Bike Pure the anti-doping movement that encourages riders and teams to make a stand in the fight against drugs in sport has announced that the BMX manufacturer and team sponsor the Pure Bicycle Company has associated itself with the Bike Pure philosophy of clean cycle sport. The Pure Bicycle Company, make titanium BMX bikes and sponsor the successful EA Pure Racing BMX team.
EA Pure Racing are based in the UK and compete at major events in Britain and Europe but also operate at grass roots level with young riders coming into the sport. The main concept of this British backed team is to develop and enhance the skills of the younger riders, and provide the foundation and infrastructure for the senior members to progress within the sport.
BMX racing has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years and with it becoming an Olympic sport its popularity has boomed, especially with young riders. BMX is a great way to introduce young riders into the sport of cycling and sales of BMX bikes has risen sharply in the last few years.
EA Pure Racing boasts several leading riders including multi British and European champion Ria Goodman, Josh Peters - only 8 years old but already a National Champion and triple British champion Arran Shrosbree.
Chas Shrosbree of EA Pure Racing said today "EA Pure Racing is pleased to be associated with Bike Pure in its commitment to a drug free sport. A level playing field truly demonstrates and athlete’s natural ability and desire to succeed. Unfortunately, historically credited athletes have achieved this by cheating.
"EA Pure Racing is keen to achieve success through nutritional research, advances in training techniques, and equipment innovation – hence the team’s relationship with The Pure Bicycle Company. In building relationships with companies and organisations like the Pure Bicycle Company and Bike Pure, all of the athletes within the EA Pure Racing team are encouraged and assisted in achieving their ultimate goal - the natural way!"
All riders and team personel associated with EA Pure Racing have received the Bike Pure wristbands and spacers and we wish to thank them for their belief in true, honourable sport. BMX is a flourishing aspect of cyclesport, especially with young riders and hasn't been immune to drug problems itself. Bike Pure very much welcome EA Pure Racing's association with drug free sport and wish to thank them for their involvement.
For more information about Bike Pure check out their webiste at
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Good idea - dunno what the drug use issue is like in BMX racing - hard to tell from the people I see.