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Driver came “flying out of nowhere” through red light and killed boy on bike at crossing, “treating him like a leaf”, as parents criticise “unduly lenient” two-year sentence and call for better enforcement on roads

Eight-year-old André Castro Ladeiro was struck by the driver of a pick-up truck on a pedestrian crossing during a family cycle in Co. Cork, after checking “no cars were coming”

The parents of an eight-year-old boy who was struck and killed by a pick-up driver on a pedestrian crossing in Co. Cork, after the motorist ignored a red light, have called for better enforcement on the roads, while also criticising the “undue leniency” of sentences handed out to dangerous drivers who kill.

André Castro Ladeiro was on a family bike ride with his parents and younger brother on 12 August 2023, when he was hit by a Ford Ranger Wildtrack pick-up truck driven by John Moynihan at a crossing located just after a roundabout on Cork Road in Carrigaline, Co. Cork.

According to the eight-year-old’s parents, André “waited for the green man” and checked “no cars were coming” before crossing the road – which connects a cycling and walking path to the town’s schools – when Moynihan “came flying out of nowhere, ignoring his surroundings, disrespecting the red light in a pedestrian crossing and running over our son”.

Following the “catastrophic” crash, André was taken to hospital and later transferred to Children’s Health Ireland at Temple Street, Dublin, where he was treated for five days before dying from his injuries.

Earlier this week, 62-year-old Moynihan was sentenced to two years in prison, with one additional year suspended, for dangerous driving causing the young cyclist’s death. He was also disqualified from driving for six years.

Judge Dermot Sheehan told Cork Criminal Court that a custodial sentence was warranted in order to serve as a “deterrent to other motorists”.

“For him, my son was only a leaf”

However, in a victim impact statement, and in later interviews with Irish media, André’s parents César Ladeiro and Filipa Castro criticised what they believe to be the lack of justice involved in this week’s sentencing, while expressing their anger at the number of rule-breaking drivers on the road.

Reflecting on the trauma they have experienced since witnessing the fatal collision, César and Filipa said in their victim impact statement, read in court: “Every day has been a challenge between anger, sadness, depression, despair, fear, dark days, disbelief. All those words became part of our life since that driver killed our son. Also, panic attacks, nightmares, sleep deprivation, anxiety, fear, stress.

“You have no idea what is to see people around driving without due care. The sound of the impact of the car hitting our son and the image of our son lying down on the road are constantly present.”

Cork Road, Carrigaline, Co. Cork (Google Maps)

Cork Road, Carrigaline, Co. Cork (Google Maps)

They continued: “Facts are that during a family bike ride André was crossing a road on a pedestrian crossing that connects a walking and cycle path to schools in the middle of Carrigaline and that crossing has traffic lights. André waited for the green man. Before crossing André and myself checked no cars were coming.

“That driver came flying out of nowhere, ignoring his surroundings, disrespecting the red light in a pedestrian crossing and running over our son.

“As a nurse who worked in a paediatric ICU for twelve years, André’s mum realised from the first minute how catastrophic the situation was, while André’s dad just had hope… Tomás, André’s brother, was there, alone, inside the trailer, staring at André without saying a word.

“André spent five days fighting to live, five devastating days that ended with his parents at his side for his last breath.

“It is still impossible for us to believe or accept this. Every day, we wait to see him walk through the door, to give us again the most earthly hug only he could give, his sounding kisses, to see his captivating smile. But no, the only thing we find is pictures and videos, memories.”

Expanding on the moments leading up to the crash in an interview with RTÉ’s Liveline, Mr Ladeiro said that he had just started to cross the road with his other son Tomás in a trailer behind him, with André in front, when Moynihan drove through the red light.

“The traffic light gets red for the cars, and I’m seeing the traffic light because I’m behind, and Andre is in front of me, facing the signal or facing the crossing. I stayed behind him, because the track there is not wide enough for us to be like the two bikes,” he said.

“I was starting to cross, and I never saw it coming. I never heard it coming. There were no sounds, no marks, nothing. André was breathing, so I had hope.”

When asked if Moynihan had apologised for killing his son, Mr Ladeiro said: “To us directly? Never. Towards our solicitors? Never.

“There was no explanation given. And I think that anyone with the perfect conscience of what he was doing when driving, even if you didn’t see anything, if you hear the loudest bang in front of you – just press the brakes. Emergency brake.

“They teach you that when you get your licence. And did that happen? No. Could that have had a different result? We don’t know.

“No, [he didn’t brake] anytime. So, as I said in court, for him my son was only a leaf, and probably he just stopped because his tyre got deflated. I’m not sure. I never heard his voice.”

“The value of my child, killed by dangerous driving, is a two-year sentence”

In their victim impact statement, César and Filipa – despite thanking Judge Sheehan for explaining the reasoning behind the sentencing – argued that the three-year prison sentence, with the last year suspended, was too lenient.

“Does this outcome take in account all the suffering it caused?” they asked. “Is this what people want for justice on the 21st century in the Republic of Ireland? Is this outcome anyway proportional to the life of a child that had so much to live, so much to share?”

In his interview on Liveline, César noted that, under Irish law, Moynihan faced a maximum sentence of ten years for causing death by dangerous driving.

“That’s the right phrase, that you can get prison sentence of ‘up to’ 10 years,” he said on the programme. “These two key words: ‘up to’. So you can drive dangerously, kill, and you can have ‘up to’.

“It’s not ‘from’. It’s ‘up to’. So in the end, the judge did what was in the law, and according to his judgment, and according to the law.

“So I cannot say anything else for André's case. But the value of my child, for the state of Ireland in this case, killed by dangerous driving, is a two-year sentence.

“I hope that if [Moynihan] has any religion, that he continues to suffer after his days are done.”

He also argued that the justice system did not provide enough support for his family during the sentencing process.

“The other victims are still here, and they are not taken into account during all this process,” he said. “We were asked if we wanted to do a victim impact statement, that’s really it.”

Mr Ladeiro added that his family still regularly cross the road where André was fatally struck and are constantly angered by the continued presence of rule-breaking drivers.

“Any simple thing that we see on the road that is against the rules just make us mad,” he said. “You cannot imagine how we boil from the inside seeing someone not stopping at a red light.

"The problem is not only there, it is a reminder of everything else. It happens. And again there is no conviction, because Garda cannot be everywhere, it is not their duty to be everywhere. We are in the 21st century. Enforcement needs to happen, somehow.

“For us, my son Tomás, when he sees someone crossing at traffic lights, he just gets ‘that man is being bad crossing on a red light’. He will know that his brother crossed on the green man and he had the result that he had.”

André Castro Ladeiro

André Castro Ladeiro

In their victim impact statement in court this week, César and Filipa said they are determined to use every bit of their “strength and resilience” to make things better for Tomás, who will turn seven this year, and say they want to have “hope for the future” and to “laugh and make dreams come true.”

The couple said that André, born in December 2014, filled their lives “with all the most wonderful feelings.”

“A dream came true and it was an incredible journey with happiness, smiles, energy, gratitude, bravery, resilience, pride and so much more. In 2019, we chose Ireland to live in and give more time together to us as a family. A huge step for us,” they said.

“André’s ability to settle here, without knowing nearly any English was remarkable. But this was as he was: full of good feelings! He made so many friends, his age and grownups, he loved the schools he went to. He was always ready to take part in community activities, fundraisings and always helping who needed help, a hand, a laugh.

“His smile was contagious, as contagious was his character. He was also involved in different sports, such as gymnastics, swimming, GAA and taekwondo. He spread joy and kindness! He was so happy, we were so happy.”

After obtaining a PhD, lecturing, and hosting a history podcast at Queen’s University Belfast, Ryan joined in December 2021 and since then has kept the site’s readers and listeners informed and enthralled (well at least occasionally) on news, the live blog, and the Podcast. After boarding a wrong bus at the world championships and ruining a good pair of jeans at the cyclocross, he now serves as’s senior news writer. Before his foray into cycling journalism, he wallowed in the equally pitiless world of academia, where he wrote a book about Victorian politics and droned on about cycling and bikes to classes of bored students (while taking every chance he could get to talk about cycling in print or on the radio). He can be found riding his bike very slowly around the narrow, scenic country lanes of Co. Down.

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BikingBud | 1 month ago
1 like

Along with the presumption of liability there should also be, in the cases of death of other road users a charge of manslaughter.


chrisonabike replied to BikingBud | 1 month ago

Dunno about Ireland, but in the UK we already have "causing death by dangerous driving" - brought in IIRC because the courts wouldn't charge or convict murder or manslaughter in these cases.

So without a total legal upheaval AND a massive popular opinion shift, that wouldn't help. ( As I understand it manslaughter is not currently easy to prove in court either).

I'd say what we need is less reluctance to charge "death by dangerous driving" (rather than "careless", the lesser charge) - coupled with a change to apply sentencing towards the higher end of tariffs *. Even that would still require some rule and organisational changes plus a major shift in popular opinion!

* Anything other than running over policewomen with a tank while speeding, drunk and smoking crack - oh and with previous - seems to get the lower end).

Rendel Harris replied to BikingBud | 3 weeks ago

BikingBud wrote:

Along with the presumption of liability there should also be, in the cases of death of other road users a charge of manslaughter.

The trouble with that, desirable as it would appear, is that manslaughter has a pretty high bar; the defendant has to be proven to have been "grossly negligent given the risk of death" - this would be very difficult to prove in cases, for example (an example given by the CPS), when a driver had been momentarily distracted by changing channels on their radio and lost control leading to them hitting a cyclist or pedestrian. This falls right into the remit of causing death by careless driving but might well not be sufficient in the eyes of a jury to uphold a manslaughter charge. It would be good if deaths caused by illegal driving were charged with manslaughter because they would fall into the category provided by the CPS of "Conduct taking the form of an unlawful act involving a danger of some harm that resulted in death", so drink/drug driving, mobile phone driving, speeding et cetera that caused death would have a good chance of success as a manslaughter charge, but if all deaths of other road users were automatically charged as manslaughter then we'd probably see more people being found not guilty than we would stiffer sentences.

neilmck | 1 month ago

There are no fixed traffic radar traps in Ireland. They do have big mobile van that has a radar in it, but it also has a big warning on it that it is a radar trap, and there are only a few for the entire country. Living in England I have been going on holiday to Donegal every year since I was a child. It seems as though every time we go there there is an accident that kills 3 or 4 teenagers. Every year now, for 60 years, it is the same conversation with my cousins: "Everyone drives too fast." "The roads are terribly dangerous" "Something should be done" Well I can tell you now, 60 years later, absolutely nothing has been done in North Donegal. The roads are the same, there are no speed traps, the people drive the same, the horrific accidents are the same and the conversations I have my cousins are the same. Well I'm pretty sure I will not live to see any change, hopefully my grand-children will be able to tell you if anything changes over the next 60 years.

cmedred | 1 month ago

And some wonder why drivers pay so little attention to their driving. Is there any other homicide that would result in a two-year sentence? The sentence here is indicative of a judge treating this as an "accident'' rather than what it was - the illegal misuse of a dangerous weapon. 

quiff replied to cmedred | 1 month ago

I don't think drivers pay so little attention because they think "well, it's only 2 years if I kill someone" - they don't want to kill someone, and they don't want any prison sentence at all; they just don't think it's going to happen to them. The lenient sentencing is just added insult when it does happen.

Barraob1 replied to cmedred | 1 month ago

Very typical sentence from an Irish judge. Was driving behind a car tonight and the driver was watching vids on their phone which was mounted on the windshield

eburtthebike replied to Barraob1 | 1 month ago
1 like

Did you report it?

jamesha100 | 1 month ago

This is heartbreaking. It is the leniency of the driving ban that really grates with me. Anyone who can drive a vehicle of such size and weight through a pedestrian crossing whilst ignoring red lights then killing a child who was obeying all the rules should have a lifetime driving ban.

So sad for the family - one selfish idiot has devastated their lives.

dubwise | 1 month ago

Thoughts are with André's family and friends, simply cannot imagine what they have gone through since that terrible, terrible day.

mitsky | 1 month ago

Given the lack of apology from the driver I assume it feels no remorse.

Regardless, the description of it's driving is an example of where any sentence is not enough and they should lose their libido and taste buds.

Only in the face of serious consequences will some people reconsider their actions.

eburtthebike replied to mitsky | 1 month ago
1 like

mitsky wrote:

Given the lack of apology from the driver I assume it feels no remorse.

One report says that he did apologise and was remorseful.

Andrewbanshee | 1 month ago

Words fail me. Conflicting emotions. Those of pure sadness for the family and friends who will never forget this, or stop seeing it. Anger and hatred towards the driver and the law setters.
I personally would hunt the driver down if I was in a similar situation. Absolutely appalling.

eburtthebike | 1 month ago

The victim impact statement should be read to every driver every day before they get in their car.

Condolences to the family, and respect for their bravery.

Steve K | 1 month ago

"Judge Dermot Sheehan told Cork Criminal Court that a custodial sentence was warranted in order to serve as a “deterrent to other motorists”."

Two years for killing an 8 year old child?  Not much of a bloody deterrent.

The poor kid and his poor family.

ktache | 1 month ago

My thoughts are very much with the family and friends of André.

To have to relive those moments over and over, to resee it constantly, and the sounds...

mctrials23 replied to ktache | 1 month ago

And to have to watch other cunts drive in the same way every day out on the roads without a care for anyone else. Its a life sentence for that entire extended family and the scum that did this gets 2 years. 

Johnny Rags | 1 month ago

This is a really touching story, and absolutely heartbreaking to read. And yet again it shows how society places a higher value on someone's freedom to drive than on a child's life. Why causing death by dangerous driving doesn't result in an outright and permanent driving ban as well as a heavy custodial sentence, I will never understand. This makes me genuinely angry.

brooksby | 1 month ago

And, for illustrative purposes, a Ford Ranger Wildtrak, weighing in at over 2, 100 kg

the little onion replied to brooksby | 1 month ago

Surely this is an exacerbating factor that warrants a longer sentence - owning a vehicle that is way more dangerous to other road users than a 'normal' car

eburtthebike replied to brooksby | 1 month ago

brooksby wrote:

And, for illustrative purposes, a Ford Ranger Wildtrak, weighing in at over 2, 100 kg

The people who drive those things are announcing to all and sundry that they really are insecure, selfish, arrogant people with no regard for anyone else.

chrisonabike replied to eburtthebike | 1 month ago

Citation needed!  Oh ... wait - someone's done some digging and found out that in fact such people were identified as the market for light trucks in the early days?

notjustbikes wrote:

Auto industry research determined that the average light truck purchaser was obsessed with status, less likely to volunteer or feel a strong connection to their communities, less giving, less oriented towards others, more afraid of crime, more likely to text and drive, more likely to take risks while driving...

eburtthebike replied to chrisonabike | 1 month ago

Thanks for posting the link to that video, which was both fascinating and terrifying.

dh700 replied to chrisonabike | 3 weeks ago
chrisonabike wrote:

Citation needed!  Oh ... wait - someone's done some digging and found out that in fact such people were identified as the market for light trucks in the early days?

FYI, the source of that video is not reliable. 95% of that channel's content is fabricated nonsense.

Also, per the US NHTSA, in the home of light trucks, those light trucks contribute fewer pedestrian and cyclist deaths and injuries than cars do -- both per-mile and per-vehicle.

In other words, it is simply incorrect to state that light trucks are more dangerous than cars -- at least in the United States, where they are most common.

Spreading such misinformation about the false danger of light trucks does no one any good, and is in fact deleterious to road user safety, as it detracts from the actual problem, which is driver behavior.

IanMK replied to brooksby | 1 month ago

In the UK the speed limit for this vehicle is lower that that for cars, on many roads. If this was more widely publicised and enforced I think we'd see sales drop off pretty quickly.

Rendel Harris replied to IanMK | 1 month ago

That's interesting, did not know that. Prepared to bet most police don't know that either or if they do don't act on it.

IanMK replied to Rendel Harris | 1 month ago

Have a look here for clarification.

You're in good company Rendel, the article suggests that even the DfT are unaware of the laws (or at least the current weight of pick ups) and the law is not being enforced.

The irony is that the single cab Ranger is under 2t but because it's single cab is automatically a LCV whilst the double cab is caught by going over the 2.04t limit.

Hirsute replied to IanMK | 1 month ago

Same for vans though. Very few obey the limits on a dual carriageway.
I read of one Amazon driver on the A12 getting done for going 70.
Just not enough traffic police.

wtjs replied to Hirsute | 1 month ago

Amazon training, eh?

quiff replied to Hirsute | 1 month ago
1 like

Ignorance obviously not a defence, but I admit I have driven hire vans oblivious to this in the past. 


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