Le Beau Velo bike shop in Shoreditch, London, was broken into last night and many high-end Italian bikes and frames worth thousands of pounds were stolen.
The boutique shop, which deals mainly in Viner, Legend and Frondriest bikes, has been in existence for just a matter of months although proprietor Mal Pires has already built up a strong reputation. As well as retailing bikes, he organises bike fit sessions at the shop with Velo Solutions, and physiological testing with Metabolic Solutions.

Velo Solutions is the place where our man Mat went for the bike fitting for the Viner Maxima RS that we’re currently testing. Expect a full review on that very soon.

These aren't the sort of bikes/frames you see every day. Far from it; they're all rare, some extremely rare. If you see any of them or know of anybody being approached with them, please contact Mal on 0776 482 3503 or 020 3239 2311. Pretty please. They're top guys doing something different as a boutique shop; a fledgling business, they could really use some help.

The pictures shown here aren’t of the actual bikes/frame stolen, but they’re similar enough to give you an idea.
Here’s the full list of the bikes taken:
• Viner Maxima RS, carbon/white, inscription ‘Le Beau Velo’, Miche Supertype groupset, Fulcrum Racing 1 wheels

• Viner Mitus, green/white, Campagnolo Super Record 11 groupset, Ksyrium SSL wheels.
• Viner Volata, red/white/black, Miche Athena 11-speed groupset, Miche Syntium AXY wheels
• Viner Perfecta, green/white, Campagnolo Centaur groupset, Fulcrum Racing 3 wheels

• Viner Vigor Plus, Campagnolo Centaur groupset, no wheels
• Viner Gladius, Magnus Maximus.com Team colours, Miche Veloce groupset, Cosmic Carbon wheels, yellow graphics
And the framesets stolen:
• Legend Il Re, titanium,unique in the UK
• Viner Perfecta, green/white, size 56

• Viner Kronus, red/white time trial frame, size large
• Viner Mitus, red/white, frame only, no fork
• Viner Volata, carbon/red/white
• Viner Gladius, carbon/red/white
These older complete bikes were also taken:
• Wilier Izoard (2008) red/white, Shimano Ultegra groupset, size XL
• Wilier Cento Uno (2009), white/blk/red, Cinelli Ram bars, Campagnolo Record groupset
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Thanks for this, that's really interesting to know. As someone who doesn't exactly train for anything specific, just likes riding a bike reasonably...
Longest acronym I've come across !
Worth noting that the abovementioned Fadumo has so far been a dynamo for the Green vote in East Bristol (and is generally of an activist and active...
Exactly, and while that might be bad for the bike manufacturing/selling industry, it doesn't automatically correlate to a problem for the cycling...
The Road.cc journo has definitely passed his "find interesting things to say about a very boring product" test!
No idea whether the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is being conveyed in this particular instance but I do recall standing...
What's relevant probably depends on the individual's use case....
'should' these days - only the MUSTs and MUST NOTs are shouted.
Rose-tinted glasses are also good for this.