Cycling deals, clearance sales and price reductions are all frequent and easily accessible. Voucher codes, on the other hand, are often hidden away.
Discount codes and coupon codes - as they’re otherwise known - are a sequence of letters and numbers which, when plugged into the appropriate box during the checkout process, give extra discounts on your shopping.
These vouchers often work in conjunction with already standing price reductions, granting you far bigger discounts than you would otherwise have received.
Finding these voucher codes isn’t always easy, though. Some websites like Evans keep pages updated with a list of their current voucher codes, others aren’t quite as helpful.
The web is a wonderful place, though, and it’s awash with websites claiming to be the best places to find the best deals and voucher codes. In reality, these are often difficult to navigate and can be filled with expired vouchers and long-departed deals.
Which is why we’re here to help.
In conjunction with our usual DealCatcher exploits we’ll be updating this article with the best tactics for finding the best deals at Evans Cycles, as well as the best current deals that we find ourselves.
Where to start your deal hunting adventure
It’s worth mentioning at this point that voucher codes are an opportunist’s game. It’s rare that you’ll be in the market for something and a voucher code for that exact item will pop up at the same time.
You’re much more likely to get your hands on what you’re looking for if you take an active interest in the world of dealcatching.
Your first port of call should be your favourite retailers. Some of them publish their voucher codes very openly, others don’t.
So, to start getting a handle on which retailers publish their voucher codes and which don’t, either check out one of our other retailer voucher pieces (more incoming), or have a look around your favourite retailer’s website.
Evans are great for this. They’ve got a whole page dedicated to their vouchers which they keep up to date with regular additions to their range of discounts and special offers.
Not all cycling retailers publish their vouchers so openly, some don’t even have a voucher page, but Evans do, so they’re a good place to start.
Here is a list of the vouchers and deals which are currently active on that page if you’re feeling a little to lazy to go looking yourself:

To take advantage of this deal all you've got to do is pop the items your after - from the list of co-operating branks which you can find below - into your basket.
Once you reach checkout justs whack the code 'AUT15' into the discount box - obviously you'll have to remove the quotation marks.
The cheapest item of the three, or the cheapest two items of the six, that you've got in your basket will now be free.
This deal won't work in conjunction with other offers - or if you're using Evans' price match service.
Co-operating brands: Abus, Altura, Cateye, Giro, SKS, Camelbak, Blackburn, Tortec, Fenwick's, Torq, Panaracer and Tifosi.
Extra 10% off lights

Popping the code '10LIGHTS' into the discount box at the end of your shopping trip will get you 10% off of all the lights in your basket.
Bear in mind that this deal won't work with Blaze lights, but it should work with all the others.
Like the Autumn deal, this one won't work in conjunction with other deals, or with Evans' price match service.
Also, it expires on October 26.

A free SiS bottle, that's normally worth £4.99, can be yours for free when you spend £10 on SIS nutrition at Evans.
All you've got to do is add the nutrition items that you want to buy and the bottle - which you can find in the link above the picture above this text - to your basket. Once you're at the checkout enter the code 'SISBOT' to the discount box.
That £10 spend does not include the value of the bottle, which will be subtracted from your total once you've popped the code into the box.
Again, you can't get your hands on this deal if you're using the price match, or other vouchers or discount deals.

Evans' final voucher deal grants you access to a free Nuun drinks bottle when you buy the Nuun Active Hydration tab four-pack.
Just like the SiS deal above, add all of the items to your basket, including the bottle, and enter the code 'nuun' to the dicsount box at the checkout.
This deal is subject to stocks lasting, and like the other deals it won't work in conjunciton with other offers and Evans' price match service.
Where else to look
If you’re about to start searching for voucher codes across the full spectrum of cycling retailer websites, there are a couple of other avenues you should explore.
First and foremost are the newsletters. Not only will you receive updates on which items are on sale and which items have received the biggest discounts, you’ll also receive sound shopping advice and voucher codes as and when they become active.
You can sign up to Evans’ newsletter by following the link below:
Deals websites, good or bad?
Be warned, there are loads of them. And, to be honest, for a website like Evans Cycles, that regularly discounts its goods and publishes its voucher codes, these deal websites aren't totally necessary to get the best deals.
That’s not to say you won’t find the occasional hidden gem if you know where to look.
Where to look is not on the millions of rubbish pop-up-covered deal websites that feature in the thousands of search engine results that'll appear if you search for 'deal websites'.
There are a few decent ones that aren't filled with fake and expired deals, though. And you can find three of them, and the links to their Evans Cycles sections, below.

Keep your wits about you
Some of these deal sites are set up simply to catch out vulnerable shoppers. So if you’re heading out into the online wilderness in search of bargains on your own, be careful where you click and where you enter your personal details.
It’s also always worth cross referencing the prices of discounted items. Online retailers aren’t stupid, and they know how easily enticed we are by big price reductions.
Occasionally they’ll try take advantage of our trust by upping prices shortly before slashing them, or even popping an incorrect discount percentage next to the price.
So, if you think you’ve found something special deal-wise, double check it’s as good as it looks, and then come and share it with us and your fellow cyclists over here on
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