At first glance this multi-purpose women's jersey looks ideal for summer cycling with its rear pockets, high collar to keep the sun off and drawstring waist tie to flatter the female figure. But look a bit closer and there's capacity for an, erm, unusual accessory: a concealed pocket for a handgun.
"Only in America" you're probably thinking, and you're right. Manufacturer Concealed Carrie specialises in fashionable handbags designed to make it easy to tote a handgun. This is their answer to the problem of packing heat while cycling, walking or running.

The makers says: "The Concealed Carrie Athletic Top is for women who want the opportunity to protect and defend themselves while enjoying the great outdoors."
As well as the obvious pockets there are Velcro lined, ambidextrous concealed carry pockets below the breast bone. Concealed Carrie says these allow "for free range of motion, safely and securely store a handgun, Taser, pepper spray or similar self-defense product".
A compact firearm is recommended, the company says. Well, yes. Dirty Harry's Smith & Wesson isn't going to be exactly inconspicuous.
Carrying a handgun so you can retaliate when threatened on the roads has a certain attraction, but it's not wthout its risks.
Earlier this month a man in St. Petersburg, Florida accidentally shot himself dead while riding a bike. Troy Earl Smith was found by a bystander who called police after seeing him fall from his bike.
St. Petersburg Police spokesperson Michael Puetz told that Smith did not have a permit for the .38 he was carrying in his jacket, and police did not know why he had the gun.
The gun was fired while still inside Smith's jacket, which could indicate he was reaching for his cell phone or some other item in the same pocket, Puetz said.
Puetz told that what Smith did “wasn’t the safest methodology” for carrying a gun and advises against pocket carrying.
The Concealed Carrie Athletic Top - tagline 'Stay active and protected' - comes with a removable, adjustable holster, which Officer Puetz might approve of.
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That's the logic of mutually assured destruction.
I suppose it works until one day when someone does pull a gun, then there is a shootout and they all die or run out of bullets.
My wife who studied in Houston told me that a Texas Ranger told her 'You shouldn't be in Texas if you don't carry a gun'!
Guns and bikes...well, I remember not so long ago a car coming up by the side of me as I was climbing a 7% hill, and grabbed my saddle and I hit the deck. If I'd have been riding with Carrie, we'd have solved that one right there and then.
Re: questions about whether carrying a concealed weapon is allowed in the US, All 50 sates allow people to carry concealed firearms. I think all but one require a permit but the process for most states falls in to the "shall issue" category. This means that getting a permit is subject only to meeting some minimum criteria laid out in the law; the state has no discretion in issuing the licenses if the criteria are met, and there is no need for the person applying to prove they have a particular need to carry a concealed weapon.
In other words, when visiting the US there may be far more guns around than you will ever know about, unless you are having a very bad day.
some states have a concealed carry law, but you have to have a permit.
Actually ALL 50 states have some sort of law allowing concealed carry. Vermont is the original Constitutional Carry state and has never required a permit to carry concealed or otherwise. Another 5-6 states now -allow- concealed carry without a permit, yet still offer a permit that may be recognized in some other states.
Personally I often carry one loaded with ratshot for the dogs of irresponsible owners that allow them to assault cyclist. It provides immediate feedback and Once peppered with it, they rarely ever come into the road again. IF they keep out of the road, I'm cool.
"Personally I often carry one loaded with ratshot for the dogs of irresponsible owners that allow them to assault cyclist. It provides immediate feedback and Once peppered with it, they rarely ever come into the road again. "
Many people use a pepper like spray and achieve the same result.
It differs from state to state and county to county.
The more people that carry their gun around, the more people will end up killing themselves doing it, and thus the gene pool will become much higher quality.
So I'm all for it.
Not necessarily true, since society is finding other ways to nullify Darwinism... Putting seatbelts in cars, creating vaccines for diseases, requiring motorcyclists wear helmets, etc. It's all cheating death.
There's an [unfortunate] reason people like Kardashians are still wasting our precious oxygen.