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Agisko Agisko Citrus Natural Energy Gel



A great tasting energy gel made from natural ingredients. It really works, too.

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When the Agisko box arrived I delved in expecting the usual pile of gel sachets. No... what we had here was something different. I don't know why I was taken aback by gel in a bottle but I was, and I had my reservations as I set out on an Agisko fueled 70 miler on the South Downs.

"Bonking" is a sign of poor nutrition, it says in the blurb that comes with Agisko products. It is, of course, but I've been at the top of Galibier having shoved as many gels down my throat as I could and I still felt a little 'in crisis'. Ensuring we maintain our levels of stored glycogen is never easy. We all know that.

Agisko gel is formulated from totally natural ingredients. It contains a mix of carbohydrates and also Middle-Chain Tricglyceride (MCT) fats which when absorbed into the body can be used as fuel too. MCTs are absorbed slowly into the body, giving the gel the energy to keep powering the body for up to an hour after its taken. Possibly the most complete energy product on the market, they tell us.

The Gel comes in a bottle which is used to fill a smaller "sports flask" which holds up to 4 servings of gel (equivalent to 4 sachets). Agisko recommend filling the flask 80% gel 20% water to make it easier to consume. (Even 70% / 30% in cold weather). Their "No other Energy Gel tastes better or works as well" rang true on first try, at least for taste. Not bad at all! What's more, I began to realise it does the job too. I had Agisko Hydration Drink in my bottles and Agisko Gel in my "sports Flask" and everything worked together perfectly. The gel, although tasty (relatively speaking) does pack a punch as it hits the back of your throat but I got used to that, and the fact that it was in a little bottle was really good when I needed something quick when the speed was up. One serving then back in the jersey pocket. So simple. So clean. So quick.


A great tasting energy gel made from natural ingredients. It really works, too, Good for day long riding without the cramps associated with some gels. A quality product, I highly recommend it. test report

Make and model: Agisko Agisko Citrus Natural Energy Gel

Size tested: 600g

Rate the product for quality of construction:
Rate the product for performance:
Rate the product for durability:
Rate the product for comfort, if applicable:
Rate the product for value:

Did you enjoy using the product? Fantastic

Would you consider buying the product? Yes

Would you recommend the product to a friend? Definitely

Overall rating: 8/10

About the tester

Age: 36  Height: 185cm  Weight: 80 kg

I usually ride: Enigma Eulogy  My best bike is:

I've been riding for: Over 20 years  I ride: A few times a week  I would class myself as: Expert

I regularly do the following types of riding: road racing, club rides, sportives, fixed/singlespeed, mtb,

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dave atkinson | 14 years ago

yeah we haven't had a lot of joy out of them either...

SimpleSimon | 14 years ago

I am still trying to contact Agisko to see if they will supply, but they do not reply!  2

simonmb | 14 years ago

I just spoke with (another) Simon at Cycling Paradise. Story is that Agisko got taken over around a year ago, and he currently doesn't have stock. If you want to express your interest in acquiring the product if he's able to get new stock you could email him at the address given on his site. I just did  3

john_l | 14 years ago

yeah, I followed that - unless I'm doing something wrong you can't actually buy it.

john_l | 14 years ago

Sounds really good - shame you can't actually seem to buy it anywhere, including the link above. Gave up after failing to find it from links from first page of Google results  39

Anyone actually found it?

simonmb | 14 years ago

Fringe, 16 shots per bottle. And thank you kindly for the link Dave.

dave atkinson | 14 years ago

you could try for actually buying the stuff. i see what you mean about the agisko website  39

simonmb replied to dave atkinson | 14 years ago
dave_atkinson wrote:

you could try for actually buying the stuff. i see what you mean about the agisko website  39

Have a quick look here...

Fringe | 14 years ago

how many 'servings' would you get out of one £23.99 bottle do you reckon?

simonmb | 14 years ago

Sounds great. And I love that on a ride the gel is consumed from a re-usable bottle. If more manufacturers used this method it would perhaps reduce some of those thoughtlessly disposed of gel-sachets that are occasionally seen glinting in the sunlight at the bottom of hedgerows. I wanted to find out more about their 'natural' claim, so looked at the Agisko website - which appears to be rather half-baked. Also, I went through their published list of stockists, none of whom appear to actually stock the product line. Where did you get yours, and how can I get mine?  39

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