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Police appeal for victims after youths on bikes film “The Maddest Day Ever In Brighton”

National press cover video of youths riding through Asda

Police have appealed for victims after footage of a group of youths cycling through a Brighton supermarket in June was published by a number of national newspaper websites.

A YouTube video titled The Maddest Day Ever In Brighton was this week picked up by a number of media outlets, giving rise to a wave of mob, yob and thug-related headlines. The original video has since been removed.

At one point the group is seen riding through Asda and while most shoppers seem to ignore them, one woman appears to grab hold of a cyclist while shouting for security. After wriggling free, the boy punches another shopper in the chest.

The youths have also been accused of stealing biscuits and cans of Red Bull as they left the store.

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The Argus reports that Brighton and Hove police are appealing for victims.

A spokesman said: “We’re looking closely at the video of the dangerous antics of the group of cyclists at Asda, Brighton Marina. If you were a victim of this group or a road user who had to avoid them we’d like to hear from you.”

An Asda spokesman said: “The incident at our Brighton Marina store in June was totally unacceptable and whilst we were relieved that none of our customers were injured, we will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in our shops.

"Our colleagues acted quickly to remove the trespassers from the store within a matter of minutes to ensure our customers were not disrupted for too long.

"However we would again like to apologise for the inconvenience caused and reassure customers that there have been no further incidents of this nature and we have reported this matter to the police.”

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The YouTube video also showed the group riding into oncoming traffic in the middle of the city and arguing with passers-by.

The video was posted to a YouTube channel which has 84,000 subscribers.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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mdavidford | 5 years ago
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Assuming that they drank the stolen Red Bull, I think they've been punished enough. Police should be appealing for victims of Asda selling Red Bull.

zero_trooper | 5 years ago

About the police response.

I’ve clicked on the ‘Argus’ link and the article is dated 9th August. 

The last line of the article is the police reference number for the reported incident and that’s dated 23.06.19. So 6 weeks ago.

I suspect that the ‘appeal for witnesses/victims’ is a either just because of the national publicity, or a re-hash of an earlier appeal. 

Remember, most ‘close passes’ don’t get national publicity.


UPDATE: I’ve been on the ‘Witness Appeals’ page of the Sussex Police website and the only reference to this incident is dated 11.08.19 (yesterday), so one up for ‘national publicity’.

There’s surprisingly a lot of cycling related incidents mentioned, including that cyclist who assaulted a dog walker (damn mountain bikers!) and sadly a fatal

zero_trooper | 5 years ago

About the police response.

I’ve clicked on the ‘Argus’ link and the article is dated 9th August. 

The last line of the article is the police reference number for the reported incident and that’s dated 23.06.19. So 6 weeks ago.

I suspect that the ‘appeal for witnesses/victims’ is a either just because of the national publicity, or a re-hash of an earlier appeal. 

ktache | 5 years ago

I don't see how any of this is relevant, if this all happened back in June then it's so far outside the 2-week NIP period as to make any complaints completely unenforceable.

And I didn't think that any police force could use their out of date IT systems to view YouTube.

Also, anything posted online cannot be used in any form of prosecution as it is so prejudicial as to make any pursuance of miscreants pointless.

Luxie replied to ktache | 5 years ago
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ktache wrote:

I don't see how any of this is relevant, if this all happened back in June then it's so far outside the 2-week NIP period as to make any complaints completely unenforceable.

And I didn't think that any police force could use their out of date IT systems to view YouTube.

Also, anything posted online cannot be used in any form of prosecution as it is so prejudicial as to make any pursuance of miscreants pointless.


They are looking at Public order/ assaults so NIP is not needed.


They are asking for victims/witnesses for potential prosecutions so not just going on what is on the video. 


I dont get why people are saying the police are wrong to be looking for information on this? Do you all think it is acceptable? Yes there are more serious crimes commited and they are dealt with by priority but this, I would imagine, affected a lot of people so needs to be looked at. 


One minute you guys are moaning when police do nothing when a car gets close to you and now moaning when Police are dealing with shits who could of hurt people just going about there daily life. 

Guess some are never happy.

hawkinspeter replied to Luxie | 5 years ago

Luxie wrote:

ktache wrote:

I don't see how any of this is relevant, if this all happened back in June then it's so far outside the 2-week NIP period as to make any complaints completely unenforceable.

And I didn't think that any police force could use their out of date IT systems to view YouTube.

Also, anything posted online cannot be used in any form of prosecution as it is so prejudicial as to make any pursuance of miscreants pointless.


They are looking at Public order/ assaults so NIP is not needed.


They are asking for victims/witnesses for potential prosecutions so not just going on what is on the video. 


I dont get why people are saying the police are wrong to be looking for information on this? Do you all think it is acceptable? Yes there are more serious crimes commited and they are dealt with by priority but this, I would imagine, affected a lot of people so needs to be looked at. 


One minute you guys are moaning when police do nothing when a car gets close to you and now moaning when Police are dealing with shits who could of hurt people just going about there daily life. 

Guess some are never happy.

You're missing an important point.

There's quite a history of cyclists getting killed/seriously injured by motorists whereas I personally don't know of anyone that has been killed/seriously injured by youths cycling in supermarkets.

You might think that the two offences should receive equal police time, but I'd much prefer that police devote more time to ensuring that the roads are safer.

Luxie replied to hawkinspeter | 5 years ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:


You're missing an important point.

There's quite a history of cyclists getting killed/seriously injured by motorists whereas I personally don't know of anyone that has been killed/seriously injured by youths cycling in supermarkets.

You might think that the two offences should receive equal police time, but I'd much prefer that police devote more time to ensuring that the roads are safer.



I have never said that they are equal nor should receive equal time spent on them by officers. They definetly dont get the same resources nor priority that is for sure! 


My point is that people are having a go at Police for asking if there was anyone affected by this incident. These idiots could of hurt a lot of people, if you want to go down the 'I dont know anyone' route my grandmother fell over trying to get out of the way of 2 idiots on a pavement breaking her hip, that was the beginning of the end from her as she never recovered from it. These idiots could of caused similar injuries to a number of people. So why not ask if anyone was affected by them and deal with it if they can? 

hawkinspeter replied to Luxie | 5 years ago

Luxie wrote:

hawkinspeter wrote:

You're missing an important point.

There's quite a history of cyclists getting killed/seriously injured by motorists whereas I personally don't know of anyone that has been killed/seriously injured by youths cycling in supermarkets.

You might think that the two offences should receive equal police time, but I'd much prefer that police devote more time to ensuring that the roads are safer.

I have never said that they are equal nor should receive equal time spent on them by officers. They definetly dont get the same resources nor priority that is for sure! 


My point is that people are having a go at Police for asking if there was anyone affected by this incident. These idiots could of hurt a lot of people, if you want to go down the 'I dont know anyone' route my grandmother fell over trying to get out of the way of 2 idiots on a pavement breaking her hip, that was the beginning of the end from her as she never recovered from it. These idiots could of caused similar injuries to a number of people. So why not ask if anyone was affected by them and deal with it if they can? 

Yeah - I think cyclists here are frustrated by the poor police response to some cycling close passes and/or collisions and this seems to be a quite exuberant response to something which should be much lower priority.

I don't mind police cracking down on dangerous cyclists, but they should be spending much more time on dangerous drivers due to the greater impact (literally) that they have.

Sorry to hear about your grandmother, though.

growingvegtables | 5 years ago

Kinda says it all.

  • Buncha kids playing on bikes in Brighton ... and WOW, police "appeal for victims".  FFS, there's cyclists there ... there MUST be victims.  Gotta find them!
  • Aye, but if a cyclist happens to be a victim of a vicious close pass, left/right hook, dangerous driving, injury ... or even fatality?  Police ... "Naaah, you're not a victim, you're a ****ing cyclist.  We just DGAF."

Rick_Rude | 5 years ago

The police do seem to be taking the piss recently though. I read some tweet from one force about an appeal to catch a nefarious criminal. This criminal has insulted a Pride marcher and it seemed the police were going to do everything in their power to catch this person. 

Shame they can't be bothered to investigate burglary and actual physical assault instead of putting resources into hurt feelings. 

Rick_Rude | 5 years ago

Don't fall into the 2 wheels good trap. As soon as they are able these shits will be on mopeds being arseholes and causing trouble. This isnt  Enid Blyton style childhood adventures from loveable rogues, it's the local chavs being a pain in the arse cos YouTube innit.

Once again though, take away the cameras and they wouldn't even bother. More technology = idiocy. Phones now have really quite good cameras and yet the only thing most people photograph is themselves. 

pockstone | 5 years ago

'Police appeal for victims'.


These pages are full of victims of potentially deadly close passes and other shit driving, and the Police  often seem unable to give them the time of day.

ktache | 5 years ago

Would the answer be... those taking part in "cycle meets" at VeloLife?

john1967 | 5 years ago

I ride down a perfectly legal road and get regularly abused yet a gang of cyclists rampage through Asda and get largely ignored. Go Figure?????

ktache | 5 years ago

Don't these youths realise they should be dealing drugs and stabbing each other?

Perhaps the YouTube poster might want to avail themselves of the history of Brighton on certain bank holidays.

Wheels Up, Knives Down!




michophull | 5 years ago

The fact that there are bikes involved is not relevant. They are a gang of little scumbags and a hefty kick up the arse would do them the world of good.

brooksby replied to michophull | 5 years ago

michophull wrote:

The fact that there are bikes involved is not relevant. They are a gang of little scumbags and a hefty kick up the arse would do them the world of good.

On the other hand, it takes real skill to wheelie around inside a supermarket full of people and stay upright (even if terribly antisocially).  Maybe one of them will grow up into Danny Macaskill...

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 5 years ago

brooksby wrote:

On the other hand, it takes real skill to wheelie around inside a supermarket full of people and stay upright (even if terribly antisocially). 

You seem very knowledgeable - is that something you do a lot in your spare time ? 

brooksby replied to Hirsute | 5 years ago

hirsute wrote:

brooksby wrote:

On the other hand, it takes real skill to wheelie around inside a supermarket full of people and stay upright (even if terribly antisocially). 

You seem very knowledgeable - is that something you do a lot in your spare time ? 

I can't ride along without at least one hand on the handlebars, so that's a no   3

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 5 years ago

brooksby wrote:

hirsute wrote:

brooksby wrote:

On the other hand, it takes real skill to wheelie around inside a supermarket full of people and stay upright (even if terribly antisocially). 

You seem very knowledgeable - is that something you do a lot in your spare time ? 

I can't ride along without at least one hand on the handlebars, so that's a no   3

Me too. I did get challenged on Thursday to do a wheelie down the high st and 'pop a something or other' by some year 7s who thought it was cool to swear whilst doing wheelies.

OldRidgeback replied to michophull | 5 years ago

michophull wrote:

The fact that there are bikes involved is not relevant. They are a gang of little scumbags and a hefty kick up the arse would do them the world of good.

Did they stab anyone? Was anyone seriously injured?

They nicked a can of Red Bull. It's not exactly a major crime.

Where I live the nearby gangs are dealing drugs and we have the occasional stabbing and shooting. There are police raids from time to time and the street was cloased off only  afew weeks ago after a drive by shooting.

Sorry, but a bunch of lads doing some mildly annoying cycling doesn't cut it as a serious crime incident with me.

john1967 replied to OldRidgeback | 5 years ago
OldRidgeback wrote:

michophull wrote:

The fact that there are bikes involved is not relevant. They are a gang of little scumbags and a hefty kick up the arse would do them the world of good.

Did they stab anyone? Was anyone seriously injured?

They nicked a can of Red Bull. It's not exactly a major crime.

Where I live the nearby gangs are dealing drugs and we have the occasional stabbing and shooting. There are police raids from time to time and the street was cloased off only  afew weeks ago after a drive by shooting.

Sorry, but a bunch of lads doing some mildly annoying cycling doesn't cut it as a serious crime incident with me.

We're do you think the next generation of gang member comes from??

OldRidgeback replied to john1967 | 5 years ago

john1967 wrote:
OldRidgeback wrote:

michophull wrote:

The fact that there are bikes involved is not relevant. They are a gang of little scumbags and a hefty kick up the arse would do them the world of good.

Did they stab anyone? Was anyone seriously injured?

They nicked a can of Red Bull. It's not exactly a major crime.

Where I live the nearby gangs are dealing drugs and we have the occasional stabbing and shooting. There are police raids from time to time and the street was cloased off only  afew weeks ago after a drive by shooting.

Sorry, but a bunch of lads doing some mildly annoying cycling doesn't cut it as a serious crime incident with me.

We're do you think the next generation of gang member comes from??

The next generation of gang members are already involved at age 11 or so, sometimes holding drugs for the older members because they're unlikely to be searched by the cops, sometimes carrying something (drugs, a knife, a gun) from one place to another, again with a lower risk of them being searched because of their age. Some of the lads in the nearby gang are ones my kids played football with or even went to school with and they get sucked in for 'protection'.

These lads in the video were not razzing about, two up on (stolen) scooters with no licence plates; no insurance, no licence.

I can look out of my window and see gang activity most days.

The lads in the video are just being a nuisance.

Secret_squirrel | 5 years ago

It's amazing isn't it.  Get your bike stolen and the rozzers don't give a toss.  Cause a scene on a bike and the police "appeal for victims".

Maybe they should get off their lazy doughnut filled asses and investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging or 2.


Its very clear that perception rather than the law being broken matters more to these lot.

Nemesis replied to Secret_squirrel | 5 years ago
1 like

Secret_squirrel wrote:

It's amazing isn't it.  Get your bike stolen and the rozzers don't give a toss.  Cause a scene on a bike and the police "appeal for victims".

Maybe they should get off their lazy doughnut filled asses and investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging or 2.


Its very clear that perception rather than the law being broken matters more to these lot.


”lazy doughnut filled asses” “investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging”

They do actually and they hate rapists and muggers just as much as anyone. 

You, on the other hand, are a slanderous asshole. 

Please publish your name and address so I can seek legal advice. 

Danger Dicko replied to Nemesis | 5 years ago

Nemesis wrote:

Secret_squirrel wrote:

It's amazing isn't it.  Get your bike stolen and the rozzers don't give a toss.  Cause a scene on a bike and the police "appeal for victims".

Maybe they should get off their lazy doughnut filled asses and investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging or 2.


Its very clear that perception rather than the law being broken matters more to these lot.


”lazy doughnut filled asses” “investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging”

They do actually and they hate rapists and muggers just as much as anyone. 

You, on the other hand, are a slanderous asshole. 

Please publish your name and address so I can seek legal advice. 

Well that escalated quickly...

ConcordeCX replied to Danger Dicko | 5 years ago

Danger Dicko wrote:

Nemesis wrote:

Secret_squirrel wrote:

It's amazing isn't it.  Get your bike stolen and the rozzers don't give a toss.  Cause a scene on a bike and the police "appeal for victims".

Maybe they should get off their lazy doughnut filled asses and investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging or 2.


Its very clear that perception rather than the law being broken matters more to these lot.


”lazy doughnut filled asses” “investigate some crimes that actually have victims - like a rape or a granny mugging”

They do actually and they hate rapists and muggers just as much as anyone. 

You, on the other hand, are a slanderous asshole. 

Please publish your name and address so I can seek legal advice. 

Well that escalated quickly...

All part of the job description if your name is <voice timbre=deep&portentous>Nemesis, Lord of Swift Retribution and Justice!<\>

burtthebike | 5 years ago

So this happened in June, and none of the victims have come forward?  Hard to believe all those seriously injured people have stayed quiet, and the police have to appeal to them to report these terrible crimes.  Or perhaps they thought it was just some kids doing what kids do, and being stupid.

Of course, the msm will report this as demon cyclists, leaving a wake of dead and injured innocent shoppers.  Must be a really slow news day, or they need to distract from the latest Boris Brexit bungle.

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