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Value of exercise in fighting obesity a "myth" claim experts

"You cannot outrun a bad diet," says editorial in medical journal - but head of NICE dismisses views as "idiotic"...

A leading cardiologist says that the notion that exercise can help obese people lose weight is a “myth” and that they should instead be encouraged to eat more healthily. They also say that unhealthy diets, not lack of exercise, are to blame for the obesity epidemic.

The controversial claims are made in an editorial published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, jointly written by London-based Dr Aseem Malhotra, and two other experts, one from South Africa, the other from the United States.

They said that “manipulative marketing” by the food industry undermined government initiatives to combat obesity, and that “vested interests” distorted public health messaging relating to diet and exercise.

But the head of the body that sets health guidelines for England and Wales insists that any attempt to underplay the value of exercise in weight loss is “idiotic.”

The editorial’s authors say that as levels of obesity have soared in the Western world over the past three decades, levels of exercise have remained almost static.

“This places the blame for our expanding waist lines directly on the type and amount of calories consumed,” they assert.

Citing the Lancet global burden of disease programme, they said “poor diet now generates more disease than physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking.”

They also said that PR by the food industry “uses tactics chillingly similar to those of big tobacco” in leading many to believe, incorrectly, “that obesity is entirely due to lack of exercise.”

They added: “It is time to wind back the harms caused by the junk food industry's Public Relations machinery. Let us bust the myth of physical inactivity and obesity. You cannot outrun a bad diet.”

Dr Malhotra told BBC News: "An obese person does not need to do one iota of exercise to lose weight, they just need to eat less.

“My biggest concern is that the messaging that is coming to the public suggests you can eat what you like as long as you exercise. That is unscientific and wrong."

However, the views expressed in the editorial were countered by a number of other experts, who said that exercise, alongside a healthy diet, had a vital role to play in fighting obesity.

But Professor Mark Baker from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, which sets guidelines for health in England and Wales and says people should follow "well-balanced diets combined with physical activity" insisted it was "idiotic" to downplay the value of exercise.

And Ian Wright, director general of trade body the Food and Drink Federation, rejected criticism of the food industry’s PR on the subject.

He said: "The benefits of physical activity aren't food industry hype or conspiracy, as suggested. A healthy lifestyle will include both a balanced diet and exercise.

Referring to the editorial, he said: "This article appears to undermine the origins of the evidence-based government public health advice, which must surely be confusing for consumers."

Philip Insall, director of health at the sustainable transport charity, Sustrans, said that in the case of the UK, levels of physical activity had fallen over the past half century and said exercise was vital not just in combating obesity, but a range of other health conditions.

“Whilst going easy on the sugar and consuming a balanced diet is essential to managing obesity and our overall health, playing down the importance of physical activity is a misleading message,” he said. “Both are very important.

“From 1961 to 2005, levels of physical activity in the UK dropped by 20% and if current trends continue, will reduce by more than 35% by 2030.

“As a direct result, diabetes, cancers and many more health disorders are becoming increasingly prevalent.

“The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend 150 minutes per week of physical activity for adults, and 60 minutes a day for children, because this is beneficial to health and helps prevent a whole range of diseases – not just obesity.

“Healthy levels of activity can be built into a person's day much more easily than some might think,” he added.

“Most of us can build activity into our daily routine by choosing to walk or cycle everyday journeys, instead of taking the car or bus.”

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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OnTheRopes | 9 years ago

Whilst I would not want to promote bad diet, to say exercise does not help fight obesity is surely over simplified. If one looks only at the many people fooling themselves they are fighting the flab whilst taking part in minimalist activity at the leisure centres then maybe. On the other hand though you dont see many fat endurance athletes and that cant be purely down to diet.

Joeinpoole replied to OnTheRopes | 9 years ago
OnTheRopes wrote:

Whilst I would not want to promote bad diet, to say exercise does not help fight obesity is surely over simplified. If one looks only at the many people fooling themselves they are fighting the flab whilst taking part in minimalist activity at the leisure centres then maybe. On the other hand though you dont see many fat endurance athletes and that cant be purely down to diet.

I've heard several male models asserting that gaining and maintaining a ripped physique is 70-80% diet (i.e. some say 70% and some say 80%) and 20-30% exercise.

Personally I think that the main cause of increased obesity, over the last 30-odd years, is actually portion size. The meals that most people consume nowadays are absolutely *huge* compared to what we used to eat in the 70's. The meals themselves are often worse too with takeaways and convenience meals being bulked-up with starch and sugar. Add to that the reduced levels of exercise with more sedentary jobs and commuting by car it is hardly surprising we are in the state we're in.

Relatively few British folk visited America back in the early 80's but those that had always commented on how gigantic the meals were in the USA. Nobody says that anymore ... our meals have grown to the same size.

millskid replied to Joeinpoole | 9 years ago

I've heard several male models asserting that gaining and maintaining a ripped physique is 70-80% diet (i.e. some say 70% and some say 80%) and 20-30% exercise.

100% agree. Exercise helps obviously, but without the diet you will make no impact on your weight.

earth replied to OnTheRopes | 9 years ago
OnTheRopes wrote:

On the other hand though you dont see many fat endurance athletes and that cant be purely down to diet.

Maybe the fat ones give up.


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