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Paul Kimmage Defense Fund

I see a fund has opened to help Kimmage defend himself against the UCI:

He's also started tweeting as @PaulKimmage

I think this may now go somewhere the UCI had no intention of it going. Let's hope so!

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dave atkinson | 11 years ago

won't be free if he actually has to cough up for legal bills. which given past form he'd be perfectly happy to do

Gkam84 | 11 years ago

That's true and I'm sure he would. But hopefully the fund's case can be at least part sorted out soon

_SiD_ | 11 years ago

The Cycling Ireland EGM voted 91 - 74 against nominating Pat McQuaid for a 3rd term as president of the UCI.

McQuaid can still seek nomination via the Swiss federation and is expected now to do so.
Brian Cookson has also mounted a counter campaign to McQuaids for president if the UCI.
McQuaid is far from done - a very savvy operator, well connected he has already fired a shot across Cookson's bow accusing him of being 'a pawn in a larger game'.

At present, even after the rejection by his national federation, McQuaid is still odds on to win a 3rd term.

However, David Walsh revealed today via twitter that:
"Plant is US delegate, VP of Atlanta Braves, also on UCI's MC. He hired investigators, brought his report to meeting, dropped it like a bomb."
In relation to Mike Plant (UCI management committee member) presenting a 'document' in a UCI meeting in Norway over the weekend revealing sensitive information re: Pat McQuaid relationship in the Armstrong affair. He suggests the document might be leaked to force McQuaid to stand down.

More on today's EGM.

More will undoubtedly follow.

bashthebox | 11 years ago

That McQuaid can even be allowed to stand for election after presiding over the most sordid episode in cycling's history just boggles the mind. The man has no shame; but then that's hardly a surprise. You don't get to the top of a fetid shitheap without becoming utterly dirty.

_SiD_ | 10 years ago

And finally, almost a year to the day this topic began, Pat McQuaid has lost the election to become UCI president for the 3rd time, beaten 24-18 by Brian Cookson.

I'd argue that if he hadn't sued Kimmage things would not have come to this.

The decision by Cycling Ireland not to nominate McQuaid was directly influenced by McQuaid's legal action against Kimmage. Cycling Ireland's decision not to nominate McQuaid, albeit after an EGM, severely discredited McQuaid on the international stage and led him to seek nomination from other countries (Swizerland, Morroco etc), further dragging the whole election and more importantly McQuaid himself into a rather unedifying situation.
Cookson's canditure looked polished and more importantly lawful in comparison.

No doubt McQuaid will be thrown some bone to keep him quiet - Kimmage on the other had has already started to rile against Cookson accusing him of having the 'backbone of a jellyfish'.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

And in a final, comical twist - Aaron Brown (@UCI_overlord) one of the instigators of the Kimmage fund (before he scarpered with it) was seen at the UCI congress today seemingly as an advisor to Pat McQuaid.

I await the documentary - if there is one it'll be fascinating.

_SiD_ | 10 years ago

And on it goes.
The saga started by ex-UCI President, Pat mcQuaid, rumbles on.
Aaron Brown, who has been accused of absconding with the initial fund and was reported to be seen by McQuaid 'side' at the recent election, has set up a 'refund fund' in an attempt to return the money to the initial donors and restore his reputation.

Kimmage has welcomed 'any attempt' to repay the donors.
Lots seem skeptical and rather reluctant to submit rather personal details to Brown.

Money is to be returned at the start of 2014.

dave atkinson replied to _SiD_ | 10 years ago
_SiD_ wrote:

And on it goes.
The saga started by ex-UCI President, Pat mcQuaid, rumbles on.
Aaron Brown, who has been accused of absconding with the initial fund and was reported to be seen by McQuaid 'side' at the recent election, has set up a 'refund fund' in an attempt to return the money to the initial donors and restore his reputation.

Kimmage has welcomed 'any attempt' to repay the donors.
Lots seem skeptical and rather reluctant to submit rather personal details to Brown.

Money is to be returned at the start of 2014.

he's in charge of the paypal account and therefore has the transaction details already.

so if he wants to refund the money, what's stopping him?

_SiD_ | 10 years ago


as far as I can gather the original account was closed and all the details with it.
So it might explain the need for the Paypal ID and the email.
I assume he intends working off a spreadsheet downloaded before the account was deleted.
What do I know?

Gkam84 | 10 years ago

Its not there, I can see what he's doing.

He's hoping that only a percentage will trust him with their details again. Say 25% of donors request a refund. He'll have to cover $16k.....He might have that left.

He's saying its been checked over by accountants and lawyers, well I think those details need to be given to everyone. Scanned documents or some sort of release from those who have checked it over.

Its VERY dodgy and even Kimmage is suggesting NOT to get involved with this until the money is in trust somewhere that is neutral and away from Brown

_SiD_ | 10 years ago

Cookson drops legal action against Kimmage.

And with that I think I can say case and the thread are now closed.

Thank you and good night.


James Warrener | 10 years ago

After the Lance film we now have enough material for another cycling thriller.

Very odd.

_SiD_ | 7 years ago

4 years after the initial case against Kimmage started he was found liable for 12,000 Swiss francs (€10,900) to the UCI, Verbruggen and McQuaid + costs.

That seems to be that. Not sure who's forking out but since the fund is still missing it looks like Kimmage himself will pick up the tab. The book he could spin out of the whole affair would probably cover it… and then some.

Does anyone really care anymore? Probably not, I know I certainly dont. Has it changed anything in pro cycling?  Obviously not.

McQuaid is gone and Kimmage is back in gainful employment. My guess is that would be a result for the majority of the 1000s who 'invested' money in the fund. I got good value from my token donation, no complaints.



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