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It’s Bike Week! “All you need is a bike” says Cycling UK

“You don’t need fancy clothing or equipment to enjoy cycling”

Bike Week starts today. You should definitely celebrate it by riding your bike. Hundreds of events are being held across the country as Cycling UK urges people to think “bike” and how they can bring cycling into their lives.

Over 300,000 people are expected to take to two wheels and join the UK’s five million regular cyclists this week. Cycling UK is particularly keen for people to realise that cycling isn’t just about the Tour de France and the Olympics, but is also a fun, easy and accessible way to get about for shorter trips too.

“You don’t need fancy clothing or equipment to enjoy cycling,” said Cycling UK’s Chief Executive Paul Tuohy. “All you need is a bike. The benefits of cycling are well documented – it’s good for your wealth, your well-being and helps tackle congestion and air pollution. But most of all it’s fun!

“Maybe it’s been a while since you were last on a bike, well Bike Week is the perfect time to get back in the saddle. You might be surprised at just how much you enjoy it – and think about the savings you’ll make too.”

Earlier this week, we reported how the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is urging employers to ensure offices have adequate bike storage and changing facilities, on the grounds that it will result in a happier and more productive workforce and help combat obesity.

But while a cycle commute can be a great lifestyle change, there are of course plenty of other excuses to get on your bike.

Bike Week will see scores of events taking place up and down the country, including family friendly rides, training events, opportunities to get your bike fixed, bike breakfasts and naked bike rides. You can find the ones taking place near you on this page.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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check12 | 5 years ago

Biking is good for your wealth?



brooksby | 5 years ago

A fun easy and accessible way to get around for short trips, where you can find you have to lock your bike up miles away from the one shop you want to pop in because there are no nearby bike stands and all the streetlights and sign poles have advertising a-frames chained to them... And its tipping it down so the shop (understandably) won't let you bring the bike inside. And where you spend far more time trying to find a space to lock up the bike than you ever spent in the shop.

Yes, I had a bad experience last week. Grrr...!

don simon fbpe | 5 years ago

Have you seen the weather?

giff77 replied to don simon fbpe | 5 years ago
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don simon fbpe wrote:

Have you seen the weather?

Scotland’s looking not bad. A few showers here and there. Englandshire is looking positively scabby 

don simon fbpe replied to giff77 | 5 years ago
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giff77 wrote:

don simon fbpe wrote:

Have you seen the weather?

Scotland’s looking not bad. A few showers here and there. Englandshire is looking positively scabby 

Freezing cold too, mate!

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