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Andalucia holiday recommendations?

Any recommendations for companies in Andalucia that operate guided training rides and are also good for non-cycling partners? Want to visit Seville and Granada as well as try to honk up the Sierras.

Lots of people do Pyrenees, a fair few do Andalucia but are purely for cycling.


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fuzzywuzzy | 14 years ago

I can highly recommend I went for a winter beginners/intermediate training camp with them in March last year and had a great time. No doubt the quality of the roads, good nature of the drivers and the amazing scenery were a big factor but Ashley & Claire (who run it) are very welcoming and know their stuff.
Planning to go back next year to (March was ideal for me, clear blue skies every day and temps from 20-25c), only reason I didn't go back this year was I injured myself on my MTB over Christmas and was too unfit to make it worthwhile.

The rides themselves though were around 40-55 miles (although usually with some big climbs mixed in so it seemed longer!) and the pace was whatever suited the group (usually relaxed along the flats and people went up the climbs at their own pace, met at the top and again at the bottom). Depending on the rest of the group you could do longer/shorter rides as he tailors it to suit you but if you definitely want longer/harder rides I guess sign-up for the intermediate/advanced camp instead.

They also do other family/couple orientated breaks if a training camp isn't your thing (there's certainly plenty to see for non-cyclists in the area).

timlennon | 14 years ago

No idea on the cycling, but there are some fabulous sights to see!

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