the project received £1,200 from the Police Asset Recovery Scheme.
PCSO Dawn Tremlett said: "There are a lot of young people that cycle to and from school in the area and we were concerned about the number of those bikes that weren't road worthy.
"We held a grand opening for the workshop during the Portishead Youth Club open day, and former BMX World Champion Peter Wright wowed the crowd with a fantastic stunt display."
Crest Nicholson built the purpose-built workshop free of charge and Stowell Concrete, Travis Perkins, Homebase, Halfords of Clevedon and Comfortably Numb Ltd also contributed to the project.
Shaune Hicks from Crest Nicholson said: "Many local cyclists live in residential areas that we have built and it was a pleasure to offer our services and help keep young cyclists safer in Portishead. Special thanks to Capstan contractors and C&S Carpentry for their voluntary services."
The workshop will be open every Thursday and Saturday and will be run by volunteers including Youth Worker Rob England, Pete Wright from Comfortably Numb and members of the Portishead Youth Club.
Would be good to get an idea of the supplied mount(s) suitability for D-posts in any rear-lights review....
Thanks. BMW has two models in the top five!
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Some kind of link is a good idea (your national train card is used in many facilities in NL - indeed you can even hire bikes with that also)....
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