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Motorbikes in bus lanes - aint good for us, apparently.

At: and

I'm not that surprised, I have to stay: how could our lot be at all improved by making one of our few oases of safety open to bikers?

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Tony Farrelly | 14 years ago

As far as I know we've always had motorbikes in bus lanes here in Bath and Bristol, okay maybe we've got fewer bus lanes but it's never seemed to cause much of a problem. Way back when, when I used to be a London cycle commuter, I'm also pretty sure that I shared bus lanes pretty regularly with motorcyclists - whether they were there legally or not. Mind you, there were also a lot less bus lanes back then and usually it was the buses I had a problem with.  39

In Holland motorscooters are allowed to use the segregated bikes lanes… maybe it's a problem there, or maybe it isn't but, nobody seemed to vexed about it in Rotterdam when Mat and i were there a couple of weeks back.

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