The title might be a bit misleading now: you don't win Ed Clancy. You do win the opportunity to go on a ride with him though, and walk away with a big stack of 9bars for your trouble.
We've put our hand into the big black internet sack and pulled out five e-balls, and the names inscribed on them are thus:
Congratulations you five, and hopefully you'll all be able to make it up to the Peaks for a pootle* around with Ed and's Mat Brett. Unlucky if you missed out, but there will be another schwag grab along soon!
As for the 9 days of 9bars winners: if you've won we'll have already contacted you, as we did it on a day-to-day basis.
*it's unlikely to be a pootle
Fancy going for a training ride with a triple world champion and Olympic gold medallist, Ed Clancy? Well thanks to those nice people at 9Bar you can. We've got five places up for grabs to go for a ride with Ed on Sunday 1 May in the Peak District. We'll be there too to record the event… but don't let that put you off. As well as that, there's a box of 9Bars to be won every day until the Royal Wedding!
Our five winners will join Ed to tackle some of his favourite training roads then we'll stop for lunch and you can ask the Olympic hero any questions you have on cycling, training or his career. AND that's not all, the lucky five will also be going home weighed down with enough 9Bar nutritional goodness to last them a very long time indeed.
On top of that you can head over to our facebook page and 'like' the compo entry there. We'll draw one lucky reader to receive a box of 9Bars every day from tomorrow until the end of the competition, and two of the ride winners will be from facebook too. And yes, you can double your chances by entering both ways.
If you win all you've got to do it turn up on Sunday 1 May (that's the bank holiday weekend) with your bike and a helmet and we'll take care of the rest… snacks will be provided, possibly of the 9Bar variety.

9Bars are a completely natural blend of nuts seeds and honey, they're also delicious we like them as you can find out by reading our 9Bar review, Ed Clancy is also a fan: “They’re great for me on and off the bike, I was recommended to use 9Bars leading up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics as some of the other bars and gels I was using weren’t going down that well,” explains Clancy. “I use them both on and off the bike, I’m a bit of a snacker really so they’re ideal to take with me on the go. My favourite time is at breakfast, a 9Bar and a banana is all you need!”
We'll be drawing our competition on Wednesday 28 April, usual Schwag Rules apply. On top of those, you'll also need to be able to get yourself to and from the Peak District, obviously. Good luck!
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Top schwag. Please count me in.
Count me in for the bars and ride. Ta!!
yes please
Am I too late?
My daughers hero
I'll have some of that
Count me in, great prize
regards jack duffy.
I'm in the peak of condition so jus watch your back matey!!!! He lied!
Yes please, count me in for either
I'm in the PEAK of condition so this is just what I need to take me on to the next level, tour winner. Quite an achievement at 62 but hey isn't that wot dreams r made of?
bars only. Too old & fat to keep up in the peaks.
try again
What's the betting he'll go through Strines??
Yes please!
Bars only would be great.
love some bars please, no chance of being able to go riding with Mr Clancy , especially as the only tome he'd see me is at the start
This prize is amazing! I'd love to do this!
Do we have to enter every day then?
Yes please.
Yes please...
me please
Ok. Another day, another bid for Strines...
Yes plz
I'm a carthorse rider with a carthorse bike! So a ride with Ed could be pretty embarrasing!
On the other hand - it would be pretty cool too!!
In it to win it.
Yumyum yes please, top training with great rider; taking my eating seriously, oh I'm ready........