Touted as the fastest pedal ever invented Time’s new Xpresso pedals are an evolution of their innovative iClic range.

The Xpresso is available in five models, the 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 with the 2 being the steel axled and composite bodied entry level/OEM pedal and the 12 being the all-singing titanium-axled carbon-bodied flagship. All models share the same retention mechanism pioneered by the iClic that holds the rear clasp partially open after release for incredibly easy cleat re-entry, although the two springs of the iClic have been replaced with just the one, the ‘spring’ being a carbon blade in all but the Xpresso 2 where it’s composite.

The platform of the pedal is visibly oversized with a 700mm² surface area which should help with comfort and power transfer. All but the Xpresso 2 feature a metal plate on the top of the platform, which addresses the wear issues with the original iClic and it’s also replaceable. The Xpresso cleat is the same as the iClic2 though there’s no word on any improved longevity with those.

Weight for the top end Xpresso 12 Titan Carbon is an impressively light claimed 155g for the pair and even the bottom tier Xpresso 2 are 220g a pair, which is more than svelte enough. All pedals feature angular sensation and Q-Factor adjustment with Time’s knee friendly +/-5º angular and 2.5mm lateral float.
While the old iClic pedal will hang around for a year before quietly becoming extinct Time’s faithful RXS pedals remain in the catalogue with three models available.

For the cyclocrossers, commuters, mountainbikers and tourists amongst you Time’s ATAC pedal has had a little revamp too. Weight has been lost by replacing the previous pair of engagement springs with just one and the body has been shaved away as well, which also helps with mud clearing - something the ATACs were already famous for.
The Xpresso pedals should be available to buy at the end of November.
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Reminds me of the old engineering maxim "It don't work, but at least it's ugly."
Like Glossies I'm a long time user of Time (Racing Equipe any one!) pedals so after a disatorous short period with Speedplay (no spares in UK, diff to service) I bought 2 pairs of Racer iClic pedals 2010/11 and have just sent the 1st pair back. The axle is running dry and needs re-greasing but lo and behold iClic are not serviceable (2 year warranty to be fair)at £80 each for a very basic pair they are not a throw away item then replace with new. Heaven help if your paying £130 - £200+ cos long term serviceable/usage doesn't seem to be catered for.
As a lifelong time devote, they lost me last year to look. I needed to replace all my rxs's and took one look at the iClick and thought ' plastic cleat surface, that won't last more than six months!' low and behold iClick is dead and replaced with a metal cleat surface pedal. I guess I'll see about going back in 5 years when 3 pairs of looks have worn out.
looks absolutely hideous, typical Time ..
The idea of redesigned ATACs gives me the fear - they're an incredibly good design as-is and it would be so very easy to screw it up...
It really looks like something from the Klingon Empire. But don't climb on your bike and shout "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam"