An overhaul of a disused rail tunnel near Didcot at a cost of more than £1.4m will provide a new link for cyclists and pedestrians easily to reach their jobs in the Science Vale area.
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership is funding the project at the Backfill Tunnel - a long disused underpass - beginning this summer.
It is hoped that the route to Milton Park will make an attractive route for those employed in the science district.
The county council will build a footpath and cycle path linking Milton Park with the north side of the A4130, provide lighting and CCTV in the tunnel, and improved fencing to prevent access to the railway line.
David Nimmo Smith, cabinet member for transport at Oxfordshire County Council, told the Oxford Mail: “This is really good news as it will provide convenient and direct pedestrian and cycle access to Milton Park from the western side of Didcot.
“Science Vale is a world-class centre for science and innovation, and transport accessibility is well known to be a key part of enabling business activity and attracting new investment. Major growth is planned across the area with 16,000 additional homes and 20,000 jobs by 2031.”
Last year, an award-winning design approach came up with the idea of creating a subterranean cycle and walking network using London's abandoned Tube tunnels.
The London Underline, which is unlikely to come to fruition, won a Best Conceptual Project at the London Planning Awards in 2015, for its use of kinetic paving, which uses friction from cycle tyres and shoes to generate electricity to power the project.
The route, proposed from Holborn in the east to Green Park in the west, also featured docking stations for the capital's 'Boris Bike' scheme along the tunnels.
No - you misread - they 'mange' it - presumably that entails contributing to it being in the manky state it currently is.
Go for it Pogi! I will be in the velodrome on 13th April and it would be fantastic to see him arrive.
Indeed but he's a can't. Can't be arsed to tell the truth, can't be arsed to build new Hospitals and can't be arsed to do anything for anyone save...
How true is the wheel though?...
I agree, very little improvement indeed. From the first paragraph:...
I had to look this one up:
What wokery is this? I thought those tech-bros were there to save us from the "mind virus"?
Opposition to controversial East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood ‘will filter away’ say council bosses...
I know it's not the same, but they are saying Quest will have free highlights.
Yeah but if you take away any chance of getting their licence back they'll turn into some kind of amoral road-bandit! * checks court records again ...