The pumpkin's on the compost heap and that means Halloween has passed. And that means that another Metric Century Challenge has been completed. So let's look at the scores on the doors, shall we?
First up, a big well done to everyone that successfully completed the challenge, and the roll of honour reads:
peter s 1944
Of those, there's a clear winner: peter s 1944 takes the win with a whopping 90 points and a grand total of over 10,000km - that's some serious riding getting done, so well done. Behind him, DaSy managed 52 points (6347km), Blackhound 29 points (3061km) and demoff 21 points (2586km)
Late starter and staffer Martin Thomas gets a very honourable mention; despite not starting the challenge until March he managed to rack up 53 points and nearly 6,000km. Nearly-men were Fringe and Old Cranky, who both missed out on a full year by a single month. There's always next year, though, eh?
Longest single ride goes to Blackhound this year with 330.7km, and Martin Thomas gets the gong for highest score in a single month - 14 points in May.
Thanks to everyone else who took part too. The competition for next year is now open, and you can find it here. Everyone is welcome to join in, the more the merrier! We'll sort out some prizes for this year's mob and send them out. Good luck and happy riding in 2011!
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Fringe - My big plan is to do the Tour Divide which is about 4,500k on its own - with training I will put some serious mileage in. If the body holds up!
That beats me, I'm just aiming to do Paris-Brest-Paris again
Tour Divide looks like great fun but I'd have to buy a VTT, train harder, learn survival skills and get a plane ticket to Canada/back from Mexico. Which all sounds a bit much....
What I need is one of those TV shows to sponsor me..."Jamie has never ridden a mountain bike before and now he is going to attempt the most difficult and longest event in the world"
let us know how you get on will ya. ta.
like to have a go at that too one day, in fact just having the time to get the training in would be good.

10,000k is really impressive, well done Peter and thanks to the Road.CC team for organising.
I find this a nice challenge, some months it can be difficult to squeeze one in but it has made be do a bit more riding than I otherwise would have done - that has to be a good thing.
No longer working so it should be easier next year to get some more points on the board.
will you be the new peter s 1944?!
My stats for last year
rides over 100km : 20
total "points" : 39
longest ride in 24h: 443km
90 is quite a good total!
look at that, you'd have got a prize for longest ride. and there's no 24h limit, just the longest ride you do. i'd say a 1000km audax was continuous, even if you had to have a little lie down
does that mean my 1415km LEJOG counts? I only had five little lie-downs
knew i should'av gone round the carpark a few times at the end of the 'Gridiron 'not' 100km' (but 95km). still next time eh. defo plan to get more than one a month in this coming season.
Really enjoyed participating in this over the year (even tho i only picked it up in Jan), really pushed me to get out on the bike more. This/next year i think i might try for at least 1 doubles century and at least 2 1-pointers a month, just need to make it a bit easier by doing them on the road bike rather than loaded tourers or MTB's!
Well done everyone.
UPDATE: just realised that Martin had the highest monthly total (14 pts) so i've amended the story accordingly; apologies for the error!
well done peter s 1944 - heroic stuff!
heh. if you want to play this year, you can have that as your first ride
Halloween to halloween?
I did the Exmoor beast on oct 31st this year would that count as last year or the first ride of this year?
Are we counting a week from Sun-Sat or Mon-Sun?