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Video: Close-passing, ultra-sweary driver takes a tumble after chasing and kicking out at cyclist

Dispute about close pass ends with driver chasing cyclist down the street

Helmet cam footage of disputes between cyclists and drivers isn’t exactly thin on the ground these days, but this is a particularly striking example. After a close pass, an extraordinary volume of swearing, a pavement pursuit and a kick at the cyclist’s rear wheel, the driver involved takes a face-first swan dive into the road.

The video, shot in Reading, begins with the familiar scene of a car passing dangerously closely to a cyclist. A short distance later, the uploader, uphillfreewheeler, stops next to the driver and tells him he’d been too close when overtaking. This elicits a quite spectacular barrage of swearing from the driver, the gist of which is that he feels the cyclist should have pulled to the side to let him past. He also has an interesting view on what the Highway Code says about cyclists.

After a short debate about the finer points of road safety, the dispute escalates from swearing to threats before culminating in the driver chasing the cyclist down the pavement and launching a kick at his rear wheel. This causes him to lose balance, after which he stumbles, soars through the air and lands face first in the road.

Please note, unless you mute it, this video’s not remotely safe for work.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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scooterjinx | 8 years ago

pmsl both a couple of dicks, classic arse over tit example.

top line...
" is that what it says in the highway code?"
" no its says run you cunts over!"

vonhelmet | 8 years ago

Has anyone ever corrected a driver and had them acknowledge the mistake with good grace? Anyone? Ever? With that in mind, what are people hoping will happen when they get into altercations like this? At best, you don't get thumped. That's about as much as you can hope for.

Das | 8 years ago

 24 Hahahah proof Fat Cunts can fly. Wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  36

The Rake | 8 years ago

Worth it for the comedy ending

tourdelound | 8 years ago

Splendid.  103

davieke | 8 years ago

Should at least be 3 points for no seat belt.
And 9.0 for the triple salchow.

Leodis | 8 years ago

Funny as hell ending to the video.

I'm not sure why some people try and string us up as a collective, 9 times of out 10 other cyclists ignore each other on the roads, most will cycle past a cyclist having a mech issue without even a word said.

brooksby | 8 years ago

I'm sorry, but I'm clearly completed jaded, but I really don't see the problem with the pass in the first place. As other people on here have already said, that is a typical pass when within the city boundaries (Bristol, in my case), and I get even closer ones from time to time. Never felt the need to chase the driver down and remonstrate with them, as I cannot imagine a situation where anyone ever takes advice or criticism from a complete stranger with good grace...

Morat | 8 years ago

I'd score that 7/6 to the cyclist. They were both looking pretty foolish until the tie breaker  1

Honestly, what did the cyclist want to achieve by chasing down the motorist and then yelling at him? If you're going to "confront" someone with poor driving you need to approach it much more carefully than that - even the police don't just rock up and start shouting.

will.penn | 8 years ago

This sort of thing really annoys me. Yes the car got a bit close, but not so that someone with an ounce of bike handling skills could deal with.

The way the cyclist has chosen to react is completely out of order. I can see the value in riding with a camera but it should not become about try to record drivers getting angry and abusive.

This sort of think is getting more common. Cyclist constantly complain about drivers but things like this does nothing to help anyone or anything.

This is not how the cycling community should react to this type of situation. A little word to the driver at the next set of lights would have been enough but not chasing down the car and yelling at him.

The rider has let down all cyclist with his behaviour.

don simon fbpe | 8 years ago

Fank faaaark I don't live Daaaaarn Saaaaaaarf you slaaaaaaag!!!
Right bunch of miserable potty mouths.
That was hilarious.
Be interesting to know what The Sweeney make of it.

alansmurphy | 8 years ago


I had a wonderful encounter yesterday. A car waited to turn right as I was on a bit of a charge in the opposite direction (22mph or so). I recognised that many drivers would have pulled across me so held my hand up to acknowledge that they'd waited. They leaned out of the window and shouted "Why didn't you fucking move".

I considered for a moment the art of levitation or the ability to teleport but could only respond with a shaking of the beans style 'nescafe' gesture!

GingerNinja1989 | 8 years ago

That is AMAZING!

don simon fbpe | 8 years ago

Should've worn a helmet.  16


They leaned out of the window and shouted "Why didn't you fucking move".

You heard all that at 22mph, impressive.

SNS1938 | 8 years ago

The pass wasn't exactly considerate, but also not so bad that the police would care. The threatening to kill him though and then the physical assault. That should definitely generate a police charge and court appearance. You can shout at people about their driving and be a complete dick with a camera, but you can't threaten to kill someone or actually physically assault them. The ending though, that was brilliant, I only wish he'd broken his arm or something, so he'd then have to walk around with it in plaster for a couple of months and have to explain to his mates that he broke his own arm when he tried to run after a cyclist ... what a twat.

zanf | 8 years ago


reprobate337 | 8 years ago

Confronting drivers always ends with both parties going away furious and no satisfaction, so there has to be a better way. thinking that I might carry a few notices to stick to their car and ride off satisfied instead.. pick the one that will p**s them off the most... for example this guy might appreciate "National Transvestite Trust - I'm not afraid to wear my dress" or some such ;). The notes would be superglued and laminated  41

Please note this is meant to be light hearted and that I'm not seriously advocating this approach.

Yorkshie Whippet | 8 years ago

I switched off during the Benny Hill style chase scene. Whilst I am sympathetic about the close pass and the red mist. There is very little point chasing someone to get even. Normally they are too stupid to understand what they've done anyway.
Why not just swear at them, shake some beans and take a deep breath before going on your way?

Housecathst | 8 years ago

The only way that could have been funnier is if fatty had had a cream cake in his hand as he fell over.

The cyclist was polite at all times during the video despite an assault and a threat to kill. You should be able to have an interaction with another human being without the driver reacting this way, just because "all motorists" react badly to being called out on their bad drive doesn't mean we should stop doing it.

Housecathst | 8 years ago

Stolen from singletrack ... Brilliant .... Big up Milkie

Dnnnnnn | 8 years ago

Cycling on the pavement??? Straight to jail, c**t!  102

bobcdc | 8 years ago

I say "meh" to the pass, it almost happens daily where I live. Yet I understand camera might not give it a proper perspective. Also, cyclists tolerances will vary on that. Thus, I respect the cyclist for making that decision - certainly his to make.

I don't think the pass will merit any police action. The assault? That's a different story. They guy got his due in the end and it's caught on camera. Well done! He should be facing a fine as well I hope.

Let us know how it turns out in the end!

harrybav | 8 years ago

Wide angle lens at play there.
No mileage in the confrontation, but still a nice forward roly poly.

Jonny_Trousers | 8 years ago

Pure gold! A total bell-end of a self-righteous bike rider to get annoyed by, a fat tosser of a car driver (nice motor, btw) to be wound up by and the mother of all tumbles. It could only have been better if it'd had a slowed-down, low-pitched, "Noooooo!" on the slow-mo repeat. Oh, and if the cyclist had accidentally ridden off a cliff in his haste to escape.

adrianoconnor | 8 years ago

Crazy angry driver, but going in for an argument like that is never going to improve the situation -- people can't back down if you confront them like that and it just pours fuel on the fire.

Anyway, it was a good fall, I like the way he roly-polied in to it. Cyclist was lucky to get away because that guy was unbelievably mad and looked like he really wanted to prove a point. Wonder if he's the sort of guy that might put the boot in if you're on the floor...

Airzound | 8 years ago

Who is this prick? Some one must know who he is and where he lives? I would so have loved him to get out of his car and try and assault me as I would have decked him. When he fell over I would have ridden back to him and started laughing at him then back to his car, nicked his keys and taken them to the nearest cop shop for safe keeping. What a total moron.

This footage is easily worth £250 You've Been Framed.

Beefy | 8 years ago

 24 fantastic

moonbucket | 8 years ago

That fat mess of a driver would almost certainly be feeling the effects of his physical exertions for the next day or two, one suspects that the most energy he normally expends in a day is a gentle sojourn as he salivates his way around the inside of a Greggs (one which you can park outside, naturally).

In the words of Nelson Muntz: "Ha, ha!".  21

pamplemoose | 8 years ago

Driver got exactly what he deserved. Yes, the cyclist goaded him a bit, but the driver was incredibly quick to fly off the handle.

Everyone on here saying "it was only a close pass, so what" should be ashamed of themselves. It's passes like you see in this video that make a lot of people who would otherwise cycle decide that it's too dangerous. Hopefully at least this moron will have some action taken against him, if not for the close pass then at least for assault. If the cyclist had just "let it go" and reported the pass to the police what do you think the outcome would be?

Richard D | 8 years ago

The difference between a close pass and a driver "just clipping" the cyclist is often simply a matter of luck. A gust of wind, the appearance of a pothole etc and the gap of inches disappears, the cyclist is struck, and it's a free ride in an ambulance. James Cracknell was "clipped" by a truck's wing mirror during a too-close pass, which left him in a coma and with a significant brain injury.

All of which can be avoided by drivers obeying the Highway Code - as they are obliged to do. Rule 163 - "as much space as a small car". Which, whatever you think of the camera angle, however many close passes you have to suffer yourselves, THAT clearly wasn't.


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