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Video: London cyclist tackles Mont Ventoux 6 times in 1 day

Chris Ward is only the 13th Briton to complete the Bicinglette challenge - and at 50, the oldest

London cyclist has become just the 13th Briton – and the oldest among them – to complete a challenge to ride up and down Mont Ventoux six times, greater than the height of Mount Everest.

Entrepreneur Chris Ward, who turned 50 in June, undertook the mammoth ride in memory of his father and to raise awareness for the Alzheimer’s Society charity.

Chris is the 97th person to complete the Bicinglette challenge set by the Club des Cinglés du Mont-Ventoux – literally, the Mont Ventoux Loonies Club.

Here’s a short film of his efforts – it does contain some swearing, so it’s probably best not to have the speakers on if you’re watching it in public. He’s also posted data of the ride, in September 12, to Strava, although his battery ran out prior to the sixth ascent.

On his website, Chris posted the Monday after completing the challenge: “Well I managed it. Much of that was because my wife Helen followed me up in a car from the bottom for the last ascent, starting at 11pm!

“And the only reason I started the sixth was because of all the support - much from total strangers – but fellow cyclists! – that I was getting through social media. Thanks very much.”

It’s far from the first cycling challenge he has set himself – others include riding the entire route of last year’s 100th edition of the Tour de France, where Chris Froome won on the Ventoux to help seal his overall victory.

While the total height gain during the ride was greater than the height of the world’s tallest mountain, it doesn’t qualify as an official Everesting ride because it did not stick to the same climbs and ascents each time.

There are three separate routes to the summit of Mont Ventoux, last year our own Vecchiojo wrote about riding all thee in a day – from Bédoin, Malaucène and Sault, the latter joining the Bédoin at Chalet Reynard, where the trees give way to the lunar landscape the mountain is famous for and Chris rode all three, as required by the rules.

He would have had to go some to break the record for the most ascents in 24 hours, though – set in 2006, that is held by Jean-Pascal Roux and stands at 11, all of them made from his home village, Bédoin.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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BazDunk | 10 years ago

I was 51 when I completed it last year, August 2013, number 75 on the Bicinglette completed list, but only 2nd person from Scotland to complete it and the first person from Scotland lives only 10 miles from me, therefore is Chris the oldest from England, apparently not as a Steve Howes completed it in 2011 at the young old age of 51, but is a Scot still classed as a Brit?

The Bicinglette was tough but that was superseded by completing the TransConti this year, and signing up again to do it next year, the route is going to be good me thinks!!  16

chris ward replied to BazDunk | 10 years ago

Hi, I'm actually 51 as well ( got my age wrong somehow). It was Cingles organisers that suggested I was oldest Brit - but more than happy not to be if that was the case! Just happy to have done it...

As you say its tough - but i didn't think as tough as i thought it might be - looking for next challenge now - I'm interested in what made the TC harder?

cheers, Chris

Meanredspider | 10 years ago

Chapeau indeed. I did Alpe D'HuZes (6x up Alpe D'Huez in a day) earlier this year and that was tough enough and I'm only 49. Since my route was the same each time, my saw-tooth elevation profile looks neater!  3 Six times up Ventoux is very impressive though - I don't think I'll be aiming to do it.

DrJDog | 10 years ago

I thought I was a young looking 44 - he looks younger than me. Are you sure he's 50?

chris ward replied to DrJDog | 10 years ago

blessed with cycling genes - I'm actually 51 - but have the worse varicose veins!  1

Crimea03 | 10 years ago

Well done Chris, an amazing achievement!

Colin Peyresourde | 10 years ago

I did the Cingles this year and given that took me over 7hrs can only take my hat off to Chris. Double Le Bon courage.

Looks like he saves Malaucene for last from the profile (I haven't watched the video).

Das | 10 years ago

Great Effort, much kudos.

gazza_d | 10 years ago

Hat chris. Very well done. Brilliant

Can I suggest for next time to stop the battery issue that you fit a hub dynamo & one of those USB charging modules *ducks*

tomturcan | 10 years ago

Chapeau Chris, very impressive (if slightly daft)!

Bez | 10 years ago

Chapeau! Bicinglette is impressive. Hope the tweets helped a bit  1

I'm on the case next year, see how many I can do. Doubt I'll manage Bicinglette though...

crikey | 10 years ago

Have a word with yourself if that's the best comment you can think of.

Beaufort | 10 years ago

His wife is hot.

Leviathan replied to Beaufort | 10 years ago
Beaufort wrote:

His wife is hot.

Well it is rather sunny, he looks quite hot too.

chris ward replied to Beaufort | 10 years ago

Thanks for comments - my wife will love some of them !? :). It was obviously long day and only achievable because Helen was there to help - although leaving the plugs to recharge the Garmin in the hotel left me slightly irritable for 10 minutes! My other stuff, tips etc is at thanks

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