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Inquest opens in Canberra into Mike Hall's death

Police say rider's dark clothing and light position made him difficult to see; driver admits he was distracted beforehand...

The inquest has opened into the death near Canberra in March last year of British ultracyclist Mike Hall, who was killed near the Australian capital while taking part in the Indian Pacific Wheel Race.

The 35-year-old died from head, spinal and back injuries after being hit from behind by a car driven by 19-year-old Shegu Bobb, who was on his way to work in Canberra when the fatal crash happened at 6.20am on the morning of 31 March 2017. reports that the motorist was travelling at almost 100 kilometres an hour and that Hall’s death would have been “almost instantaneous.”

Hall, the founder of the Transcontinental Race and one of the top riders on the ultracycling scene, had been lying in second place in the race from Fremantle to Sydney when he was killed.

The inquest was told that Hall was wearing dark clothing that did not have reflective materials and that his rear light was at the same height as roadside marker posts, making it difficult for drivers to see.

Senior Constable Adam Potts said that as a result Bobb – driving on P-plates, which drivers who have passed their test within the preceding year are required to display – said that he would not have had enough time to avoid hitting the cyclist.

However, the motorist – who initially believed he had hit a kangaroo  – admitted that he had been distracted by a truck parked in a closed petrol station immediately before hitting Hall.

He has not been charged with any offence to date in connection with Hall’s death, and counsel assisting the inquest is reportedly unlikely to recommend to the coroner that the case ne referred to prosecutors.

Counsel assisting the inquest also read extracts from the rules of the last year’s race, saying that they were "effectively silent" on issues related to safety.

It had been planned for the race to return this year, with organiser Jesse Carlsson saying last October that the second edition would have  “some pretty strict visibility restrictions in place.”

In February, however, he announced that the 2018 race would be cancelled due to the inquest and its potential outcome.

The inquest is expected to last three days.

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brooksby | 6 years ago

"A coroner noted the accident happened in the dark and said it should prompt a thorough review of local road and bicycle laws.


"Police testified that Mr Bobb [the motorist] had been distracted by a parked car as he turned on to the highway, and had no time to avoid the collision.

"Dr Boss [the coroner] said the incident should provide a "catalyst" for better safety rules, making six recommendations - including calling for a review of local road intersections.

"She also recommended that Australia consider making it mandatory for all cyclists to have flashing rear lights when riding at night."

fenix | 6 years ago

Now they've some witnesses saying that they nearly hit Mike too. 


We need to know how recent that video was I guess - had his light faded away ?


I know when I ride at night I've two lights on the back and a shed load of reflectives. I don't trust motorists to look out for me. 

BehindTheBikesheds replied to fenix | 6 years ago
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fenix wrote:

Now they've some witnesses saying that they nearly hit Mike too. 


We need to know how recent that video was I guess - had his light faded away ?


I know when I ride at night I've two lights on the back and a shed load of reflectives. I don't trust motorists to look out for me. 

He was using a dynamo light so that's extremely unlikely and supposition, the police have not mentioned that the light was broken/failed in any case, just that in their opinion it was difficult to see despite it being at warning post level which by definition means it was the correct height to be seen. We can see in the video that the light is more than adequate in both height and brightness to be seen from a very long distance away.

Lest we forget the road was straight so should have seen the light from hundreds of metres away if not further.

Problem is with adding more and more we always get into the light war scenario which we will never win and because of weak government allowed ridiculously bright lights for motorists and indeed people on bikes. Hi-vis is futile and proven to be bunk. Either you're looking or you aren't, we've had this discussion so many times abut the efficacy of reflectives and hi-vis.

Again, putting the onus of safety onto the vulnerable never, ever works, all it does is cause victim blaming to be more prevalent and motorists to carry on driving like wankers.

Gtharv | 6 years ago

Just seen the video on Facebook just few moments ago. Investigating the rear light if sufficiently bright to meet the standard of road rules..

fenix | 6 years ago

This is looking shocking - what a catalogue of errors by the Police !


I remember driving a fast dual carriageway in the Lakes once - pitch black - no lights around. 

I still spotted a bloke all in black with no lights cycling along. Thankfully he had pedal reflectors on- and you could see him for a massive distance.   I'd not risk it myself but this worked really well.   If you have to have reflective kit on - bung it on your feet or legs. The movement really shows you are a cyclist. 


From the video and the pictures there should be no debate that Mike was visible. Do they think he'd cheated death all the way along his route ? Are they ignoring the other witnesses ?

Or are they covering their arse as they didn't charge the young driver in the first place and now have to make the evidence agree with their decision. 

BehindTheBikesheds replied to fenix | 6 years ago

fenix wrote:

This is looking shocking - what a catalogue of errors by the Police !


I remember driving a fast dual carriageway in the Lakes once - pitch black - no lights around. 

I still spotted a bloke all in black with no lights cycling along. Thankfully he had pedal reflectors on- and you could see him for a massive distance.   I'd not risk it myself but this worked really well.   If you have to have reflective kit on - bung it on your feet or legs. The movement really shows you are a cyclist. 


From the video and the pictures there should be no debate that Mike was visible. Do they think he'd cheated death all the way along his route ? Are they ignoring the other witnesses ?

Or are they covering their arse as they didn't charge the young driver in the first place and now have to make the evidence agree with their decision. 

This all day long. We can only hope that police are exposed and IF Anna does decide she wants to take matters further then I for one would put some money toward her taking down the corrupt Australian police, they're clearly agenda driven/discriminatory, not least incompetent, it's not a surprise in NSW really is it!

nigerian prince replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago
1 like

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

fenix wrote:

This is looking shocking - what a catalogue of errors by the Police !


I remember driving a fast dual carriageway in the Lakes once - pitch black - no lights around. 

I still spotted a bloke all in black with no lights cycling along. Thankfully he had pedal reflectors on- and you could see him for a massive distance.   I'd not risk it myself but this worked really well.   If you have to have reflective kit on - bung it on your feet or legs. The movement really shows you are a cyclist. 


From the video and the pictures there should be no debate that Mike was visible. Do they think he'd cheated death all the way along his route ? Are they ignoring the other witnesses ?

Or are they covering their arse as they didn't charge the young driver in the first place and now have to make the evidence agree with their decision. 

This all day long. We can only hope that police are exposed and IF Anna does decide she wants to take matters further then I for one would put some money toward her taking down the corrupt Australian police, they're clearly agenda driven/discriminatory, not least incompetent, it's not a surprise in NSW really is it!


"agenda driven"? what when it comes to someones death? A real persons death? Pull your head in mate. 

brooksby replied to nigerian prince | 6 years ago
1 like

lork wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

fenix wrote:

This is looking shocking - what a catalogue of errors by the Police !


I remember driving a fast dual carriageway in the Lakes once - pitch black - no lights around. 

I still spotted a bloke all in black with no lights cycling along. Thankfully he had pedal reflectors on- and you could see him for a massive distance.   I'd not risk it myself but this worked really well.   If you have to have reflective kit on - bung it on your feet or legs. The movement really shows you are a cyclist. 


From the video and the pictures there should be no debate that Mike was visible. Do they think he'd cheated death all the way along his route ? Are they ignoring the other witnesses ?

Or are they covering their arse as they didn't charge the young driver in the first place and now have to make the evidence agree with their decision. 

This all day long. We can only hope that police are exposed and IF Anna does decide she wants to take matters further then I for one would put some money toward her taking down the corrupt Australian police, they're clearly agenda driven/discriminatory, not least incompetent, it's not a surprise in NSW really is it!

"agenda driven"? what when it comes to someones death? A real persons death? Pull your head in mate. 

You don't think that might happen?  Really...?

BehindTheBikesheds replied to nigerian prince | 6 years ago

lork wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

fenix wrote:

This is looking shocking - what a catalogue of errors by the Police !


I remember driving a fast dual carriageway in the Lakes once - pitch black - no lights around. 

I still spotted a bloke all in black with no lights cycling along. Thankfully he had pedal reflectors on- and you could see him for a massive distance.   I'd not risk it myself but this worked really well.   If you have to have reflective kit on - bung it on your feet or legs. The movement really shows you are a cyclist. 


From the video and the pictures there should be no debate that Mike was visible. Do they think he'd cheated death all the way along his route ? Are they ignoring the other witnesses ?

Or are they covering their arse as they didn't charge the young driver in the first place and now have to make the evidence agree with their decision. 

This all day long. We can only hope that police are exposed and IF Anna does decide she wants to take matters further then I for one would put some money toward her taking down the corrupt Australian police, they're clearly agenda driven/discriminatory, not least incompetent, it's not a surprise in NSW really is it!


"agenda driven"? what when it comes to someones death? A real persons death? Pull your head in mate. 

I'm not your 'mate', nor would I wish to be, the police clearly are agenda driven, or are you ignorant of the unlawful acts by police and rife discrimination that occurs every single day against cyclists to the point were people are being forced off the roads and/or unlawfully penalised for doing nothing wrong.

Are you so utterly blind?

hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

Looks like reporters aren't highlighting an extremely important point (from


The AFP tested the car’s remaining front light and found the light to be below the required brightness to pass a roadworthy test in both NSW and the ACT. The officer who tested the light stated that he did not know what the legally required brightness was.

So, a driver with a non-roadworthy car hits and kills a cyclist and yet there's no Allison style call for a harsh sentence.

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

Looks like reporters aren't highlighting an extremely important point (from


The AFP tested the car’s remaining front light and found the light to be below the required brightness to pass a roadworthy test in both NSW and the ACT. The officer who tested the light stated that he did not know what the legally required brightness was.

So, a driver with a non-roadworthy car hits and kills a cyclist and yet there's no Allison style call for a harsh sentence.


antigee | 6 years ago

the guardian story incorrectly states that the driver involved in the fatal collision held a "provisional" license - should read "probationary" license in Victoria this means has logged hours as a Learner driver and passed a driving test (min age in Vic 18) but like all newer drivers has some restrictions and higher points penalties for offences - pick up on this in case anyone thinks he should have been supervised at the time - nope




Bob F replied to antigee | 6 years ago
1 like

I can't spell germane...

antigee replied to Bob F | 6 years ago

Bob F]</p>

<p>[quote=antigee wrote:

the guardian story incorrectly states that the driver involved in the fatal collision held a "provisional" license - should read "probationary" license in Victoria this means has logged hours as a Learner driver and passed a driving test (min age in Vic 18) but like all newer drivers has some restrictions and higher points penalties for offences - pick up on this in case anyone thinks he should have been supervised at the time - nope





Not really Germain, and not Victoria either, so let's not go down that rabbit hole...... The driver has been reported as from Cooma. That's in NSW.  The collision with Mike Hall occurred in NSW as the driver was heading to work in Canberra. That's in ACT. I can't verify, but would assume the Driver was still living in NSW and held a NSW [or maybe ACT] 'Provisional' Licence.  Different restrictions from Victoria's 'Probationary' system.


Will take that one I thought had crossed from Victoria into ACT bit dumb as not possible 


brooksby | 6 years ago

Latest report from the Grauniad: and I take this as the pertinent point:

But a third driver, who had enhanced lights on her car, said she saw reflective strips on his arms and legs which were visible with headlights on low beam.

Jennifer Perrin spotted Hall on her way to work in Canberra, saying it was possibly the first time in 31 years living in the region she had seen someone riding on that road.

“It was very odd to see a cyclist on the road and particularly at that time of day,” she said.

Basically - Australians don't expect to see cyclists, so they are, with the best will in the world, not looking for them.

I suspect that this is what has happened - hurtling down the freeway, making sure you stay on the road but that's it, because if you hit wildlife then 'Meh!' and you "know" you don't need to look for vulnerable road users.


Marin92 | 6 years ago

So it's OK to kill a cyclist? Even one with a working back light?
I hope Australian cyclists take the police to court.

vonhelmet | 6 years ago

That roadside marker post is in the middle of the road.  What gives?

dodgy | 6 years ago

Here is a picture taken not long before the incident.


Crampy replied to dodgy | 6 years ago

dodgy wrote:

Here is a picture taken not long before the incident.


Thats pretty damn visible, if you ask me. Even if you dont, its pretty damn visible.

The driver must have been looking the wrong way or something. Maybe he got confused about which window was the front window, or which seat was his and was in the process of scootching over? Maybe the truck that distracted him had, oh I dont know, pictures of tits on it or something? Maybe he had gotten to a really good bit in his book (which I can only assume was a colouring in book).

Either way this crock of shit about MH not being visible enough is enough to make my stomach turn. And tgat the Aussie police are buying then propagating it is fucking reprehensible.

hughsain | 6 years ago

Strongly suggest people check out the blogpost on the inquest by the Australian Cycle Alliance, who have members in attendance. 

Key questions they raise:

  • Mike Hall’s clothing was not retained or admitted into evidence to be examined, and yet it was alleged that his clothing was not visible and had no reflective properties.
  • The Inquest was advised that Mike Hall’s rear bag was returned to the family. This remains a source of contention. The bag was not admitted into evidence, and therefore the presence of reflective strips that Mike’s former partner asserts Mike had added to the back of his bag now cannot be established.
  • The AFP tested the car’s remaining front light and found the light to be below the required brightness to pass a roadworthy test in both NSW and the ACT. The officer who tested the light stated that he did not know what the legally required brightness was.
  • Monash University Accident Research Centre was specifically asked to investigate if Mike Hall’s rear light was sufficiently bright to meet the standard of the road rules. Other aspects including driver distraction were examined in the report even though this was not specifically requested.
  • Senior Constable Potts of the AFP created a video using a reconstruction of Mike Hall’s bike to examine how visible Mike Hall would have been. This reconstruction placed the bike off the road to the left, substituted the Dynamo hub with a 6-volt battery, excluded the rear bag and its reflective strip, excluded any person or clothing, excluded any front white light shining on the road, and excluded any human movement of the bike. There was also a Police light stationed near the bike and an oncoming car in the simulation that was admitted into evidence by the AFP. In the submitted video, the reconstructed bike was difficult to see.
  • A documentary that had extensive video footage of Mike Hall’s rear light and clothing and reflective strip on this rear bag was not viewed by the AFP until two weeks prior to the Coronial Inquest. This video evidence was only introduced to the Coroner’s Court as evidence on Day 1 of the Inquest, and this was only done at the request of the lawyer representing Anna Haslock.
  • The driver was interviewed by AFP officers at least three times. In the first interview the driver stated that he left his home at 5:30 am. In subsequent interviews he stated that he left home at 5 am. The statement admitted into evidence by Senior Constable Potts of the AFP only included the earlier time. The AFP officers interviewing the driver did not question the inconsistency of the driver’s statements. It was asserted by Counsel Assisting that the driver was driving within the speed limit.


Summary: here comes another incompetent inquest.

aegisdesign replied to hughsain | 6 years ago
1 like

hughsain wrote:

The driver was interviewed by AFP officers at least three times. In the first interview the driver stated that he left his home at 5:30 am. In subsequent interviews he stated that he left home at 5 am. The statement admitted into evidence by Senior Constable Potts of the AFP only included the earlier time. The AFP officers interviewing the driver did not question the inconsistency of the driver’s statements. It was asserted by Counsel Assisting that the driver was driving within the speed limit.

Is this significant? eg. Would the driver not have been able to get to work on time if he'd left at 5:30am and therefore had to have driven faster than the speed limit to get there?

alansmurphy replied to hughsain | 6 years ago

hughsain wrote:


  • Senior Constable Potts of the AFP created a video using a reconstruction of Mike Hall’s bike to examine how visible Mike Hall would have been. This reconstruction placed the bike off the road to the left, substituted the Dynamo hub with a 6-volt battery, excluded the rear bag and its reflective strip, excluded any person or clothing, excluded any front white light shining on the road, and excluded any human movement of the bike. There was also a Police light stationed near the bike and an oncoming car in the simulation that was admitted into evidence by the AFP. In the submitted video, the reconstructed bike was difficult to see.


Yep agenda driven.


The same thing happened in the Allison case. The police used a different type of bike, different tyres, different braking system to test stopping distance using a line the office could see. This was used as EVIDENCE in a court.


These people are meant to handle national security, dna etc. to prosecute beyond reasonable doubt yet they can set up deliberately misleading evidence to present.


Are you suggesting it's an accident?

FluffyKittenofT... | 6 years ago

The guff about the light being at the same height as marker posts seems like yet more reason to be cynical at all the pious advice directed at vulnerable road users about 'being seen'.

  No matter what you do the authorities will find some reason to excuse drivers for not seeing you (cf Michael Mason and the 'lights blending in with all the other lights on the street').  You'll never be visible enough (until your lights are 'dangerously dazzling' of course).

The Rake replied to FluffyKittenofTindalos | 6 years ago

FluffyKittenofTindalos wrote:

The guff about the light being at the same height as marker posts seems like yet more reason to be cynical at all the pious advice directed at vulnerable road users about 'being seen'.

that point seemed misleading to me too - even it was at the same height and was mistaken for a marker post, unless the driver was deliberately trying to hit a marker post (albeit a moving marker post....) then there would have been no collision. Marker posts are there for drivers safety and meet state standards so if his light was as bright and at the same height (i.e. Where it can be seen) then there should be no need to discuss his visibility to drivers

Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

What do you expect from a country in which drivers  jump out and threaten to attack cyclists with massive knives and not actually get sent to jail but yet fine cyclists massive amounts for next to nothing.

My brother moved over there and said driving standards are garbage compared to the UK. I'm not quite sure why he's still there as nothing much seems better than over here.

BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

Just found this, the bullshit about MH lights is exposed massively!

Also it seems that Mike Hall's clothing were not kept so that no-one can actually know for sure if his clothing had any reflective parts to it, not that that should matter one jot in any case!

However I can see that he has a reflective strip on the back of his jersey and possibly his helmet, if you can't see someone lit as Mike clearly is then what the fuck are you actualy doing on the road. I hope the police are exposed as liars following this massively important video!

BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

Anna's reasoning as to why she wants to be at the inquest. The crowdfunding has allowed her to have legal representation at the inquest so hopefully some questions will be answered.

The more I read what's already being said the more angry I've gotten, if Mike's light was at the same height as the reflective strips on marker posts then surely that is sufficient to be seen right, aren't the markers there as a warning! It gets fucking worse the more I realise what a bunch of cunts Australian police are, in exactly the same mould as the twats in Ryhll and London etc.

BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

Typical police bullshit regarding dark clothes and lights/reflectives. If the driver is going at a speed they can stop well within the distance they can see to be clear even if MH had no lights at all there would be no collision.

Facts are that he had a legal rear light, his clothing type is immaterial, if the driver didn't see the lights or see him by his own lights then he was not fit to drive and/or clearly distracted that he'd have crashed into anything on the road.

It doesn't sound like there was any braking by the killer either, bunch of wankpuffins have already effectively let this cunt go free!


brooksby | 6 years ago


"his rear light was at the same height as roadside marker posts, making it difficult for drivers to see."

I think then that is a serious problem with the infrastructure on their roads, isn't it?  Bicycles tend to be a pretty standard height 

a1white | 6 years ago

The Hunger Games on wheels comment is disgraceful. It's clear the trial is already prejudiced .


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