Right, we’ve waded through the 1220 comments you left about what you like most about autumn cycling which included having to read POEMS (note to self, never, ever, ever ask people to do that again) but the psychic trauma has been worth it. We have a winner… and because the standard of entries was so high a couple of bonus runners up too who will be getting some roadcc socks.
Our Vulpine Schwag Grab podium is filled by the speakers of two universal cycling truths and one rather personal truth.
Almost but not quite for robbiezhaorobbiezhao for masterful use of the sympathy card with “The cold rivals that of the heart of my wife” - until you realise that it’s not really that cold at this time of the year, even in East Anglia. (Maybe we should send her some socks too.)
Socks also for tells-it-like-it-is “I just love wearing tights” from wrevilo but somehow it lacks the poe… magic of our winner the tells it like it even more is:
“Shining torch through the fog/mist whilst making light saber noises. Obviously…” by Mattclimb
Yep, that's autumn!
Our winner and runners up have been informed - those who posted poems about nature’s paintbrush turning the trees the colours of their fave beige Vulpine shorts - your names are on a list. First offence, but don’t push it eh.
Thanks to Vulpine for a fab competition, thanks to all of you who entered, commiserations to the 1219 of you that didn’t win, but there WILL be another schwag grab along soon.
The whole caboodle is worth more than £500 (£502 to be precise) and includes Vulpine’s:
Original Rain Jacket
Cotton rain trousers
Long Sleeve Merino T-shirt/base layer
Padded Merino Boxer/Boyshorts
Storm Cap
Dogtooth Merino Silk Socks
We’ll pick the lucky winner next Monday, usual Schwag Grab rules apply.
You can find out more about Vulpine's autmn/winter range at www.vulpine.cc
Good luck!
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Fresh air and not quite so much sweat in the eyes!
Vulpine autumnal goodness!
Less sweat, less water bottles and more kms!
Cold early morning air and dry, crisp leaves. Perfect.
Getting out of the house away from the family, same as any other time of year.
No need to hang up your cycle now that autumn is here. Just layer up with the right clothing and hit the empty back roads. In summer the days are brighter and warmer, but in the autumn the air is crisper, the colours more vibrant and the ride more exhilarating.
Oh ear. It's turbo time. I want to cry
You get to wear more gear! winter weather requires kit giving great performance and style, thanks Vulpine
Cycling in the chilled morning air provides a warm glow to my cheeks and a feel good factor for the rest of the day
lovely watching the smoke rise off the river on the way to work in the mornings now
Sunrise on a crispy morning, light mist clinging to the Yorkshire landscape, and a bike... I can't think of a better way of starting an autumnal day!
lazy sunday rides when the air is crisp and fresh, the towpath is your own as you take that first deep breath, crisp golden leaves and puddles on the path and the pub all warm and welcoming with a fire in the hearth
lazy sunday rides when the air is crisp and fresh, the towpath is your own as you take that first deep breath, crisp golden leaves and puddles on the path and the pub all warm and welcoming with a fire in the hearth
lazy sunday rides when the air is crisp and fresh, the towpath is your own as you take that first deep breath, crisp golden leaves and puddles on the path and the pub all warm and welcoming with a fire in the hearth
Same as every other season-saving a few quid on petrol and gaining smugness points on my car commuting colleagues!! And all the poetic stuff about mists and mellow fruitfulness above!!
I love starting out on a commute when it's cold, your breath is condensing in front of you and you think shorts were a mistake. And then after a few minutes riding, you're toastie!
Heading out in the cold/rain and realising you made the perfect kit choice!
Truly fresh air,
Heart pumping,
Good legs,
Rain don't matter,
Favourite thing(s)
Getting the chance to wear the excellent vulpine kit I will win.
Laughing in disgust at the diminishing numbers of summer commuters.
Empty lanes on a crisp early morning.
I missed this summer through illness. I hope autumn is going to be better.
Autumn is great for rides out into the countryside for coffee and cake !
Cool misty early mornings that can either burst into sunny Sundays or murky Mondays.
Racing the sunset on my evening commute, feeling the cool Air as you rush downhill
Hot legs and cold knees
I absolutely love & cherish the good 'ol UK Autumn for riding due the crispness of the morning's / evening plus the damp downpours to keep ya cool after the bright ray's of sunshine are cooking you up.....Fantastic commuting weather me thinks.
Really. How twee. How about sitting at home on a cold and frosty morning selling some over priced tat on eBay that you happened to win in a competition.
Autumn cycling: Not too hot and not too cold, and generally dry! Occasionally chilli starts, but a satisfying finish.
Lucky to be having one of the best autumns for cycling that I can remember!