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National Cycle to Work Day next Thursday

Dame Sarah Storey backs day of bike commuting

We know many readers are regular bike commuters already, so when Cycle to Work Day comes round next Thursday September 12, why not help encourage your friends and co-workers take the plunge?

Backed by cycling organisations such as CTC and British Cycling, as well as bike industry bodies, and organised by Cyclescheme, Cycle to Work Day aims to get a million people to ride to work on September 12.

Over at the Cycle to Work Day website, you can grab the Champion Toolkit which is packed with ideas for ways you can help friends and co-workers get on their bikes.

Suggestions include leading a ride into the office; organising free bike check ups for anyone who rides in on the 12th in conjunction with your local Cyclescheme dealer; and persuading the boss to stump up for free coffee and croissants for anyone who rides in (though sadly, that’s not tax-exempt any more.

If your colleagues are nervous about riding in traffic (and with the publicity that surrounds every cycling death you couldn’t really blame them) why not see if your local council provides free adult cycle training. The confidence boost and traffic skills they’ll get will be invaluable while we all wait for Dutch-style infrastructure in the UK.

Paralympic champion Dame Sarah Storey is the face of Cycle To Work Day, and a champion of everyday cycling as well as an elite competitor.

Dame Sarah said: “If we start by encouraging people to cycle to work, then they'll feel healthier, will save money and be more inclined to ride their bikes for other journeys and leisure time too.

“Cycling is one of the best modes of transport for local journeys and Cyclescheme provides the means for people to obtain a bike in order to make those journeys to work. We hope to inspire even more people to challenge themselves, dust off the bike and cycle to work on the 12th September."

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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Matt eaton | 11 years ago

I'm working from home that day but I'll be sure to go for a spin before I start.

mattsccm | 11 years ago

Wouldn't it be useful if this was actually promoted rather than being tucked away on a cycling website. How about page 3 of the Sun or the front of the Times. Then the rest of the world would know.

Leviathan | 11 years ago

Oh good cause I will be cycling to work on that day, and tomorrow too. Must go to bed.

eurotrash | 11 years ago

Funnily enough tomorrow will be the first day in over half a year that I'll be commuting without my bike.

FatCycleRider | 11 years ago

I've organised the following at my workplace;

  • A post-commute breakfast in the courtesy of Sainsbury’s
  • An open bike surgery with the Bike Doctor
  • A raffle with prizes kindly donated from Dare2b cycle clothing
  • Bike Buddies – find a like-minded cycling commuter in your area to help you get going.
  • Cycle to Work Scheme advice
  • A free ‘route planning’ service
  • How to get involved with the Cycling Community at work and STRAVA club
  • Information on cycle training (Bikeability level 3)
  • A family friendly after work ride
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    Gashead | 11 years ago

    Followed up the next day by Drive To Work Day by all cyclists, bus and train passengers just so drivers realise what it would be like if everybody adopted their lifestyle choice.  36

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