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Video: Van driver filmed swerving at cyclist

Virgin Media investigating incident which happened in Cheadle, Greater Manchester in June

Virgin Media says it is looking into an incident in which a driver of one of its vans was filmed swerving towards a cyclist who was overtaking it.

According to the timestamp on a video shot by the dashcam of a vehicle immediately behind the van, the incident took place on 29 June.

The footage, which was taken close to the Golden Days Garden Centre in Cheadle, Greater Manchester, was uploaded to YouTube on 31 July with the title, "Van Trying to Hit a Cyclist."

The description of the video reads: "Van driver trying to hit a cyclist twice. "

As the rider overtakes the van, the driver swerves sharply to the right, forcing the cyclist to take evasive action. 

The cyclist then moves to the nearside of the vehicle, unclips and has a brief conversation with the driver, who moves the vehicle to the left. 

While the general consensus on social media is that the driver deliberately swerved at the cyclist, another explanation could be that he simply did not see him and that the rider overtaking the fan coincided with the van driver deciding to overtake a vehicle in front that may be waiting to turn left into the garden centre, although that is not clear from the footage.

The incident was flagged to Virgin Media by Twitter users this morning and the company requested further details.

If you are the cyclist involved, or know who the rider is, we'd be very interested in learning what the van driver's explanation was.

The episode seems is reminiscent of one we reported on that happened in April in which a van driver in Sussex swerved into a cyclist, forcing him off the road.

The driver was sacked by his employers immediately they became aware of the footage.

> Sussex van driver filmed forcing cyclist off road to appear in court

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Another David | 7 years ago
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Does it need a comment? Well, undoubtedly he's an ex-employee within a few hours of this being aired.  Karma will get him, it always does: It already has. Be nice to have seen the driver's reaction when he was told that there was someone behind during this incident, with a camera.......

antigee | 7 years ago

must be some sort of coded message here...can only presume that "I was pulling out to overtake a car turning into a garden centre" is some some sort of variation on "I was blinded by the sun"...anyone watching the video and believing the van driver intended an overtake must fall in that percentage of the population that should never be allowed a driving license...hope keeps his job but has to cycle to appointments...hope the police pursue it and the courts give a good license suspension and that it gets plenty of publicity...might be dreaming there...certainly I've had a couple of incidents recently where I reckon I've seen the driver looking to see if a camera  after the event...hopefully those people that can think will start to think twice before being dangerously aggressive

StraelGuy | 7 years ago

Google 'Operation Considerate - Reporting' and make sure this is reported. It will be taken seriously.

nbrus | 7 years ago

Another possibility is that the van driver doesn't want to let the cyclist overtake him as then he will be forced to travel at 15 mph when the cyclist hogs the lane making it difficult to get past.

dottigirl | 7 years ago

Wondering what his previous overtake was like - when the footage starts, we see the van then the cyclist, so it's possible there's already been one event or confrontation.

IanW1968 | 7 years ago

What Jumbotron said x 1000 

This also applies to every other bit of half arsed cycle infrasture in the UK.  The councils only put in bike lanes so they can increase the speed limit or develop business when planning permision requires cycling provision. 

It's cycnical and duplicitous, the real question is why does this happen in the UK and not the rest of Europe?  

The answers is we keep selecting corporate fags as MP's and Councillors. 

Noelieboy | 7 years ago

This is exactly my commute home!

30 mins earlier and it probably would've been me being filmed. The traffic on this road backs up for a long way as there are 2 sets of traffic lights in a very short space. On the RHS is a multiuse path for cyclists and pedestrians but this is normally only used by cyclists who are going in the other direction, most cyclists stay on the road when going in the direction that this cyclist is going in.  

What an absolutely idiotic manoeuver by the van driver.  He is obviously annoyed that he’s going to be stuck in traffic for around 20mins and wasn’t happy that a cyclist was going to overtake him.

Those commercial vans all have stickers on them now pointing to the LHS stating how it’s dangerous to undertake, what are you supposed to do???


FluffyKittenofT... | 7 years ago
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So is the position that the police will only do something if the cyclist affected complains to them personally?

At first I thought it was possible it was a mistake, but on viewing the relevant bit of the video a couple more times it seems to me it had to be deliberate.

spen | 7 years ago

Gift where have I been an apologist for the driver, he's an incompetent idiot but not a psychopathic axe murder!  The fact that you can't properly execute the maneouver he attempted just shows his lack of skill and judgement.


There are frankly far too many people on here far too willing to play the victim.


It's incompetence not malice, get over it.

markysd | 7 years ago

Notice the sudden forward acceleration before the cyclist is clear of the front of the van after the original attempt at taking him out.  Clearly the driver trying to intimidate the rider!  Unintentional my arse!

Vehlin | 7 years ago

I think the driver is on his phone.

As you can see at the end of the video, he's got no left wing mirror, so there's no way he could have seen the cyclist to make an intentional block. What it looks like to me is that he's started accelerating as traffic clears in front of him, as he does this the van drifts off to the left. Which makes me think his left hand isn't on the wheel and putting too much pressure on with the right. 

He then sees a gap in traffic, and goes to overtake the silver car in front of him, without checking his mirror and nearly splats the cyclist.

So my view here is that it's gross incometence coupled with a vehicle that shouldn't be on the road without that other mirror rather than actual malice.

alansmurphy | 7 years ago

Are you sure we are all watching the same video, where is he looking to go with an overtake? Why after this event does he not look to overtake? Why didn't he indicate and check his mirror?

Also, the angle he comes out at compared to where the car is in front. So much so that one on here thinks it may be about to u-turn.

I know it's a cycling site but 'we' don't always automatically defend the bike. There's a thread on the forum at the moment where a cyclist is getting some criticism where it is very much 50:50 or in my opinion at least 60% drivers fault. Anyone looking for excuses for the driver here is simply a moron!

nbrus | 7 years ago

Wow ... the lynch mob has been silenced.angel

alansmurphy | 7 years ago

So you're saying he's driving too close to the car in front and randomly swerving left and right after possibly being involved in a collision earlier that day.

You've certainly changed my mind. Excellent driver, well done sir.

alansmurphy | 7 years ago

Like Columbo, I'm back for more.

Your defence is that he knows he can't see left of his vehicle so he's trying to give a bit more room to the cyclist down the left. How did he know the cyclist was on his left?

NorthEastJimmy | 7 years ago
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I get the feeling nbrus is just having a laugh at everyone now by just coming up with rediculous 'possible' theories just to prove a point that other theories are just that.

CygnusX1 | 7 years ago

Hold on guys, I just need to pop out for some more popcorn...

Mungecrundle | 7 years ago

Van driver momentarily drifts to the left. Suddenly realising that he has no visibility due to lacking a nearside mirror, and anticipating that there could possibly be a cyclist in that danger zone he takes emergency evasive action by violently, and with no thought for his own safety, swinging his van to the right and into the path of oncoming traffic. Surprised at the appearance of a cyclist who has now overtaken him on the right, he accelerates as hard as his van will go in order to catch up with the cyclist in order to offer his profuse apologies and a free months subscription by way of making amends before the cyclist slips away up the inside of the stationary traffic queue. He gets so close to the back wheel of the bike that he is caught out by the drafting effect. The inept cyclist is completely oblivious to the fact that he is literally sucking the van onto his own back wheel and certain destruction. Fortunately our heroic van driver is at the top of his game and still able to come to a screeching emergency stop just before colliding with the rear of the car in front.

In many respects the cyclist was damned lucky that the van driver was so highly skilled at the art of van driving. I hope the Police are able to track him down and give him the nbrus award for outstanding vanmanship.

alansmurphy | 7 years ago

The driver should NOT have tried to execute an overtake, the traffic in front is stopped and there wasn't the gap to do so. If you think that he can execute an overtake then he hasn't done it with the required care and attention. Either way it is dangerous / careless / wreck less driving.

The other 10 excuses you've come up with either make the driver or you a bellend...

alansmurphy | 7 years ago
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No, the cyclist was looking to filter through stationary traffic and could have done so without crossing the white line. Again, the van driver clearly can't and won't check their mirror if it was an attempted overtake and failed to indicate.

And you've demonstrated a lack of ability to read the responses of others. The cycle path is ridiculously short and requires crossing 2 lanes of traffic to enter and exit (around 500 metres apart). If you'd do that for a minute of riding then you're probably not a serious cyclist or commuter. And if you were to do so with this van driver on either side of the road you would still likely have been on trouble.

You haven't suggested a potential heart attack yet, maybe that happened. Escaped penguin from the zoo turned the wheel. A customer (on speaker phone obviously) told him Virgin was a valued service and had good connection. Keep digging...

CXR94Di2 | 7 years ago

Having looked at this again, the driver most likely passed this rider a few moments before the camera car picked up the cyclists on the road(the Virgin media van was just a little further up the road).  He began to pinch the kerb in anticpation of the rider coming up, but has the rider went right to pass him he swerved his vehicle to block(knock him off).  You can see the rider is reluctant to pass virgin van later, whilst he fumbles for his phone.  


A premeditated action against a vulnerable rider. a driver who has obviously got some issue with cyclists.

Carmic0 | 7 years ago
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Surprised it isn't a white van.  FFS, lets hope the driver is identified and sacked, then prosecuted.


fatsmoker | 7 years ago

Another one with no update as to what happened. Does know what the Virgin investigation decided abou ttheir employee (hopefully ex-employee)?

NorthEastJimmy | 7 years ago

I reactivated my twitter account (never actually used it) just to ty and get a response about this.  They only replied when they thought they lost me as a customer but now I've posted the link to the video....silence.

Jimmy Ray Will replied to nbrus | 7 years ago
nbrus wrote:

Another possibility is that the van driver doesn't want to let the cyclist overtake him as then he will be forced to travel at 15 mph when the cyclist hogs the lane making it difficult to get past.


You do know this is a cycling website... for people who ride bikes on the road? 

However, in response to your comment, 15mph would be a hell of a lot faster than that van was driving... maybe if a few more people got on their bikes, that van driver would not be caught in congestion. 

Also in response... in 20+ years of motoring, I've never come across a cyclist making it difficult to pass them. I've come across plenty of cyclists simply riding along where road infratructure and / or traffic volume have meant it was not safe to pass for a period of time (generally not very long at all)... there is a distinct difference. 

As for this van driver... countersteering my backside. It was deliberate.

What worries me more, is people putting forward the overtake as an option. Why, where, how was the van going to overtake? Overtake the whole queue of traffic? overtake into oncoming traffic.... if you were going to do that, why sit in a queue patiently before overtaking at that particular time. 

There is no reason, nothing to suggest that the van driver was overtaking, only in the minds of the minority who feel indoctrinated to defend the motorist at all costs. 

What information am I missing that suggest that the violent swerve to the right, following the defensive move to the left was not a deliberate attempty to halt the path of the cyclist. 



don simon fbpe replied to Noelieboy | 7 years ago
Noelieboy wrote:

This is exactly my commute home!

30 mins earlier and it probably would've been me being filmed. The traffic on this road backs up for a long way as there are 2 sets of traffic lights in a very short space. On the RHS is a multiuse path for cyclists and pedestrians but this is normally only used by cyclists who are going in the other direction, most cyclists stay on the road when going in the direction that this cyclist is going in.  

What an absolutely idiotic manoeuver by the van driver.  He is obviously annoyed that he’s going to be stuck in traffic for around 20mins and wasn’t happy that a cyclist was going to overtake him.

Those commercial vans all have stickers on them now pointing to the LHS stating how it’s dangerous to undertake, what are you supposed to do???


Don't some van drivers even claim that cyclists should hang back as they cannot be seen? This one had no problems seeing cyclist as was able to use mirrors to great effect.


Anyone cycling around there (except when traffic is crawling) is braver than me, it's bad enough driving.

Rich_cb replied to spen | 7 years ago
spen wrote:

Gift where have I been an apologist for the driver, he's an incompetent idiot but not a psychopathic axe murder!  The fact that you can't properly execute the maneouver he attempted just shows his lack of skill and judgement.


There are frankly far too many people on here far too willing to play the victim.


It's incompetence not malice, get over it.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Realistically what is more likely;

A van driver attempts a rally style overtaking manoeuvre at low speed in a queue of traffic where it doesn't appear possible to overtake.


A van driver acts like a dick.

Answers on a postcard...

nbrus replied to Vehlin | 7 years ago
Vehlin wrote:

I think the driver is on his phone.

As you can see at the end of the video, he's got no left wing mirror, so there's no way he could have seen the cyclist to make an intentional block. What it looks like to me is that he's started accelerating as traffic clears in front of him, as he does this the van drifts off to the left. Which makes me think his left hand isn't on the wheel and putting too much pressure on with the right. 

He then sees a gap in traffic, and goes to overtake the silver car in front of him, without checking his mirror and nearly splats the cyclist.

So my view here is that it's gross incometence coupled with a vehicle that shouldn't be on the road without that other mirror rather than actual malice.

If it were malice then he would be touting his horn and stopping to have an argument, but instead he remains calm, so you may be correct. This may have been a case of poor judgment rather than gross incompetence as everyone makes mistakes and hopefully learns from them. Too many people on here are far to quick to judge. It's much harder driving a van than it is a car as you don't have the benefit of a rear view mirror. He should have taken more care.

nbrus replied to alansmurphy | 7 years ago
alansmurphy wrote:

Like Columbo, I'm back for more. Your defence is that he knows he can't see left of his vehicle so he's trying to give a bit more room to the cyclist down the left. How did he know the cyclist was on his left?

He didn't, but there are cyclists on the cycle path on the right going by at the time he makes this maneouver ... maybe they reminded him that cyclists might also be on the road behind him?

davel replied to CygnusX1 | 7 years ago
CygnusX1 wrote:

Hold on guys, I just need to pop out for some more popcorn...

No need: I've got loads left from the helmet review that never ignited...


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