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BB bearing BB30 OSBB ?

Hi. I have a spec diverge comp carbon 2015 and want to change BB bearing

its praxis and turn zyante BB30 i Think. 

I have No exp so please ask this forum so i can buy correct parta and the tools i need. Good i tools can handle many different BB 


best regards



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Rapha Nadal | 7 years ago

A BB30 bearing.  Have a look at what c-bear can offer for OSBB systems.  I run them in both of my Specializeds and they're bloody fantastic.

Stojan | 7 years ago

Ok Thanks. Its OSBB with alu insert so Its Will be BB30. What is the correct bearing to buy then?

VeloUSA | 7 years ago

Going by your assumption that your OSBB and crankset are made by Praxis here's what Praxis says:

Zyante Crankset: We recommend your Praxis Works Zayante cranks be installed by a competent mechanic. In order to correctly install your Praxis Zayante cranks, you must also have the correct Turn M30 BB, as well as the Turn M30 BB tool.

Two BB tools are required for correct installation. We suggest using the Tacx BB tool or a socket style BB tool. Example Tacx T4435, Park BBT-9, Pedros socket-style, or Shimano TLFC33 tool. For removal, use same BB tool to unscrew the Drive cup first, but also a ‘Cup’ removal tool for when removing the pressed NonDrive Cup.

Installation instructions can be located on the Praxis web site along with YouTube. If you're an amatuer unfamiliar with doing detailed mechanical work on your bike I suggest you let your LBS do the work.


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