A photo of naked bike riders on exhibition in Brighton railway station has been removed following complaints over its appropriateness.
Photographer Danny Fitzpatrick, from Brighton and of photography company dfphotography, was asked by station officials to remove the photo after one passer-by complained.
Despite his protests that the photo was "only a couple of bums," Mr Fitzpatrick agreed to remove the photo after a conversation with the station wherein he discovered that the complainant was trying to protect their children.
Mr. Fitzpatrick jumped to the defense of the photo saying that his kids love it. He said: "My little boy wants it in his bedroom but I'm not going to allow that."
The Brighton photographer went on to express his disappointment in having to take the photo down when he spoke to Brighton newspaper The Argus:
"It's a shame someone found it offensive. It's only a couple of bums but the station has to look after its customers.
"The station phoned me quite apologetic and said unfortunately we have had a complaint so it can't stay.
"As soon as she started the conversation I knew it was going to be about that picture.
Brighton isn't a town known for its prudishness, or for censoring the bums of bike riders. The World Naked Bike Ride has been coming to the south coast since 2006; it was one of the first UK cities to welcome the World Naked Bike Ride onto its streets, alongside York and Manchester, in June of that year.
Yet that welcome does not appear to extend to photographs of the event.
The station initially gave the go-ahead to Mr Fitzpatrick's photograph, saying that because the bike ride goes on in the city, they wouldn't have a problem with it.
The father of two, Mr Fitzpatrick, said that he put the complaint down to the large amount of attention the photograph garnered.
"I was very careful," he said. "Apart from two bums there's no explicit nudity in there.
"I hoped that people would have been OK with it but these things happen.
"The station have been really good to me and are just responding to customer complaints so it's fine by me."
The Argus got in touch with Brighton railway station for comment. They responded by saying: "We received a complaint that the image was not suitable for children to be seeing, so we contacted the artist and requested its removal."
This isn't the first time that a naked bike rider taking part in one of these events has drawn complaints, though it may be the first time a photo has caused more of a stir than real life, flesh and bones, naked bike riders.
Back in May last year a gentleman taking part in the Canterbury World Naked Bike Ride was asked to put his trousers back on and leave the event after getting a little "overexcited."
We're all in support of events like the World Naked Bike Ride here at road.cc, as long as everyone keeps their cool.
But, as we discovered this week, if you're not taking part in an officially sanctioned event it could cause all sorts of problems if you decide to head out skin-to-saddle.
Just ask the residents of Suffolk village Crowfield, who went on a manhunt for a naked-but-for-a-helmet bike rider last weekend.
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Proper picture is now displayed for this story. And yes my kids find the picture hilarious too... One wants it in his bedroom
Proper picture is now displayed for this story. And yes my kids find the picture hilarious too... One wants it in his bedroom
How did the photographer know that the two people in the photo were homeless?
If you look at the actual photo complained about (linked in the story)
you will see it was more likely a homphobic person using a made-up child's objection to complain. Nice to see, though, that even Brighton is more American than European (oh how they must laugh)
If they don't like it they should stay out of Brighton
Nothing wrong with public nudity unless Rule #5 happens
Tsk, some people have a cheek.
But what about Rule 7?
well I guess they adhered to rule #78
Rule #95.
Rail companies are remarkably quick to act when the complaint, singular, can be resolved by removing a few tacks and lifting a poster down off a wall. Sadly, they've utterly failed to provide an efficient, comfortable, reliable and cheap public transportation service, despite billions of pounds of subsidy and probably hundreds of thousands of complaints over the twenty years since privatisation.
I know for a fact that my 7yr old would think this photo is hilarious. Nothing is funnier to a small boy than a bare bum ( unless it's 3 bare bums!)
The perception that nakedness is morally offensive is taught and quite possibly counter productive. New Scientist reports that conservatives (with a small "c") are the biggest consumers of porn. By contrast, naked sunbathing in public parks is not uncommon in Germany and their children are none to worse for it.
It's my aquired Anglo-Saxon prudishness and the thought of falling off my bike in the nude that would stop me from joining such an event, but banning it on the grounds of morality is absurd.
When you fall off a bike a bit of lycra over your nudeness doesn't protect you much (gloves possibly excepted). It's just more expensive
You know the type. Sex is bad kids then they get caught fiddling the altar boys.
"One person" will complain about literally anything. If it was 100 complaints, there might be grounds for taking the picture down, but one... Please.
So if 2 people complained it was taken down will they put it back up?
To protect their children? Really? I suspect it's the parents that are the prudish ones. I wish people wouldn't use their children as cover for their own insecurities. Children are born naked and love to run around naked. At worst they'd find that photo funny, not offsensive.
Totally agree. We used to have to bribe my son to get dressed, when he was little. He's 11 now, and we'll still send him to go get dressed, go upstairs fifteen minutes later to find him playing with Lego in his room in the nude
Its a shame you didn't use the actual photo in question. although the credit is for a different photographer no one would notice that and simply see 3 bums on the beach.
I actually count three bums there, mr fitzpatrick
Let's hope the complainant never takes a proper look at the Victoria monument right outside Buckingham Palace; they really won't be happy at all!