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"No regrets" says Geoff Thomas over Lance Armstrong charity ride invitation

"It's time to allow him to carry on with his life," says former footballer...

Retired footballer Geoff Thomas has explained why he invited disgraced ex pro bike racer Lance Armstrong to ride part of the Tour de France route for charity.

The former England midfielder, who hopes to raise £1 million for Cure Leukaemia told BBC sports editor Dan Roan he has "no regrets" about inviting Armstrong to take part in the find-raising event that involves riding the route of the Tour the day before the race itself.

Thomas sees Armstrong's involvement as a step in his rehabilitation as a cancer fundraiser.

He said: "I feel he's got a place, in the future - some people might feel it's not now - but I feel it's about time I gave him a lift back into helping people in the cancer community."

Thomas doesn't feel Armstrong's presence is disrespectful of the Tour, an accusation levelled by UCI boss Brian Cookson.

Thomas said: "This is a charity bike ride. The Tour turns up on the day, but the day before or the day after it's just a highway, everything's gone. And that's what the Tour is about."

"I'm celebrating ten years since I did the Tour [route] in 2005. I thought that was pretty special and I want to allow people to join in raising the target of a million pounds to join in and experience what I went through.

"With lance it was always going to be controversial, I knew that. But I feel it's time to allow him to carry on with his life.

"He's paid for his past and he's going to pay more. It's for the governing bodies to sort that out. I just want to give him the opportunity of helping others.

"If his two days of involvement help get more revenue in for a good cause then that's great.

Thomas says it's time to stop dwelling on Armstrong's past.

He said: "Look to the future. I want the future to be better for people in the cancer community."

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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Pat Hayes | 10 years ago

Well done Geoff Thomas a guy with a bit of character. Unlike Brailsford and his placeman Cookson . What ever you may think of him Arnstrong did an enormous amount to break down the stigma of cancer as a disease people didn't talk about which in itself has probably saved a lot of lives .

Don't get me started on Betsy Andreu she frankly makes me sick an egotist who has achieved nothing in her life but jumped on exposing lance as a way to fame and fortune.

PonteD | 10 years ago

Definitely me, but that's ok because I wear my tinfoil hat at all times, not just when I'm on the bike  35

At the end of the day I really don't give a hoot, I just wish LA would stop sucking all my bandwidth with all these inane comments about him (and yes I do see the irony here).

PonteD | 10 years ago

I'm not being ignorant, but constantly banging on about how he's such a bad man and he should never be allowed to cycle again seems to be justify that's why he's banned. i know all his bullying and sociopathic behaviour came out in the wash, but the USADA banned him for doping NOT being a bad bad man, I was under the impression the lifetime ban was for noncooperation and that's why everyone else got off with what amounts to a slap on the wrist in comparison. I'm sure there are many people just like him at the top level of all sports who treat others like trash yet are adored by their fans. I believe in many ways, it's that very aspect of their personalities that drives them to be the best, unfortunately it means that they are willing to do anything to achieve their goals.

Spychimp | 10 years ago

Lance Armstrong is a fraud and a fake. He didn't just 'cheat' he systematically stole the most prestigious prize in cycling not once but seven times. His celebrity status should only be because he is one of the biggest fraudsters in history NOT anything relating to cycling. It's not simply a case that he bent the rules and should be forgiven I'm afraid, he ruined people and threatened anyone who even crossed him slightly, Greg Lemond for example. I honestly don't know how anyone can argue he's served his time and should be forgiven, if anything, lance Armstrong the man should be forgotten, only his actions should be remembered.

Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Beefy wrote:

I've obviously missed the allegations of LA conning money from charity can anyone enlighten me I've seen a few comments recently but no detail?

Yeah, it's been.....interesting. From what I've read on other threads in the last 2 days, he has been compared to Jimmy Saville (he did a lot of work for charity too, innit, no smoke without fire, child rape is such a small step from doping etc). And the latest post regarding the charity money is that cancer has already been cured but Lance was diverting the funds he raised to his global banking mates. Literally. Thats what someone is claiming. And by literally I mean literally.

The words 'lunatic fringe' spring to mind.

crikey | 10 years ago

Another one who seems to delight in the demonstration of ignorance...

There is a great deal of information out there, but it's not going to come and knock at your door.

PonteD | 10 years ago

So did lance receive a ban for being a twat? Because that's all the justification I ever hear for the vitriol. I thought it was the doping he received the ban for, not the way he treated people.

Beefy | 10 years ago

I've obviously missed the allegations of LA conning money from charity can anyone enlighten me I've seen a few comments recently but no detail?

Aapje replied to Beefy | 9 years ago
Beefy wrote:

I've obviously missed the allegations of LA conning money from charity can anyone enlighten me I've seen a few comments recently but no detail?

Armstrong asked for an appearance fee for a Norwegian charity event and turned up in Livestrong kit. The organisation was made to believe that the money would go to charity, but it went to Armstrong instead.

He also had Livestrong pay for his legal expenses.

There is more...

Kadinkski | 10 years ago

Grrrr....Lance strikes again. He made me do it, innit gov'? Grrrrr.....etc.

crikey | 10 years ago

It's not about finding a devil to hate, it's about appreciating the impact he had.

He did have an important role in promoting cycling in the US, which has had an effect across the world. He won the Tour on a carbon bike, which opened the industry up to the possibility. He did raise consciousness about cancer, although the impact and funding he received have caused a great deal of comment.

He also hurt a lot of people and helped to change the direction of cycling and it's association with doping.

andyp | 10 years ago

when he apologises to all he has wronged, and when he pays back all the money that he's conned out of people either through winnings or his 'charity', then I'll agree with you that he's not the devil, merely a complete sociopathic wanker who deserves to be slowly skinned alive and dipped into salt.  3

pwake replied to andyp | 10 years ago
andyp wrote:

when he apologises to all he has wronged, and when he pays back all the money that he's conned out of people either through winnings or his 'charity', then I'll agree with you that he's not the devil, merely a complete sociopathic wanker who deserves to be slowly skinned alive and dipped into salt.  3

'charity'? Do tell us more?

crikey | 10 years ago

La madre dei cretini è sempre incinta.

crikey | 10 years ago

As noted above, you are simply exposing your ignorance.

crikey | 10 years ago

"Simeoni's reaction to Armstrong's confession was: "I acknowledge Armstrong's confession on television but he put me through such a humiliating experience and damaged me so much, in terms of sport, morale and finances that I don't know if I could ever forgive him."

Not really such a laugh, is it?

crikey | 10 years ago

You are simply exposing your ignorance.

crikey | 10 years ago
crikey | 10 years ago
crikey | 10 years ago

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey

The problem with people new to cycling is that they have little idea of the way the sport was changed by the advent of oxygen vector doping and the extent to which Lance Armstrong chose to exploit it. Once he made himself into the next big thing by choosing to use PEDs, he effectively chose the direction that cycling would take for the next number of years. Anyone who wouldn't do what he wanted them to was discarded, anyone who attempted to speak out was bullied into silence.

Go read the books, go and do the research.

Kadinkski | 10 years ago

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

felixcat replied to Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Christophe Bassons.

Kadinkski replied to felixcat | 10 years ago
felixcat wrote:

Christophe Bassons.

I completely agree that Armstrong was a prick to him, but everyone was. The entire peloton isolated him - his words, not mine. What was far worse in my opinion is that after being isolated during the day he would go back to the hotel and his own arsehole team mates shunned him behind closed doors. Imagine that! Utter wankers. And I've read the stories about Four Days in Dunkirk where the other riders tried to force him into a ditch - Lance wasn't even on the continent.

Anyway, I digress, the point I was originally trying to make is that nobody's life is ruined. He wrote a great autobiography that sold very well. He continued cycling for years. Now he is in charge of....wait for it.... drug testing (!) for youth sport in Bordeaux. He has gone on record saying that he forgives Armstrong and that Bassons considers that his career is as a sports professor, not a cyclist.

But hey, don't let all that stop you. Grrrr...evil Lance, another life ruined!

Simon_MacMichael replied to Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Filippo Simeoni.

(This could run and run)

Kadinkski replied to Simon_MacMichael | 10 years ago
Simon_MacMichael wrote:

Filippo Simeoni.

(This could run and run)

Errr....the coach of one of the best football teams in Europe!? You're mad!

Kadinkski replied to Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Marco Pantani

Streetlife replied to Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Betsy Andreu

Kadinkski replied to Streetlife | 10 years ago
Streetlife wrote:
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Betsy Andreu

Seriously? Her life is ruined? How exactly? Is it having to wake up next to that drug-cheat creep she married that betrayed her by lying to her face every day?

Grrrr....Lance's fault. 'He made me marry him'!

Kadinkski replied to Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Ladders replied to Kadinkski | 10 years ago
Kadinkski wrote:

Who's life exactly has been ruined by ol' Lancey Wancey?

Greg Lemond


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