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Petition demanding cyclists be licensed, taxed & insured rewritten after catalogue of mistakes pointed out

"The public roads used by motor vehicles are becoming unsafe to use due to one particular community that feel they are eligible to cycle on public UK roads," claims motorist...

A motorist who began a petition calling on cyclists to be licensed and insured and pay ‘Road Tax’ has rewritten the text of it after inaccuracies were pointed out to him including that the term hasn’t existed since the 1930s, as well as other errors.

Many also highlighted that even if cyclists were subject to Vehicle Excise Duty VED), they would be zero-rated just as the least polluting motor vehicles are, and would therefore have to pay nothing.

Posted by Owen McDermott to the website two months ago it is addressed to Prime Minister Theresa May and, for some reason, her predecessor, David Cameron, whom she replaced in July, and who is no longer a Member of Parliament.

The original title was “Cyclists to hold insurance and pay road tax to use public UK roads,” but those words in bold have since been removed and the text of the petition amended to delete any reference to “road tax.”

That, as cycling journalist and author Carlton Reid points out on his iPayRoadTax website, was abolished in 1937, since when road building and maintenance has been funded from general taxation.

While reforms due to take effect in 2017 of the VED regime that were announced last year by Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne are due to see money raised ring-fenced to be spend on roads, if subject to VED cyclists would still pay as much as the least polluting cars – nothing.

> Osborne announces VED reforms that will see money raised reserved for road improvements

The petition stood at 6,000 signatures at 11pm yesterday evening but now has more than 23,000, although some signed it because they wanted to point out the errors in it.

Indeed, the most popular comment – with more than 1,000 ‘likes’ at the time of writing – was made yesterday by Martin Golder, who wrote:

I am signing because I want to see this fail miserably. The creator of this petition has no clue about how the system works at all.

Road Tax does not exist! Nobody pays Road Tax. You pay an amount based on the emissions of your vehicle, so, go ahead and push you hilarious petition, as if it 'succeeded', cyclists would still be allowed to ride on the roads and also have to pay £0 in imaginary 'road tax'.

Curiously, the motivation behind the petition being launched is the road safety campaign launched by West Midlands Police in September when the force said that motorists not giving cyclists a safe passing distance – at least 1.5 metres – face prosecution, with a link on the petition’s page to an ITV report on the initiative.

> Close-pass footage has now been used to prosecute 78 drivers, say West Midlands police

It’s not just that reference to “road tax” that has been excised, either – some of the more inflammatory language that appeared in the petition when we first saw it yesterday has also been removed, such as a reference to cyclists and “their chosen 2 wheeled non mechanical death trap,” highlighted in a counter-petition posted yesterday.

McDermott’s petition is now focused on calling for cyclists to be required to have public liability insurance – many of course do, whether through membership of organisations such as British Cycling or Cycling UK, or via their household insurance – as well as calling for compulsory training, although research consistently shows that adult cyclists are more likely than the average population to hold a driving licence.

While the language of the petition has been watered down since yesterday, it’s still clear that McDermott believes cyclists shouldn’t be on the road in the first place. Here is the text as it stood at 5pm on Tuesday 15 November.

The public roads used by motor vehicles are becoming unsafe to use due to one particular community that feel they are eligible to cycle on public UK roads.

A recent video created by the West Midlands police has lead me to creating this petition:

[The petition has a link to this ITV report on Facebook]

Just like having to sit your theory and your practical test to obtain a driving license, Cyclists should have to do the same. What training have they had to use the road safely?

Insurance, if a cyclist throws him/herself into the back of a stationary motor vehicle... Who's to blame? Not the cyclist... The driver of the motor vehicle would have to pay their own excess to repair the damages.

Im not sure on the percentage of how many cyclists die every year due to cycling on the road but if you stick them back on the path in a cycle lane I'm sure a lot more people will survive. 

Since the petition is hosted on the website, unlike ones posted to the UK Government and Parliament website there is no requirement on the Government to respond now it has passed 10,000 signatures, nor would it be considered for debate by the House of Commons Backbench Business Committee should it pass 100,000.

However, in response to a Parliamentary question in June this year, Transport Minister Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon was clear on where the Government stood on the issue of insurance.

“We have no plans to make insurance compulsory for cyclists,” he said. “We encourage all cyclists to take out some form of insurance. In fact, many cyclists do through membership of cycling organisations, such as Cycling UK.”

Last year, he responded to a question asking whether cyclists should have to undergo a test and be licenced by saying: “We consider that the costs of a formal testing and licensing system for cyclists would significantly outweigh the benefits cycling has to the country’s economy, health and environment … It is likely that a licensing system will discourage many existing and potential cyclists, leading to a dramatic fall in the numbers of people cycling.”

The minister added: Around 80 per cent of adult cyclists also hold driving licenses, meaning that the majority of cyclists on the road have already been tested on operating safely in different road and traffic conditions.

"Furthermore, the safety case for a testing/licensing system is not as strong as that for drivers since, by contrast with motorised vehicles, bicycles involved in collisions on the highway are highly unlikely to cause serious injury to other road users.”

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Ush | 7 years ago

Anyone interested in signing my petition implementing fusion Hammurabic Code / Sharia law for motoring offences?

Kill a cyclist:  get squashed to death by a Range Rover

Using a phone at the wheel:  hands removed

Speeding:  feet removed

Writing bollox petitions:  internet access removed


bikebot replied to Ush | 7 years ago

Ush wrote:

Anyone interested in signing my petition implementing fusion Hammurabic Code / Sharia law for motoring offences?

Kill a cyclist:  get squashed to death by a Range Rover

Using a phone at the wheel:  hands removed

Speeding:  feet removed

Writing bollox petitions:  internet access removed

Mention road tax, boiled in tarmac and made into road.

Grahamd replied to Ush | 7 years ago

Ush wrote:

Anyone interested in signing my petition implementing fusion Hammurabic Code / Sharia law for motoring offences?

Kill a cyclist:  get squashed to death by a Range Rover

Using a phone at the wheel:  hands removed

Speeding:  feet removed

Writing bollox petitions:  internet access removed



Amputation from the neck down, far more efficient.

Morat | 7 years ago

Driving licenses should include bicycles by default. There's only one Highway Code and I don't think anyone could realistically argue that a bicycle is difficult to operate.

If any cyclists without a driving license want to prove their "right to ride" on the roads they could always take a theory test, but it should no way be made compulsory.

I think insurance is generally a good idea, but compulsory? C'mon, where are the stats to show that uninsured cyclists cause enough damage to force the government to compel cyclists to get insurance?

VED takes care of itself due to zero emmissions, as discussed.


Not a lot of thought has gone into this petition. The creator is just a twunt, and deserves to be shunned.

Podc | 7 years ago

How can they allow the text of the 'petition' to be amended? I can't even see an edit history? 

I ought to put one up for something worthwhile like feed the hungry, house the homeless, save puppies etc etc and then when I have thousands of supporters, change it to 'I shouldn't have to work and should be given £1,000 per week, index linked, by the undersigned for the rest of my life'. 


brooksby replied to Podc | 7 years ago

Podc wrote:

How can they allow the text of the 'petition' to be amended? I can't even see an edit history? 

I ought to put one up for something worthwhile like feed the hungry, house the homeless, save puppies etc etc and then when I have thousands of supporters, change it to 'I shouldn't have to work and should be given £1,000 per week, index linked, by the undersigned for the rest of my life'. 


I wondered about that: surely if you change the text of your petition then at the very least the number of signatories should reset to zero? Just like I was always told never to sign a blank piece of paper because you never know what someone could print above your signature...

EddyBerckx | 7 years ago

Anyone wanna create a petition to remove motorists from the roads who have no understanding of the Highway Code or the laws of the land? Starting with this guy, obviously 

Yorkshie Whippet | 7 years ago

Maybe this guy needs to talk to the family of the cyclist killed last night in Leeds. Allegedly two drivers were racing and one car flipped into shop fronts. Tax, insurance and training really stopped this crash and the death. 

Yorkshire wallet replied to Yorkshie Whippet | 7 years ago

Yorkshie Whippet wrote:

Maybe this guy needs to talk to the family of the cyclist killed last night in Leeds. Allegedly two drivers were racing and one car flipped into shop fronts. Tax, insurance and training really stopped this crash and the death. 

Terribly sad (as they all are) and also terrible unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I hope the other driver gets the maximum sentence. No doubt we'll have to hear some sob story about how the defendant is now somehow a victim. 

Russell Orgazoid | 7 years ago

LOL. What a thick cunt.

I bet he moans when a bike holds him up (3 seconds),

then moans when one passes him in traffic.

Too slow or too fast? Make your mind up, doofus!

djpalmer32 replied to Russell Orgazoid | 7 years ago
Plasterer's Radio wrote:

LOL. What a thick cunt.

I bet he moans when a bike holds him up (3 seconds),

then moans when one passes him in traffic.

Too slow or too fast? Make your mind up, doofus!

Who moderates these comments. Language like this is totally inappropriate for a site that is used by all.

shay cycles replied to djpalmer32 | 7 years ago

djpalmer32 wrote:

Who moderates these comments. Language like this is totally inappropriate for a site that is used by all.

Couldn't agree more!

Just added a topic on the Forum here on on this issue and would welcome comments.

PaulBox replied to shay cycles | 7 years ago

shay cycles wrote:

djpalmer32 wrote:

Who moderates these comments. Language like this is totally inappropriate for a site that is used by all.

Couldn't agree more!

Just added a topic on the Forum here on on this issue and would welcome comments.

A petition to introduce censorship on internet forums?

It's only a word.

Jimnm replied to PaulBox | 7 years ago

PaulBox wrote:

shay cycles wrote:

djpalmer32 wrote:

Who moderates these comments. Language like this is totally inappropriate for a site that is used by all.

Couldn't agree more!

Just added a topic on the Forum here on on this issue and would welcome comments.

A petition to introduce censorship on internet forums?

It's only a word.

as if we haven't enough political correctness in our lives,  persons on this site want us to mind or Ps And Qs  if your offended by swear words sorry, on behalf of all blasphemers.

I think that most drivers need patience training and learn that 20s plenty n 40s naughty. How many cars do you see on our roads with just on person. Seems a little extravagant to me, especially for short journeys.

How many drivers do you see that get out of a car and can hardly walk! The car contributes to bad health due to laziness.

I did well there and never used one swear word haha !!  

burtthebike | 7 years ago

So another illiterate, illogical, ignorant driver wants to ban cyclists because of the danger they cause.  Staggering that someone who has apparently passed a test and should have read the HC is quite so stupid, and clearly they shouldn't be allowed to drive something that kills and maims thousands of people a year.

ChrisB200SX | 7 years ago

Former Prime Minister Theresa May? Has she thrown the towel in already over Article 50?

handlebarcam replied to ChrisB200SX | 7 years ago

Podc wrote:

How can they allow the text of the 'petition' to be amended? I can't even see an edit history? 

I ought to put one up for something worthwhile like feed the hungry, house the homeless, save puppies etc etc and then when I have thousands of supporters, change it to 'I shouldn't have to work and should be given £1,000 per week, index linked, by the undersigned for the rest of my life'.

It's almost as if petitions are bollocks. Online ones doubly so. For-profit US-based ones triply so.

ChrisB200SX wrote:

Former Prime Minister Theresa May? Has she thrown the towel in already over Article 50?

Yes, haven't you heard, Joey Essex is going to be PM.


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