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Cyclist's tearful video on close pass drivers; Cambridge's new Dutch-style roundabout; Motor nutters try to equate LTN protest with civil rights movement; Boardman: "Be a YIMBY and choose cycling"; Dowsett negative for coronavirus + more on live blog

Your midweek live blog will mostly be compiled by Jack Sexty, with some contributions from Simon MacMichael later this evening
29 July 2020, 16:17
"I reckon I've nearly been taken out about ten times": cyclist's video on fear and frustration at close pass drivers

Posting this in the hope that it might get the message out and make at least a few motorists think. I appreciate that a lot of you who follow me are cyclists and may have experienced similar. Thanks for your kind words and messages ❤️ . . ‪My name is Debbie. I am a mum, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a niece and a friend. ‬ . To the car driver who came so close passing me today, brushing my arm sending my bike into a wobble at 25+ mph. . You didn’t look back or slow down to check I was ok so just wanted to let you know that I somehow stayed upright. . ‪But what if I hadn’t? What if I’d been thrown in front of the 3 other cars that were behind you? ‬ . ‪I don’t think you saw my back light, bright kit or me at all. I think you just saw another cyclist on the road. . How was your Sunday? I’m trying really hard not to let you ruin mine.

A post shared by Debbie Bradley (@duathlongirluk) on

Debbie Bradley took to Instagram "in the hope that it might get the message out and make at least a few motorists think", after claiming to have suffered from a number of frightening close passes on a training ride in the West Midlands. 

She said: “I’m trying really hard not to cry.

“I’ve done two hours and ten minutes, and I reckon I’ve nearly been taken about ten times.

“I just don’t understand what’s wrong with drivers. There’s nothing coming the other way, I’m on my own. How can you not pass wide?

“It’s just ridiculous. It just puts me off riding my bike and I’m going home, and I’m bloody going to jump on Zwift for the last couple of hours. It’s ridiculous.

“Yeah so shit day, shit ride. But I suppose at least I’m going to get home in one piece."

Ms Bradley claims one of the close passes she suffered sent her "bike into a wobble" at speeds of over 25mph. Numerous people have supported her for sharing the post, with one saying: "It’s fine for Boris Johnson to claim this is the year of the bicycle, but we need to educate the motorists? Stay safe." 

Another tagged in Chris Boardman and British Cycling, saying: "Show this to the powers that be, drivers need educating/punishing now. Why should we be made to feel this way when we are simply trying to ride our bikes?"

A recent survey from Green Flag found that a third of drivers believe they are being more patient with cyclists since lockdown, and 36% of cyclists also said they'd noticed 'increased patience and respect'. Posts such as the one above, though, show there is still a long way to go. 

29 July 2020, 15:35
Gaviria wins stage 2 of Vuelta Burgos

The Colombian sprinted to victory in the Spanish stage event, arguably the most high profile road race that has gone ahead since the lockdown began; although questions are being asked if it will reach its conclusion on Saturday, after Alex Dowsett and a fellow Israel Start-Up Nation teammate and numerous UAE Team Emirates riders were withdrawn due to coronavirus scares. No one withdrawn from Vuelta Burgos is reported to have returned a positive test so far. 

29 July 2020, 15:14
Dutch-style roundabouts explained in video from Cambridgeshire County Council

This explainer video explains pretty clearly how the roundabouts are designed to work, ahead of the opening of the first Dutch-style roundabout at Fendon Road/Queen Edith’s Way in Cambridge this Friday. 

It has an outer ring for cyclists, in a contrasting red surface, to give them equal
priority with pedestrians over oncoming vehicles. Cambridgeshire County Council said in a press release: "The old roundabout was perceived by many people to be dangerous to cycle around, and residents also reported feeling unsafe when walking in the area due to a lack of pedestrian crossings. Public consultations showed the majority who responded were in favour of improvements.

"The roundabout has been designed to encourage motorists to drive at a slower speed, so it is hoped that by enhancing safety at the roundabout, more people will walk and cycle in the area."

29 July 2020, 13:17
Cycling investment rage continued: Mike Graham still going, while motoring group appear to compare their plight to the civil rights movement

In a bizarre battle to see who can have the biggest meltdown over the Department for Transport spending a small fraction of their annual budget on cycling infrastructure (see yesterday's live blog too), we may have a new winner from 'The Alliance of British Drivers'. 

In one of their posts that gives details of a resident protest against low traffic neighbourhoods in Islington, the ABD are reminded that removing any of the new obstacles preventing motor traffic would be against the law; in reply the ABD quote Martin Luther King, appearing to suggest that their crusade to reopen residential streets to traffic congestion again is somewhat akin to the American civil rights movement. 

The ABD hit the headlines at the start of lockdown, when their director Paul Biggs said that it was “best to avoid cycling in case you fall off.”

Meanwhile, Mike Graham is still going on about people going on about him going on about cyclists on his radio show yesterday, in which he claimed people in Leeds, Manchester and Newcastle couldn't cycle to work. 

29 July 2020, 12:59
Government publish open consultation on review of the Highway Code, "to improve road safety for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders"
Cycle lanes - 9.jpg

The consultation document includes a number of changes that could have a significant effect if they are followed up with legislation. The alterations being proposed are: 

- "Introducing a hierarchy of road users which ensures that those road users who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others."

- "Clarifying existing rules on pedestrian priority on pavements, to advise that drivers and riders should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road,
providing guidance on cyclist priority at junctions to advise drivers to give priority to cyclists at junctions when travelling straight ahead."

"Establishing guidance on safe passing distances and speeds when overtaking cyclists and horse riders." 

Full story with analysis to follow. 

29 July 2020, 10:52
"Let's make sure it's the voice of the YIMBYs that's heard loud and clear": Chris Boardman on importance of clean air and safer street

With his British Cycling Policy Adviser hat on, Boardman explains why public support for low traffic neighbourhoods, cycle lanes and better public transport is going to be so important going forward. 

Unfortunately some inevitable 'road tax', insurance and helmet comments popped up under British Cycling's post; but as Boardman explains in the video, new YouGov research released by the Bike is Best campaign has found that there are 6.5 people in support of local measures to enable cycling for every 1 against, so plenty of people replied with more thoughtful takes. 

29 July 2020, 10:37
Two years ago today: G wins the Tour

Due to that thing, he'll be lining up for the 2020 edition of the race on 29th August according to the current schedule. 

29 July 2020, 10:17
'Fix Your Bike' continued

Anyone out there who got one, anyone at all? It seems like there was more chance of nabbing one of Willy Wonka's golden tickets by the looks of things...

29 July 2020, 10:05
Alex Dowsett returns negative coronavirus test after pulling out of Vuelta Burgos

Dowsett took the precaution after coming into contact with Israel Start-Up Nation teammate Itamar Einhorn at the team hotel, who himself withdrew because he had come into contact with Omer Goldstein, who had returned a positive test on Monday. Dowsett said it was a "big disappointment" that he couldn't start the five-day stage race yesterday, but thanked his team and the UCI for keeping riders safe.

29 July 2020, 09:08
Cycling investment described as "gimmicks to appease public health zealots" in tabloid newspaper

Tagging in our pal Mike Graham, who yesterday said on his Talkradio show that the cycling community was “nothing less than an absolute eyesore on the entire country” amongst other things, Howard Cox of FairFuelUK retweeted this tabloid editorial comment that is critical of the government's investment in cycling. Mr Cox claims he wants people to work with FairFuel UK "for ALL road users", yet endorses comments like this one... 

The comment in the tabloid is referring to the part of the government's Gear Change document that promises a 'national e-bike support programme' to incentivise people to buy e-bikes. As reported on our sister site eBikeTips yesterday, there's no guarantee yet the programme will definitely offer electric bike grants; but if it does mirror the existing plug-in grant scheme for electric cars, then it could mean up to a third off e-bike purchases in England. This, as outlined in Gear Change, would act as an incentive for people who are otherwise put off by the physical demands of cycling - such as older people or the disabled - to consider electric bikes as a viable transport solution. 

29 July 2020, 08:33
Borish Johnson launches cycling strategy in Nottingham

The PM headed to the East Midlands to plug the government's £2 billion cycling strategy and £50 bike vouchers (the latter of which is reportedly having a few teething problems), with some obligatory footage of Johnson going for a spin with some local cyclists.  

Have the government got this one right, or are there (pot)holes in their plans? Let us know your thoughts as always. 

29 July 2020, 08:08
'Fix Your Bike' website needs fixing

According to numerous people on social media, the very scheme that is supposed to help Britain get its bikes fixed with £50 vouchers is in serious need of fixing itself, after reportedly crashed before it was even set to go live. 

As of this morning, the website displays a message saying: "Thank you for your interest in the Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme. There are no vouchers available right now. Vouchers are being released gradually to reflect the capacity of the bike repairers signed up to the scheme. More vouchers will be made available as soon as possible."

...which suggests that the first 50,000 were already snapped up, but we're yet to hear from anyone who managed to get hold of one. Did you apply for a voucher successfully? If the general testimony is anything to go by it appears you're a rare breed, so do tell us more about your experience in the comments or email us at info [at] 

29 July 2020, 08:58
Cargo biking, 1920's style


Arriving at in 2017 via 220 Triathlon Magazine, Jack dipped his toe in most jobs on the site and over at eBikeTips before being named the new editor of in 2020, much to his surprise. His cycling life began during his students days, when he cobbled together a few hundred quid off the back of a hard winter selling hats (long story) and bought his first road bike - a Trek 1.1 that was quickly relegated to winter steed, before it was sadly pinched a few years later. Creatively replacing it with a Trek 1.2, Jack mostly rides this bike around local cycle paths nowadays, but when he wants to get the racer out and be competitive his preferred events are time trials, sportives, triathlons and pogo sticking - the latter being another long story.  

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Sriracha | 3 years ago

The requirement to ride single file to facilitate motorists' overtaking runs counter to the requirement for motorists to give cyclists 2m clearance.

Two metres is wider than most cars. So motorists should be at least another car's width clear of the cyclist, who is already about 1m from the kerb. That necessarily means the overtaking car must cross the centre line, unsafe unless the oncoming lane is clear anyway, so they may as well take the other lane, and be grateful if the cyclists are two abreast so as to expedite their manoeuvre.

domats | 3 years ago

My experiences of cycling during the whole of the lockdown, mainly B roads:  Drivers have either become more considerate or much, much more aggressive.  Unfortunatly the former has far from outweighed the latter and as a result I've been doing less on road cycling  and more off road cycling.  It's pretty much a disgrace that a developed country has let this happen.

Durin90 replied to domats | 3 years ago

And off road you'll get people complaining at you cycling there too...

JohnMcL7 replied to domats | 3 years ago

It's similar for me too and I'm particularly frustrated with it as I was really pleased with the distances I managed during most of lock down since I don't normally do many road miles.  However even near the end of the initial lock down I was having too many close calls and started cycling at night to get the miles in and finish the mileage challenge I was doing.  Since then I've barely cycled on the road and the couple of times I have done it's just been a real worry with too many scares.

I don't know if it's just because I'm spoilt after lock down or people are simply more frustrated but either way, it doesn't make for a pleasant ride knowing how close you are from being seriously wounded or killed.  The video above does a great job showing how upsetting it is for riders and I just cannot understand how drivers can be that way, the local police here have been doing a close pass operation and still all the comments are about how awful the cyclists are not the drivers that have been pulled over for atrocious driving.

Rome73 | 3 years ago

The brextards have a new target to aim their ignorant drivel at it seems; cycles and people who use them being the cause of all the UK's problems. 

FrankH replied to Rome73 | 3 years ago

As a fully paid up Brextard, could I remind you that it's possible to be in favour of Brexit AND be a cyclist. Is it possible to be a Remoaner and not be an arse?

dolly replied to FrankH | 3 years ago
1 like

FrankH wrote:

As a fully paid up Brextard, could I remind you that it's possible to be in favour of Brexit AND be a cyclist. Is it possible to be a Remoaner and not be an arse?

+1. Lets not get all political. This is a cycling site.

David9694 replied to dolly | 3 years ago

Oh, let's. 

clearly it's going to happen and at the moment it looks like being a right pig's ear. I am worried for all of us about it happening in winter in flu and and in Covid. I fear for the food supply like I did this time last year - I mean worse than the inconvenience brought about by this year's panic buying.

above all I worry about my mother 89 - entirely reliant on carers and cooks and with zero resilience to any disruption, pretty much unable to help herself if things get difficult on the fuel, food, or energy fronts. 

Hirsute | 3 years ago

I've just read those twitter items from the 1317 section to remind myself why I am not on twitter.

FrankH | 3 years ago

"Borish Johnson"?

A typo rather than a political comment, yes?

mdavidford | 3 years ago

I thought that Boardman was supposed to be promoting cycling - not going round blocking up the new popup lanes with cameras and cycling down the wrong side of the street...

OnYerBike | 3 years ago

I'm not sure there's much point ranting here since I would just be preaching to the choir but:

1) £1000+ e-bikes are far more affordable means of personal mobility than £10,000+ cars.

2) If there are 37m drivers, given a UK pop. of 66m then there are 29m non-drivers. This is the first time in generations that their needs have been considered at all.

3) Better public health = less healthcare spending = more money to spend on unemployment, jobs etc. NB - more people on bikes means less pollution which is good for everyone's health, not just the cyclists'.

4) Doesn't creating jobs mean government spending, which requires higher taxes?

eburtthebike replied to OnYerBike | 3 years ago

OnYerBike wrote:

I'm not sure there's much point ranting here since I would just be preaching to the choir but:

1) £1000+ e-bikes are far more affordable means of personal mobility than £10,000+ cars.

2) If there are 37m drivers, given a UK pop. of 66m then there are 29m non-drivers. This is the first time in generations that their needs have been considered at all.

3) Better public health = less healthcare spending = more money to spend on unemployment, jobs etc. NB - more people on bikes means less pollution which is good for everyone's health, not just the cyclists'.

4) Doesn't creating jobs mean government spending, which requires higher taxes?

All points so bleedin' obvious that it's more than slightly incredible that they have to be said, but I suppose generations of the msm rubbishing bikes and the people that ride them has brainwashed a lot of people.

Rick_Rude replied to OnYerBike | 3 years ago

I only spent 2k on my car. Then again down my mother's road the neighbours have spent 120k on cars. Not a great investment seeing as they never seem to leave the drive.

Hirsute replied to Rick_Rude | 3 years ago
1 like

I doubt that they have spent 120k. More like they are rentings cars valued at 120k.

billymansell | 3 years ago

Howard Cox doesn't represent 37M drivers.

He enjoys mutually masturbating with a few thousand like-minded bigots who spit their dummies about any travel suggestion that isn't about further sudsidising driving.

mdavidford replied to billymansell | 3 years ago
1 like

Not 37M drivers. 37m drivers - i.e. the ones who get in their car to go to the corner of the street for a pint of milk.

Philh68 replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

Or less.

Hirsute replied to billymansell | 3 years ago

As long as he campaigns for removing the subsidies for e cars and electric points it's fine with me. After all, if you can afford a 30k car, you don't need a government subsidy.

Rich_cb replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
hirsute wrote:

As long as he campaigns for removing the subsidies for e cars and electric points it's fine with me. After all, if you can afford a 30k car, you don't need a government subsidy.

I've got no problem with subsidising new technology that will eventually benefit everyone.

Wind turbines being a perfect example, heavily subsidised to start with, within a few years subsidies removed and industry self sufficient.

brooksby | 3 years ago

Does the writer of that tabloid op-ed understand that with lower taxes, the Govt has less money and therefore wouldn't be able to subsidise the furlough scheme, unemployment benefit (or whatever they're calling it this week), NHS health treatment, etc etc?

(Do we need to ask which paper that appeared in?)

ooldbaker | 3 years ago

No Cyclists with or without helmet

Why won't they bloody compromise!

How do I compromise with someone like this, have half a helmet?

eburtthebike replied to ooldbaker | 3 years ago

ooldbaker wrote:

No Cyclists with or without helmet

Why won't they bloody compromise!

How do I compromise with someone like this, have half a helmet?

Well, you could halve your brain like they did.

Bentrider replied to ooldbaker | 3 years ago
1 like

You might want to read up on Poe's Law, and read the Twitter handle carefully.

mdavidford | 3 years ago


Vouchers are being released gradually

One at a time?


...which suggests that the first 50,000 were already snapped up

I'd say more likely that's just a generic holding page that they've stuck up for want of anything better while they sort out their capacity issues.

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