2014 was a unique year for the County of Essex and for all who cycle on her. The third stage of the Tour headed through many of the wonderfully road bike friendly roads that we at SportiveUK cycle on a regular basis. The Tour De Essex features a 42, 72, and 110 mile choice of routes that utilise many of the same spectacular roads as the 2014 Tour de France.
The Tour had a huge effect on this area of countryside, many roads were updated to accommodate the peloton. These immaculate surfaces will get your wheels spinning making for an impressive average speed.
Glad to see so many with similar values to my own. BC completely misreading and continuing to ignore members.
I kinda like the look.
I don't think it is peculiarly Dutch even. I've travelled all over Europe for work, and I'd say that the popularity of this style of bike is much...
They most certainly do "separate like that"....
Read it again. You seem to have missed what this is all about.
Thanks Neil!
All arguments I am hopeful to see validated, especially (a) and (b) combined....
Well, on Lundy the only predators are the humans, and they're far more likely to buy some farmed non-Soay lamb from the pub than try to chase a...
"Just a little bit off the sides"
Given that one of the Oxfordshire councillors took the time to drop into the comments section of the previous article on this story to deny, at...