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Near Miss of the Day 194: Close pass at night (includes extreme swearing)

Our regular feature highlighting close passes caught on camera from around the country – today it’s Bristol

The latest video in our Near MIss of the Day series shows a driver making a close pass on a cyclist - then cutting across him and stopping to berate him for swearing at her.

It happened in North Bristol  on 31 August and was submitted by a reader who wishes to remain anonymous.

"Bit sweary, I’m afraid, as these things seem so much worse in the dark.," he said  "I was quite scared, as you can hear from my voice.  

"Reported to Avon & Somerset police and apparently resulted in a warning letter to the driver.  

"Responding officer claimed that there were no 'aggravating factors - swerving into the path of the cyclist you have just close-passed and braking apparently does not count …"

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Eton Rifle replied to dreamy | 5 years ago

dreamy wrote:
vonhelmet wrote:

I’m sure she’ll get over it.

Not to bothered about her feelings. This is a video posted by it's of bad driving. I think the reversing is worse than the over take. It's also of a man calling a women a cunt. I think it tarnishes the brand.

As the rider involved, I had no idea of the sex of the driver at the time I swore.  All I saw was a large black car looming up very close to my right elbow.  My exclamation had NOTHING to do with the fact that she happened to be a woman so reel in the white knighting.

dreamy replied to Eton Rifle | 5 years ago
Eton Rifle wrote:

dreamy wrote:
vonhelmet wrote:

I’m sure she’ll get over it.

Not to bothered about her feelings. This is a video posted by it's of bad driving. I think the reversing is worse than the over take. It's also of a man calling a women a cunt. I think it tarnishes the brand.

As the rider involved, I had no idea of the sex of the driver at the time I swore.  All I saw was a large black car looming up very close to my right elbow.  My exclamation had NOTHING to do with the fact that she happened to be a woman so reel in the white knighting.

I was hoping you would comment. Because it's not about you. posted this on the internet. They are aligning this to their brand. Yet they post Chris Hoy saying we should stop the us v them culture.

Which one is it here? Us or them.

Cyclist Vs motorist?
Men Vs women?

Eton Rifle replied to dreamy | 5 years ago

dreamy wrote:
Eton Rifle wrote:

dreamy wrote:
vonhelmet wrote:

I’m sure she’ll get over it.

Not to bothered about her feelings. This is a video posted by it's of bad driving. I think the reversing is worse than the over take. It's also of a man calling a women a cunt. I think it tarnishes the brand.

As the rider involved, I had no idea of the sex of the driver at the time I swore.  All I saw was a large black car looming up very close to my right elbow.  My exclamation had NOTHING to do with the fact that she happened to be a woman so reel in the white knighting.

I was hoping you would comment. Because it's not about you. posted this on the internet. They are aligning this to their brand. Yet they post Chris Hoy saying we should stop the us v them culture. Which one is it here? Us or them. Cyclist Vs motorist? Men Vs women?

I am struggling to see what your point is. has posted this in News - y'know, the factual reporting of actual events.  Do you want them to only report on things that 'align to their brand' (whatever that means)?

Chris Hoy's daft comments have nothing to do with it.  I doubt the guy even rides regularly in the UK.  I do - every day - and, like many other riders, am getting thoroughly fucked off with cunts in cars endangering my life on a regular basis.  That stupid cow turned right a few yards after passing me.  Why even bother passing me at all?  What the hell was she thinking?

The only reason I have a camera is because this sort of shitty driving is far too common in Bristol.  It actually seems to be worse in the suburbs than in the centre, ironic for a city that prides itself on being cycle-friendly.

Hirsute replied to dreamy | 5 years ago

dreamy wrote:
Eton Rifle wrote:

dreamy wrote:
vonhelmet wrote:

I’m sure she’ll get over it.

Not to bothered about her feelings. This is a video posted by it's of bad driving. I think the reversing is worse than the over take. It's also of a man calling a women a cunt. I think it tarnishes the brand.

As the rider involved, I had no idea of the sex of the driver at the time I swore.  All I saw was a large black car looming up very close to my right elbow.  My exclamation had NOTHING to do with the fact that she happened to be a woman so reel in the white knighting.

I was hoping you would comment. Because it's not about you. posted this on the internet. They are aligning this to their brand. Yet they post Chris Hoy saying we should stop the us v them culture. Which one is it here? Us or them. Cyclist Vs motorist? Men Vs women?

I guess that makes sense in your head; it's not making a lot of sense to any readers.

FluffyKittenofT... replied to dreamy | 5 years ago

dreamy wrote:
Eton Rifle wrote:

dreamy wrote:
vonhelmet wrote:

I’m sure she’ll get over it.

Not to bothered about her feelings. This is a video posted by it's of bad driving. I think the reversing is worse than the over take. It's also of a man calling a women a cunt. I think it tarnishes the brand.

As the rider involved, I had no idea of the sex of the driver at the time I swore.  All I saw was a large black car looming up very close to my right elbow.  My exclamation had NOTHING to do with the fact that she happened to be a woman so reel in the white knighting.

I was hoping you would comment. Because it's not about you. posted this on the internet. They are aligning this to their brand. Yet they post Chris Hoy saying we should stop the us v them culture. Which one is it here? Us or them. Cyclist Vs motorist? Men Vs women?


What's your point?  Chris Hoy's comments were kind of stupid, in my opinion.  What's the relevance to this issue?

Hirsute | 5 years ago

Surprised she heard him.


vonhelmet | 5 years ago

Stupid bint. More concerned with hitting the cushion at the right angle.

EK Spinner | 5 years ago

and then she turned right !!


dreamy | 5 years ago

Awful word.

vonhelmet replied to dreamy | 5 years ago

dreamy wrote:

Awful word.

Awful pass. Which was more dangerous?

dreamy replied to vonhelmet | 5 years ago
vonhelmet wrote:

dreamy wrote:

Awful word.

Awful pass. Which was more dangerous?

Yep terrible pass. No doubt.

I've had few just like it.

The word cunt though. Awful.

Yorkshire wallet | 5 years ago

She was also pure trash.  Women going round making threats like "I'll knock you out" seem have been watching too many silly tv series or movies with women beating up 200lb men. 


a1white | 5 years ago

She was compeltely clueless as to what she had done wrong. It's a good example of where Cycling UK's VR initiative would work.

brooksby replied to a1white | 5 years ago

a1white wrote:

She was compeltely clueless as to what she had done wrong. It's a good example of where Cycling UK's VR initiative would work.

It seems to me that this ^ is the point to take away from this clip.

The driver clearly didn’t understand what she’d done wrong at all, meaning that she’ll almost certainly go on to do it again and again.

This whole thread seems to have got very diverted onto dreamy’s objections to the use of a swear word under stress.

dreamy replied to brooksby | 5 years ago
1 like
brooksby wrote:

a1white wrote:

She was compeltely clueless as to what she had done wrong. It's a good example of where Cycling UK's VR initiative would work.

It seems to me that this ^ is the point to take away from this clip.

The driver clearly didn’t understand what she’d done wrong at all, meaning that she’ll almost certainly go on to do it again and again.

This whole thread seems to have got very diverted onto dreamy’s objections to the use of a swear word under stress.

100% agree. I'm partly to blame. Like I said the reverse was worse than the over take.

davel replied to dreamy | 5 years ago

dreamy wrote:
brooksby wrote:

a1white wrote:

She was compeltely clueless as to what she had done wrong. It's a good example of where Cycling UK's VR initiative would work.

It seems to me that this ^ is the point to take away from this clip.

The driver clearly didn’t understand what she’d done wrong at all, meaning that she’ll almost certainly go on to do it again and again.

This whole thread seems to have got very diverted onto dreamy’s objections to the use of a swear word under stress.

100% agree. I'm partly to blame. Like I said the reverse was worse than the over take.

Solely, really, which is why so many are arguing with you, I suspect. It is for me. 

It's muddying the issue of some really stupid, inconsiderate and dangerous driving. That has real consequences. Being offended at words just doesn't. 

The rider has said it was used as a general purpose 'cunt', so isn't representing the misogyny you're seeking. Misogyny should rightly be challenged, but crying wolf doesn't half undermine legitimate challenge. 

Yorkshire wallet | 5 years ago

Bristol seems to have more than problem with cycling going by the stories I've come across on this site. 


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