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Cycling 'slows ageing' – study

Brace yourself for some intervals though

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have found that cycling can reverse the declining ability of our cells to generate energy. They recommend regular high intensity intervals for this, ideally combined with weight training.

The study, reported in the journal Cell Metabolism, involved two groups of volunteers – one aged 18-30 and the other 65-80.

For 12 weeks, both groups were subjected to three different exercise regimes: cycling intervals, strength training with weights, and a combination of the two.

The interval training consisted of three days a week of intervals on an indoor trainer and two days a week walking on a motorised treadmill.

The cycling interval protocol was a 10-minute warm-up followed by four cycles of four-minute intervals at greater than 90% of peak aerobic capacity with three-minute rests (no pedalling load) plus a five-minute cool down. 

The treadmill protocol was a self-selected walking pace (2-4 mph) with a 10-minute warm-up, 45 minutes at incline at 70% peak aerobic capacity and then a five-minute cool down.

“Mitochondrial capacity declines with age, affecting many vital cellular functions,” explained senior author Dr Sreekumaran Nair.

The researchers found that high intensity interval training boosted the ability of the mitochondria within cells to generate energy by 69 per cent in older volunteers, and by 49 per cent in a younger group.

Nair said that resistance training proved more effective at improving muscle strength, which also declines with age, and said a combination of the two approaches — three or four days of interval training followed by a couple of days of strength work — appeared to offer the best rewards.

“But if people have to pick one exercise, I would recommend high-intensity interval training,” he added.

In 2015, a group of researchers from King’s College London and the University of Birmingham found that a group of cyclists over the age of 55 had levels of physiological function that would place them at a much younger age compared to the general population.

The aim of the study was to find out whether it was possible to determine someone's age from a range of physiological measurements.

Senior author Professor Stephen Harridge said that because, “our genetic inheritance stems from a period when high levels of physical activity were the likely norm, being physically active should be considered to play an essential role in maintaining health and wellbeing throughout life.”

French cyclist Robert Marchand sets new Hour Record - at age of 105

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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ibbeebee | 8 years ago
1 like

Wish I had your faith in Helmets to keep me alive. Have you ever looked at theInjury  stats for Holland or Denmark ?


Dnnnnnn | 8 years ago

How did those two at the front survive so long without wearing helmets...?

SingleSpeed replied to Dnnnnnn | 8 years ago

Duncann wrote:

How did those two at the front survive so long without wearing helmets...?


Crap Brakes, Crap Bikes, and couldn't reach 16mph with a tailwind and a dose of la Bomba.

You see, if you don't have the Cajones to take risks and ride quick you don't crash and don't need a Helmet...apparently so the tin foil hat wearers logic goes.

Giles Pargiter replied to SingleSpeed | 8 years ago

SingleSpeed wrote:

Duncann wrote:

How did those two at the front survive so long without wearing helmets...?


Crap Brakes, Crap Bikes, and couldn't reach 16mph with a tailwind and a dose of la Bomba.

You see, if you don't have the Cajones to take risks and ride quick you don't crash and don't need a Helmet...apparently so the tin foil hat wearers logic goes.

Less of your crap young wippersnapper; great bikes; lightweight robust all round bikes, tested for years (probably)- and still in front.

Got to watch out for all these "fashionista bicycle industry victims" who spend thousands on plastic frames and electric gears to deflect from their own lack of nitty gritty capabilities.

tritecommentbot replied to Dnnnnnn | 8 years ago

Duncann wrote:

How did those two at the front survive so long without wearing helmets...?


Legend has it this was the last time they were seen alive 

SingleSpeed | 8 years ago

I had to check my browser that Road.CC hadn't been taken over by the CTC when I saw that image.

mike the bike | 8 years ago
1 like


The second guy in the photo has got to be 106 so how was his ageing slowed?

davel replied to mike the bike | 8 years ago

mike the bike wrote:


The second guy in the photo has got to be 106 so how was his ageing slowed?

He was 110 when he started riding.

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Someone got dropped on their commute today methinks enlightened

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Intervals twice a day son. Gonna be last man standing.

CygnusX1 replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

Intervals twice a day son. Gonna be last man standing.

Sounds like the regular commute with some SCR* shennanigans thrown in - sprint to the lights.

* Silly Commuter Racing

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