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Near Miss of the Day 419: Driver reverses on blind bend, plus close pass ahead of narrow bridge (includes swearing)

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's Warwickshire...

A two-for-one for you today in our Near Miss of the Day feature with two incidents on one ride in Warwickshire. In the first, the cyclist comes round a blind bend to encounter a van driver reversing, while in the second, he is given a pointless close pass by a van driver immediately before a narrow bridge.

The footage was recorded by reader Mick, who said: “I was just coming along the B439 towards Bidford-on-Avon in Warwickshire and was going to cross the Avon so took the slip road left after descending Tower Hill.

“That was when I got the surprise … Father Christmas parked across the road in his white pick-up truck reversing into a side road on a BLIND Bend.

“You can hear my brakes grip and the rear wheel slipped out sideways as it skidded.

“Got no recognition or apology from Father Christmas …  I must be in his bad books.

“But if I had not feathered the brakes knowing how blind that bend was, then there could almost certainly been a collision as there was nowhere to go.”

The second incident happened as Mick rode through Welford Upon Avon.

“As you pass the pub on the right the road narrows to single file with a give way each end as it crosses the bridge to the river,” he said.

“I was travelling at about 18 mph towards the bridge and saw the first blue SUV pass me alright … I saw his brake lights come on as there was a cyclist coming over the bridge towards him followed by several vehicles.

“The gap between us was rapidly closing and that’s when Mr White Van decided that he had to PASS me as he was so important and in such as rush.

“He cut between me and immediately slammed on the brakes as the blue SUV was now stationary. I stuck on the brakes hard and stopped just before I went into his rear end, there was no trouble reading his number plate – it filled my vision.

“We crossed over the bridge and he then turned left towards Bidford after 100 metres or so … what a jerk ... those precious seconds he must have wasted.”

“It was then peaceful after that on the way home,” Mick added.    

“Oh, I didn’t mention the deer that jumped out of the hedge just in front of earlier. Great big fallow deer. Lovely.”

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

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NZ Vegan Rider | 4 years ago
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Both drivers weren't perfect but what else was the small truck driver to do?

I don't think the van driver's pass was that close either. He did move in fast but after passing.

mike the bike | 4 years ago

Sorry Mick but the first of your complaints doesn't really hold water. It's not a bend, you see, it's a junction, and the onus is on traffic joining the minor road (you) to make sure it's clear to do so.
Having said that, the van driver is not exactly demonstrating his professional skills by manoeuvering in that position. It is, perhaps, something you could both think over.

qwerty360 | 4 years ago

The reversing truck is stuck as the road is busses only from that point. They were doing the safest maneveur (given they can't turn around on Tower Close and reversing in is a lot safer than reversing out).


 Assuming they wern't trying to access Tower Close The estate parked (illegally) opposite Icknield Street could be argued to have the blame, as it is obstructing larger vehicles like the van (hence illegal parking) turning into Icknield Street to turn around (as designed), as well as the road designers for making that corner go from a wide open slip with lots of space to a tight blind lane with restricted space... the corner should be tightened up to ensure people slow down before the bend.

Hirsute | 4 years ago

“That was when I got the surprise … Father Christmas parked across the road in his white pick-up truck reversing into a side road on a BLIND Bend.


Whilst true, you can equally say you should be able to stop in the distance you can see and be prepared for a vehicle stopped around the bend due to congestion or an accident or if there is an ambulance. After all, that is the standard response given to drivers who complain about coming across slow cyclists after a bend.

OnYerBike | 4 years ago

Maybe not the most sensible manoever by the driver of that dropside van (I refuse to call it a pickup truck) but I do think the onus is on the cyclist to ride to the conditions, and that includes slowing down on blind bends. Yes this time the obstruction was a driver carrying out a silly manoever, but it could equally have been a queue of cars, a fallen tree, a blown-away wheelie bin etc. You should always be able to stop comfortably within the distance you can see.

STiG911 | 4 years ago

So that pickup driver is clearly a twat of the highest order, but I still don't get how once again, a driver making a clearly exemplary pass on a cyclist is immediately followed by a dickhed who's far more interested in overtaking rather than looking ahead like they're supposed to. The amount of times this happens to me where I ride - one car passes and yep, there's another one right up the first cars arse having to slam on his brakes because he's not thought ahead.


Cupotea | 4 years ago

For the first, whilst I don't think its ideal of the van driver, the road narrows severly just meters later and a high chance of an oncoming car on that side of the road so really shouldn't be taking the corner that quickly.

Cupotea | 4 years ago

For the first, whilst I don't think its ideal of the van driver, the road narrows severly just meters later and a high chance of an oncoming car on that side of the road so really shouldn't be taking the corner that quickly.

STiG911 replied to Cupotea | 4 years ago

I think it's moot, given how quickly he was able to slow to a near stop in a spot well before the road narrowed anyway.

STiG911 replied to Cupotea | 4 years ago

I think it's moot, given how quickly he was able to slow to a near stop in a spot well before the road narrowed anyway.

Awavey replied to STiG911 | 4 years ago
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Which itself raises an interesting point about what if anyone is then following behind you,seems an inevitable collision hotspot the way that road is setup

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