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Oxford teen’s penis ‘degloved’ by his bike’s handlebars in freak crash - doctors urge ensuring bars have grips to avoid similar cases

Case report also reveals that youngster’s scrotum was ripped open in incident

A teenage cyclist from Oxford had his penis ‘degloved’ and scrotum ripped open by his bike’s handlebars in a freak crash, it has emerged. Doctors are urging people to ensure their bikes have grips on the handlebars to avoid similar injuries.

The incident has come to light through a BMJ Case Report, reports the website IFL Science.

The 14-year-old cyclist was said to have been riding along at walking pace, with one hand on the handlebars, the other holding a drink when he crashed into a parked car and impaled his groin.

He was taken to Accident & Emergency at the city’s John Radcliffe Infirmary, where doctors discovered a large gash extending from his groin, across the public bone and to his perineum and which had also ripped open his scrotum.

His penis was also “partially degloved” – in layman’s terms, that means the skin was totally ripped from the underlying tissue with the blood supply cut off.

Surgeons successfully repaired the wound and no significant neurovascular damage was discovered, with the youth allowed home from hospital the following day with a course of antibiotics.

In a follow-up appointment four weeks later, he said that he had normal sensation in the area, and no problem passing urine, although it is not clear whether there has been any effect on his sexual function.

Doctors say that one lesson to be drawn from the unfortunate youngsters’ injuries – the first of this severity they have traced that can be attributed to a bike’s handlebars – is to ensure that handlebars have rubber grips to prevent such an incident from happening.

They pointed to a study that examined more than 800 injuries sustained by children while riding a bike, and noted that in 21 cases, handlebars were a factor; moreover, in 10 cases where life-threatening injuries occurred, the handlebars had no covering.

The writers added that including adults, incidents in which a penis is degloved mostly result from attacks by dogs, industrial accidents and what is euphemistically described as “sexual misadventure.”

"Handlebar injuries causing blunt abdominal trauma are well described in the literature; however, reports of impalement or degloving injuries are sparse," they said.

"It is relatively unique in the series of handlebar-related injuries in existing literature and serves to broaden our experience of impalement injuries caused by bicycle handlebars."

Last year we reported how the father of a six-year-old boy had appealed to parents to make sure that their children’s bikes had proper bar grips after his son was killed when he was impaled on its handlebars.

The grips on Denny Curran’s bike had worn away, causing the metal end of the handlebar to become exposed, and he died after his iliac artery became severed when he crashed.

>> US father’s warning after six-year-old dies after being impaled by his bike’s handlebars

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Rick_Rude | 5 years ago
1 like

Ban handlebars?

kil0ran | 5 years ago


"With the exception of one described case of traumatic circumcision and penile degloving in a 49-year-old caused by impact with snowmobile handlebar"

kil0ran | 5 years ago
1 like

"The affect on sexual function was not assessed"

Plenty of bromide and pornhub avoidance required I'd imagine

kil0ran | 5 years ago


I've still got an indentation in my upper thigh from something similar. Raleigh Grifter c. 1979 - difference being that the bar ends were covered. Hate to think what the apple-corer effect would have been without that. Front wheel worked loose on a 20% descent, handlebars locked, and slammed into my thigh as I tumbled on to them. Hugely impressive grapefruit-sized swelling, bruised from thigh to ankle.

morgoth985 | 5 years ago
1 like

Well yes quite, that was indeed my point.  Reminded me of the stories of helicopter pilots in Vietnam who would sit on their helmets, since the most likely direction of fire would be small arms fire from below.

morgoth985 | 5 years ago

Well I braved the link and I agree the photo is not for the faint of heart.  I did note, however, in the statement of facts under "Case Presentation ", the sentence, "He was not wearing a helmet." . . .*

*for avoidance of doubt, I am not trying to make a joke.

brooksby replied to morgoth985 | 5 years ago

Morgoth985 wrote:

Well I braved the link and I agree the photo is not for the faint of heart.  I did note, however, in the statement of facts under "Case Presentation ", the sentence, "He was not wearing a helmet." . . .*

*for avoidance of doubt, I am not trying to make a joke.

Where were they expecting him to have worn it, that it would have made a difference to his stated injuries?  I think perhaps they were thinking of a cricket box??

Zebulebu | 5 years ago

Oh come on people. We're ten comments deep and there hasn't been a helmet joke yet...

leqin replied to Zebulebu | 5 years ago

Zebulebu wrote:

Oh come on people. We're ten comments deep and there hasn't been a helmet joke yet...

Well we don't want a helmet debate starting - after all we all know his helmet doesn't work yes

Butty replied to Zebulebu | 5 years ago

Zebulebu wrote:

Oh come on people. We're ten comments deep and there hasn't been a helmet joke yet...

Helmets for helmets?

hawkinspeter | 5 years ago
Philh68 | 5 years ago

Maybe this will make a comeback? Kids could die of embarrassment instead!

brooksby replied to Philh68 | 5 years ago
1 like

Philh68 wrote:

Maybe this will make a comeback? Kids could die of embarrassment instead!

(Huffy Bike picture)

Erm - is that a real thing or a photoshop? 

Philh68 replied to brooksby | 5 years ago


brooksby wrote:

Philh68 wrote:

Maybe this will make a comeback? Kids could die of embarrassment instead!

(Huffy Bike picture)

Erm - is that a real thing or a photoshop? 

its the real deal, but it was the 1970’s. The chain guard was modelled on Lake pipes from the Corvette too, and the drag brake styled after the Hurst shifters. Just prepping the kids for their first muscle car.

ktache | 5 years ago

Onza used to supply an anti cookie cutter plug that would bung up the bar so that the bar could not go through the end of the grip.  Unless there is a bung the metal of the bar will always go through the rubber grip, only a leaning up against a wall or two, a laying on the ground or a bit of an off and the bar will start to cookie cut the grip.  After a while the ends of the bars will start to sharpen themselves as I remember from bikes back in my youth.

My X-lite straight Ti bars have an alloy plug so that the bar ends won't  crimp the ends of the bars too much.

On my X-lite X-country riser bar I use the X-lite bar end plug to stop any nasty impalings.  To get Onza Porcipaws (my very favorite grip) on you are meant to hit the end with a hammer to remove the little round bit.  I use a bung hole cutter for the plugged Ti bars.

On my new Jones H bar, whose dedicated grips come with a plastic expander plug, thought I have used the Hope Grip Doctor on them.

These things protect the ends of the bars and my flesh from the ends of the bars.

These are all when using rubber grips which I hairspray onto the bars.  The lock on style grips have a bit of a plastic sleeve and so that the cookie cutting thing might not be as much as a problem.  But I was very disapointed when the new Porcipaws I purchased, which had the lock on thing, stripped the thread on the tiny bolt.  So I will keep doing the hairspray thing on conventional rubber grips, with a bit of cable tieing if the grips have grooves for "wireing" which I have never figured out.

I hope the young lad in question gets everything back in full working order.

Here is a picture of the classic Onza Porcipaw grip showing the anti cookie cutter plugs.


Compact Corned Beef | 5 years ago
1 like

Wow. That’s just horrific. Glad the young chap is ok - don’t want to think too hard about scar tissue  7

cidermart | 5 years ago

"it is not clear whether there has been any effect on his sexual function?"

I'm sure that his preferred hand was fine.

Mungecrundle | 5 years ago

Oh come on, who here hasn't had a little slip whilst fixing their bike in the nude which then involved a trip to A&E?

vonhelmet | 5 years ago


Stef Marazzi | 5 years ago
1 like

There have been several high profile cases of these now. Perhaps on flat barred handlebars, they could weld the ends up?

IanGlasgow | 5 years ago

"across the public bone and to his perineum"

You probably meant his pubic bone.

chundernuts replied to IanGlasgow | 5 years ago

inicholson wrote:

"across the public bone and to his perineum" You probably meant his pubic bone.

It's pretty public now.  1

Secret_squirrel | 5 years ago

Ooowww.  Sitting here with my legs crossed now. indecision

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