Mungecrundle is kicking off our dip into the comments this morning...
"I have a bit of a soft spot for our bin crews. They get a lot of crap from some due to the necessity of having stop a large vehicle right in the middle of the road in order to do their job, they are then at risk from the impatient and careless who look down on them for the work they do.
"There's a reason for the orange warning beacons. Go slow, dead slow! Expect operatives working behind the vehicle and don't be surprised if an errant bin appears in your path.
"I don't think Jeremy was in any particular danger here as he was proceeding with caution, not really worth a reaction to be honest."
Rendel Harris agrees... "Beat me to it, although I do think the operative was a little careless here in general I find the bin crews in London are the most courteous users of the road around. It's not at all uncommon when cycling towards a bin lorry for one of the operatives to shout to the driver and the rest of his mates that a cyclist is coming through and for them to stand aside.
"They're nearly always friendly in terms of exchanging good mornings etc as well. I think as vulnerable road users themselves who often get hassled by car drivers (by coincidence it's our bin day today, it's an unusual day when one doesn't hear at least one car angrily hooting at the lorry for blocking the street) they have a greater affinity with cyclists than many."
BalladOfStruth commented: "I'm always careful passing bin lorries, because I expect workers to step out from behind them, or jump out of the cab without looking - but this was a protected (ish) cycle lane next the road the bin lorry was working in. Gotta say, I probably wouldn't have expected that."
To which ShutTheFrontDawes replied: "The kicker for me is no apology (that I could hear at least). Everyone makes mistakes, but come on."